Eternal Supreme

Chapter 585

"What a strong spiritual power!"

When Ye Qianran fully touched the spiritual power, his expression was completely shocked at this moment.

The spiritual power contained in the source is too terrifying. Is this the source of the elves' inheritance for such a long time?

Anya looked a little calmer now... But with the burst of original power, Anya bit her lips tightly, and then a pair of wings stuck on her back.

And Ye Qianran gasped for breath at this time, and began to fuse, and at the moment of his fusion, huge spiritual power instantly poured into his body, his body trembled, and his mind became blank again...

Bai Bingbing's body backed away, because the spiritual power surging from the original spiritual power was too strong.

The little mink beast also retreated with Bai Bingbing, the same astonishment in its nimble eyes, maybe it never thought that this source would be so powerful when it burst out.

It lasted for a long time, and the surging spiritual power dissipated at this time. When Bai Bingbing looked up again, he found a huge green light group that enveloped the two of them, and then floated out.

Seeing such a scene, Ansha couldn't help trembling in her heart. She still underestimated, underestimating the origin of the elves for generations.

So at this moment, worry appeared on her face, can the two be fully integrated?

And according to this situation, even if they want to stop it, I'm afraid it won't work...

The elders who were present were also staring closely at what they were worried about confiding at this time...

After a while, both the elder and Ansha stood up, because they had done what they had to do, and the rest needed to be faced together by the two of them. Although they were worried, their expressions were more like expect.

"According to the level of spiritual power, the fusion will take at least four to seven days. From now on, two people will supervise it every day!" Ansha looked up at the huge green light group and said slowly, because this time to open the four mysterious seals here, They also used up a lot of power, so even if there is a problem now, it is difficult to organize them based on their current state.

So the only thing that can be done now is to recover quickly, and then restore everything to its proper state in a short time.

The elders present naturally had no objections.

At this time, Ansha and an elder chose to stay, while the rest of the elders chose to leave at this time.

At this time, Bai Bingbing walked in, her face was full of worry, she looked at Ansha and said, "Are they all right?"

"Do not worry!"

Ansha said it with a smile after hearing this, but even though he said so, his heart was also suspended, because she didn't have the slightest certainty, but it was fine for her to worry, there was no need for Bai Bingbing to worry too.

After Bai Bingbing heard Ansha's words, his expression was indeed relaxed at this time, and then he looked at the light ball and waited patiently.

As time passed, Bai Bingbing hardly left, and so did Ansha. Her recovery from cultivation was also completed at this time.

Five days later, the elders present gathered again, their gazes fell on the ball of light with surprise, what's going on, now that so much time has passed, why is there still no movement? But they can also be sure of one thing, that is, the two of them should be living in peace now. After all, after such a long time, the light group has remained stable, and it is not difficult to guess from this.

"Looking at it this way, it should take another two days!" Ansha spoke slowly with a slightly strange expression, but once she looked completely relieved, her anticipation deepened.

In the light group, Ye Qianran closed his eyes, but his consciousness began to wake up at this time. At this time, he felt comfortable all over his body. He could feel the strong spiritual power in his body, and the spiritual power was still there. Transmitted in his body.

The other is the feeling of the body. He felt that his arms were very soft and comfortable to hold, so in this state, he did not open his eyes, and continued to immerse himself, merging...

One day passed again, and Ye Qianran woke up again at this time, he could feel the slow transmission of the surrounding spiritual power at this time, at this time he deliberately felt it again, and found that there was a green sphere in his body Jiedan, this should be the origin of elves, right?

When the look of surprise appeared, Ye Qianran's body also moved. At this moment, he slowly opened his eyes. At this moment, he saw a woman leaning in his arms, fully covered.

The woman is very beautiful, and the same beauty is suffocating. Although her eyes are closed, she reveals her pure temperament.

"Who is she?" Ye Qianran blinked, doubts appeared on his face, he didn't remember such a woman? What about Anya?

When his face was full of curiosity, the body of the woman in his arms also moved, her beautiful brows were slightly frowned, and then a pair of eyes slowly opened.

Those were a pair of green eyes, still like emeralds, and they gave him a very familiar feeling.

Ye Qianran was stunned, and the woman's eyes fluctuated a little, first confused, then a little blurred, and finally became clear, her eyes fell on Ye Qianran's body and face.

"Husband..." The woman was stunned, with a smile on her face.


After Ye Qianran came back to his senses, he was stunned there, his face was full of disbelief, the woman in his arms was Anya, wait? At this time, he suddenly thought of what Ansha once told him, after merging the source, he will see a different Anya...

But this...isn't it beautiful? Like a fairy...

"You are Anya?" Ye Qianran couldn't help but say it, because he was really just too sure.

"En!" Anya nodded slightly, and then felt the strength of the two hugging each other, her face began to flush, and she looked more beautiful for a while.

Ye Qianran was stunned. Anya's changes are too great, right? If he was still an elf before, then the youthfulness disappeared now, and what appeared in front of his eyes was a grown woman. In addition, he could clearly understand that Anya's figure had also completely changed.

The overall height has grown a lot, and the convex and warped parts are also warped up...

Anya blinked her eyes at this time, then closed her eyes again, and leaned against Ye Qianran's chest, while the surrounding spiritual power was still surging, at this moment an extremely ethereal voice sounded: "Thank you, my lord!"

After hearing this, Ye Qianran showed doubts on his face, and at this moment Anya said again: "If you hadn't taken on most of the origin, my body would definitely not be able to bear it." In the beginning, it turned out to be a quick kiss on Ye Qianran's face...

Ye Qianran was stunned, her heartbeat accelerated instantly...

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