Eternal Supreme

Chapter 601

As time passed, Sophie woke up slowly.

Is she not dead yet?

This was Sophie's first thought when she woke up, and at this moment she felt very warm, and that warmth made her very comfortable. She twisted her body, raised her head, and her red eyes fell on Ye Qianran's. on the face.

The red eyes floated again, after biting her lower lip tightly, she found an extremely comfortable position, and leaned against Ye Qianran's arms to rest again, and soon she fell asleep in the warmth...

Sophie woke up early the next day, but the warm feeling didn't make her open her eyes, so she leaned on it for a long time again.

About an hour later, Sophie got out of Ye Qianran's arms. Only then did she realize that she was wearing a loose dress. Clothes, his face flushed instantly.

Biting her lower lip and looking at Ye Qianran, a lot of anger surfaced, but she also knew that Ye Qianran did this for his own good, so in the end, the anger also subsided.

Looking around, when he found that his clothes were hanging on the branches, he also took them and put them on.

At this time, she looked at Ye Qianran from time to time, a little worried that Ye Qianran would suddenly open her eyes, but after she got dressed, she found that Ye Qianran was still lying there without moving.

Doubt emerged, he stretched out his small hand and patted Ye Qianran's body: "Brother..."

After the voice fell, Ye Qianran still didn't move, but she could feel that Ye Qianran was still alive. At that moment, she was full of redness, and her right hand was on Ye Qianran's body. At this moment, she froze for a while, feeling that Ye Qianran's whole body In the very tired range.

Her eyes fluttered, and now she first came up with an idea, that is, she can kill Ye Qianran now, and then leave with three heavenly weapons.

Immediately, she spread her right hand, revealing fierce spiritual power at this moment, but at this moment, her expression showed hesitation again, and her expression appeared unbearable, and the scene in the water appeared in her mind.

At that time, Ye Qianran did not give up on her, and even made her bite her arm... Thinking of this, he glanced at Ye Qianran's arm, found the imprint, and bit his lips tightly again. The red glow subsided at this time, but soon the little face flushed again.

In the end, he sighed softly, and the spiritual power bloomed at this moment, pouring into Ye Qianran's body...

That night, Sophie saw that although Ye Qianran did not wake up, but the situation was much better than before, she was relieved at the moment, looked up at the sky, then hesitated, got into Ye Qianran's arms, Close your eyes and rest again.

Ye Qianran woke up in a daze, and it was already the second day. Although his body was sore at this time, it was not too uncomfortable, at least it was much more comfortable than before.

"Is it dawn?"

Ye Qianran looked at the newborn sun and breathed a sigh of relief. At this time, he also quickly thought of Sophie, and turned his head to look quickly. When he saw Sophie resting in his arms, he breathed a sigh of relief and stretched out his hand Gently stroked the red hair, fortunately this little girl is fine...

At this time, Sophie frowned, twisted her body, and rested again...

Seeing the cute appearance of Sophie and Ye Qianran, he couldn't help but smile instantly, but at this moment he thought of Guoguo's cute girl again, how is that girl doing now?

While he was thinking, Sophie moved her body and opened her eyes. When she opened her eyes, she also wanted to see if Ye Qianran had woken up. When she saw Ye Qianran looking at him with a smile When she saw her, her heartbeat accelerated, and she immediately said, "You're awake!"

Perhaps she didn't even pay attention to it, but her face was full of joy at this time.

"Well, wake up!"

Ye Qianran smiled, pinched Sophie's little cheek and said, "I've been in a coma for a few days? It should be you, the little girl, who took care of me, right?"

Sophie had a slightly strange expression, then nodded slightly.

Ye Qianran sat up with Sophie at this moment, and just when she was about to speak, Sophie said, "Brother, why didn't you give up on me then?"

"What did the silly girl say!"

After hearing this, Ye Qianran patted Sophie on the head and said, "Hey, is your brother that kind of person I am!" Said wow, spread out his left hand, two fruits appeared in his hand, handed one to Sophie and said: " Let's eat some. After eating, let's go to Tianluo Palace as soon as possible. Bingbing must be very worried now.

"En!" Sophie nodded, looked at the fruit in her hand, and opened her mouth to eat.

After eating, Ye Qianran pulled Sophie to stand up, stretched her waist and said: "If you survive a catastrophe, you will have a future!" He gently rubbed Sophie's head and said: " When Feifei grows up, she will definitely be able to marry someone as handsome as my brother!"

Sophie was taken aback, her face turned rosy, and she didn't know whether to laugh or get angry. How could anyone praise herself like this? But being rubbed by Qianran's hair, I used to hate it, but now I don't know if it's because I'm used to it, but now I really like Ye Qianran's action.

"Okay, since that's the case, it's time for us to go!"

Ye Qianran hugged Sophie in his arms again, looked up, his body jumped out at this moment, at the same time, Xiao Hei got out from his back, drew a beautiful arc, and came to Ye Qianran feet.

According to his speculation, this place should be near Tianluo City. After all, the spiritual power activated by one person, even with the assistance of the crystal core, might not be able to travel too far, right?

And Sophie looked at the strange glow of the spirit pearl below her and confided again, thinking that she should not kill Ye Qianran now, and wait for a while, anyway, there are plenty of her now, right?

Just as Ye Qianran thought, it's not too far from Tianluo City. After he lifted off, he saw the city from a distance through his phoenix eyes. When the corner of his mouth was raised, he hugged Sophie tightly. Xiao Hei galloped out crazily at this moment.

After more than ten minutes, the two also came to the sky above Tianluo City. At this moment, a smile appeared, and then they looked at Sophie in his arms and said, "Have you ever played bungee jumping?"

"Huh?" Sophie was puzzled when she heard that.

Ye Qianran smiled, and jumped down from the sky, and Xiao Hei also caught up with Ye Qianran's body in a graceful arc at this time, and then sank into the scabbard.

The whistling wind passed by her ears, and Sophie saw that she was falling rapidly, so she had nothing to worry about, but she had never played in such a situation, so she thought it was quite interesting for a while.

The distance was getting closer and closer. When Sophie thought that Ye Qianran would summon the dzi again, she found that Ye Qianran did not do so. In an instant, the green light surged, and then there was a bang, and a pair of huge The wings spread out in an instant...

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