Eternal Supreme

Chapter 602

"This is……"

Sophie was stunned, and looked up, with a look of disbelief on her face.

"Hey, let's have fun!"

Ye Qianran looked at Sophie's appearance and smiled. A pair of wings trembled at this moment, and her body glides down. When it fell, it also landed at the gate of Tianluo Palace. At this time, the pair of wings It also dissipated at this time.

Looking back at the sideways gazes around him, he didn't care, and walked towards Tianluo Palace with the corners of his mouth raised.

When they came inside, the guards were stunned when they saw the two, and then they were pleasantly surprised, inviting Ye Qianran to come in quickly.

When they came to Yang Yi's door, the guard knocked on the door, and soon the door opened at this time, Yang Yi appeared at the door and said quickly: "How... Hey, Brother Ye, you really came out!"

In fact, after he came out with Bai Bingbing, the first thing he did was to summon the elders and went back to the lava cave, but he didn't find Ye Qianran's voice, and then he saw them appearing from the spirit beast. Judging from the furious appearance, the two should have fled.

"Well, it's okay!" Ye Qianran smiled, and after his words fell, hurried footsteps sounded again, at this time a white shadow also jumped on him first, it was the little mink beast.

At this time, the agile eyes were completely relieved.

Ye Qianran patted the little mink beast's head, then turned his head to look, and found Bai Bingbing walking over. At this moment, he saw the rosy circles of Bai Bingbing's eyes, and knew that this woman must have been worried about him.

After putting Sophie down, Ye Qianran also hugged Bai Bingbing in his arms and said, "Hey, I made you worry, but don't you know my skills?"

Bai Bingbing hugged Ye Qianran tightly with both hands.

In the past two days, she hardly rested, and she was always worried in her heart. Now that Ye Qianran was fine, she was completely relieved.

After the two separated for a long time, Bai Bingbing realized that Sophie's face was still flushed, and she looked a little embarrassed.

"Brother Ye, I'm actually very curious. Since your wife is an Enan poisonous body, why can you still touch it?" Yang Yi asked curiously at this time.

"Hehe, it's because of the sky fire!" Ye Qianran said with a smile.

"Sky fire!"

Yang Yi was shocked, and couldn't help but said: "Could it be that you are the one who spread the fusion of sky fire in that fierce place!"

In fact, he had suspected this a long time ago. After all, it is not such a coincidence to have an Enandu body. Now that he was affirmed by Ye Qianran, his heart was completely shocked.

Ye Qianran nodded with a smile. Anyway, this thing can't be covered with fire. Yang Yi is a smart person, and he will guess it sooner or later. In this case, it's better to be honest now.

After Yang Yi recovered for a long time, his heart was shocked again, and then he invited Ye Qianran to come in, and after sitting down, Yang Yi couldn't help saying: "How did you and this little girl escape? I was When I went with the elders, I found that you are no longer there!"

In fact, he said the latter sentence to express that he is not the kind of perfidious person.

"Jumped into the pool and swam out!" Ye Qianran thought of the scene in the water again at this time, and now he still has lingering fears when he thinks about it, but luckily he and Sophie have nothing to do, thinking, stretched out his hand Sophie stroked her head.

The scene in the water also appeared in Sophie's mind, and she lowered her head with a ruddy face.

"Brother Ye and this little girl are lucky!" Yang Yi knew how long and deep the pool was, but he didn't expect the two to actually get out.

"Hehe!" Ye Qianran smiled, then thought of a question, looked at Yang Yi and said, "By the way, when do you plan to leave for Tiantu?"

"It will take some time! I don't know the details, maybe soon, maybe ten days and a half months..." Yang Yi said.

"Then can I leave for a few days?" Ye Qianran asked curiously at this moment.

In fact, he still wanted to go to Ye's house to see his father's previous family, because after leaving again, he wanted to come back to have a look, and he didn't know when it would be delayed again.

"Yes!" Yang Yi nodded in agreement.

Ye Qianran nodded and said, "By the way, do you know where the Ye family is?"

"Ye Family?" Yang Yi frowned immediately after hearing this, and then said: "The Ye Family was considered a top power before, but because of some things, it has been hidden from the world! But it should still be in the previous position!"

"Where?" Ye Qianran was curious after hearing this.

"It's not too far from Tianluo City, it's about two days away!"

Yang Yidao: "Just southeast of Tianluo City, there is a mountain range with two very high peaks. You can see it when you get there. The Ye family should be on it!"

Ye Qianran was full of surprise. In his opinion, the forces that can be located on the top of the peak are all awesome. It seems that his father's previous family is really not simple. He said immediately: "Then I will go there, it shouldn't be necessary. How long will it take to return!"

"Yes!" Yang Yi agreed, he believed in Ye Qianran's character.

Ye Qianran smiled at this moment and said: "Then let's go tomorrow!" After speaking, a strange light appeared on his expression, and suddenly, he felt anticipation in his heart.

Chatting with Yang Yi again, Ye Qianran hugged Sophie and left Tianluo Palace with Bai Bingbing, and then walked around Tianluo City, and even had a good meal, and suddenly felt comfortable all over... …

And during the three-person turn, two figures reappeared.

"The princess seems to be very happy!"

"Well, I've never seen the princess smile..."

"Yes, the princess is very serious about the task this time, we must work hard."

"Yes, we must work hard!" The cold voice sounded again, and the figures of the two disappeared completely at this time.

At nightfall, Ye Qianran lay comfortably on the bed, and couldn't help exhaling, it still felt so comfortable, and immediately kissed Bai Bingbing's face, then paused, then turned her head to kiss Sophie's face After taking a sip, he said: "Okay, let's rest early, and go to see Ye's house tomorrow!" After speaking, he stretched comfortably and closed his eyes.

Bai Bingbing's face was ruddy at this time, and finally closed her eyes to rest, while Sophie covered the place where Ye Qianran kissed, her small face was also extremely rosy, and her red eyes were full of strangeness, she didn't feel the slightest disgust at this time, but The heartbeat is also accelerating at this time...

The red eyes floated again, and Sophie raised her head to look at Ye Qianran for the last time, and the scene in the water inevitably reappeared in her mind. When her heart beat faster, she bit her lower lip tightly, and finally leaned against Ye Qianran's arms and closed it. Eye……

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