Eternal Supreme

Chapter 618

"Brother Ye, do you know them?"

Inside the restaurant, Yang Yi looked at Ye Qianran curiously and asked.

"Well, I know you!" Ye Qianran said, with a slightly strange expression, and a melancholy expression inevitably emerged.

Bai Bingbing knew something and didn't say anything, but she didn't expect to meet You Wushuang and others here by such a coincidence.

"Who are they?" Yang Yi asked curiously.

"Your time in Jujianmen is not too short, don't you know about the four of them!" Ye Qianran said helplessly.

"The four top masters of the younger generation?" Yang Yi was shocked when he heard this.

"That's right!" Ye Qianran nodded, and then said: "The two who left before are from the epee sect of the Heaven and Earth Empire, and their strength is also quite strong. It seems that this time it is really a gathering of masters, and they all Still young!"

"You're not bad either!"

Yang Yi glanced at Ye Qianran at this time, with a slightly sighed expression, and then said: "This time, you should keep a low profile, otherwise you will definitely be targeted by many people!"


Ye Qianran couldn't help laughing when he heard it, he was very strange, so he said directly: "Don't worry, there is nothing to be afraid of!"

Seeing Ye Qianran's smiling face, Yang Yi looked at Ye Qianran's changes again, and knew in his heart that Ye Qianran must have experienced a lot of things this time, otherwise it wouldn't be the case.

After eating in the restaurant, the four of them also returned to the inn. At this time, people could still be seen asking if there was room available, which was enough to show how many people the boundary jade plaque had attracted this time.

Back in the room, Ye Qianran soaked comfortably in the bucket after Bai Bingbing and Sophie took a bath. At this time, the shadow of You Wushuang appeared in his mind again. He thought that after the last separation, the chance of meeting would be very high. low very low now...

Sighing, Ye Qianran frowned, feeling a little overwhelmed for a while, maybe he just had nothing to do at the beginning, why go to provoke others... Otherwise, maybe he wouldn't have come to where he is now...

After taking a bath, Ye Qianran wiped the little mink beast with a towel first, and after helping himself, he put on a brand new robe and went out.

When I came outside, I saw the two sitting and talking, and I leaned over and said, "Okay, big beauty, little beauty, stop chatting, it's time to rest..."

After speaking, the two of them hugged and lay on the bed, exhaled, and thought about it, pulled the quilt over the three of them, kissed from left to right and said: "Sleep!" After speaking, he stretched comfortably I closed my eyes.

After hearing this, Sophie leaned against Ye Qianran's arms to rest. She enjoys this moment very much now, she can fall asleep every day, and sleep very peacefully every day...

And Bai Bingbing looked at Ye Qianran with blinking red eyes. Although she couldn't guess the specific things, she could probably understand something with the directness of a woman...

Having nothing to say all night, when Ye Qianran woke up the next day, she didn't think too much about it. After eating, she took the two of them for a walk again, but they didn't go far, but chose to stay nearby In the area, so I haven't encountered You Wushuang and others...

Time passed day by day, and on the third day they lived there, when Ye Qianran was resting at night, he felt a little fluctuation in his mental power, and when he opened his eyes, something strange appeared. Is it that jade card? ?

At this time, he opened his eyes and felt it carefully, and found that the fluctuation had been increasing, and the direction of the fluctuation happened to be the direction of the mountain range to the east.


Ye Qianran raised his brows, his expression fluctuated, and then he looked at the sky outside through the window. It was still dark at this time. Visually, it should be around three o'clock. When he was about to look away, it was I caught many figures galloping outside, their eyes flickering, is that really the case?

Looking at the two people leaning against his arms, he first woke up Bai Bingbing and said directly: "There seems to be some movement over there. You and Sophie are in the inn. After I get them, I will come back and look for them." you!"

Bai Bingbing said with a little worry: "Then be careful."

"Don't worry!" The corner of Ye Qianran's mouth curled up, and he turned his head to look at Sophie, seeing that he was resting there very sweetly, lowered his head and kissed her face, then carefully pulled out his arm, and in After getting out of the bed, she covered Sophie with a quilt again. After doing all this, she also left the room, and at this time a white shadow followed closely...

That's right, it was the little mink. If it had chosen to stay at the beginning, it would have been wary of Sophie, but it could tell that Sophie had no intention of killing Ye Qianran and Bai Bingbing at this time.

But Ye Qianran came outside and called Yang Yi directly: "There seems to be some movement!"

Yang Yi also glanced outside after hearing this, and said, "Then let's go!" After speaking, the two jumped out of the window.

And not long after the two left, Sophie opened her eyes, the red pupils flickering. In fact, she woke up when Ye Qianran made a movement, so what Ye Qianran said, she also I can hear you clearly.

The celestial weapon in Yang Yi's body is the magic hook. She didn't have any feeling for Yang Chen. At this moment, a cold light emerged, and there was murderous intent in those eyes, but now he must at least get Bai Bingbing here. Only then will it work.

After confirming that Bai Bingbing had fallen asleep again, Sophie sat up and looked at Bai Mengyao with her eyes. Finally, her eyes flickered, her hands interlaced, and a red light surged out at this moment. When a mysterious seal appeared, it instantly enveloped Bai Bingbing went in.

This mysterious seal can not only protect Bai Bingbing, but also won't let Bai Bingbing suffer any harm...

After doing all this, Sophie also got off the bed, and then took off the clothes on her body, and the red glow floated, and a strange mark appeared on her forehead, her hands were intertwined, her body trembled, and then It became dazzling, covering her body...

At this time, a graceful figure could be vaguely seen, the light dissipated, and a woman with red hair and red eyes appeared in the room.

Fair skin, proud figure, everything looks so perfect, especially the woman's face, it also looks very beautiful, even a little coquettish, especially in the red eyes and red hair The next is even more so.

The light floated, and when a long skirt appeared, the perfect figure was also covered at this time.

The red eyes swept over Bai Bingbing again, the space surged, and the figure disappeared at this time. When he reappeared, he had already arrived at a certain area in the city, and behind her stood two men in black clothes...

"This time the mission target is the magic hook..."

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