Eternal Supreme

Chapter 619

"Princess, when will Dzi Bead, Flame Knife and Star Dagger be used?" One of them said respectfully.

"Those three..."

The woman's voice fluctuated slightly, and she said after a long time: "The spirit beast in his arms is not simple, it exists in a complete form, and the target's own strength is also quite good, if you do it, it will be a bit disadvantageous!"



The woman frowned slightly, and said in a cold voice: "I have my own thoughts, the goal now is the magic hook, let's go!" After the voice fell, the space was turbulent at this time, and then the figures of the three disappeared strangely at this time .

"It's quite far..."

Ye Qianran followed Yang Yi and galloped all the way. At this time, he had already landed in the mountain range, and he could feel the continuous strong fluctuation, but he could also feel that there was still a certain distance between them!

"Well, in the center of this mountain range!" Yang Yi said, and the surge of spiritual power suddenly accelerated at this moment.

Seeing Yang Yi speeding up, Ye Qianran narrowed his eyes slightly, and followed closely at this time. His figure was located in the mountains, and he could only see blurred figures.

An hour later, Ye Qianran and Yang Yi also came to an open place. At this time, the area was quite large, and in the center, there was a light cluster floating there, exuding white light that looked extremely mysterious.

At this time, there were figures all around, but they were blocked by an invisible spiritual force as they moved forward.

Ye Qianran's heart became agitated, he could completely lean on the dzi bead to enter at this time, then take out the jade pendant from the light group, and then run away, it's just that it would be too high-profile for so many people to see.

When he was thinking this way, the spiritual power of the floating light group became more intense, and it was a little dazzling at this moment.

And Ye Qianran could also feel that the fluctuation of spiritual power became more intense at this time, and his eyes narrowed slightly, so it seemed that it was about to appear.

The people around became restless at this moment, and began to move around. He didn't know if he should go in at this time. If he went in, the seal would dissipate, and a large number of people would stand on top of him, and Yang Yi couldn't help him defend at all.

Then he will really become the target of public criticism, but this is a good opportunity, in case there are really more than one in the light group, thinking of this, I can't help feeling restless.

Even at this time, he suddenly thought of the clone, let the clone go in... But soon he gave up this idea, because he entered and took the jade card, and the seal around it might disappear in an instant. At that time, People around will probably attack.

Then his copy body is hit, it is useless...

Taking a deep breath, his heart beat faster, and finally decided to take a risk. He looked at Yang Yi who was beside him and said, "I can go in now. If I go in, the seal will be opened, and you will rush up as fast as you can." , so many people, I can't resist alone!"

Yang Yi was stunned when he heard this, and said with a face full of disbelief, "How did you get in!"

"Have you forgotten? I have the dzi!" Ye Qianran narrowed his eyes slightly, and his eyes fell on the curtain again.

"But it's too dangerous for you to do this!" Yang Yi instantly understood Ye Qianran's meaning, and couldn't help saying quickly.

"Don't you want to have a boundary jade token?" Ye Qianran narrowed his eyes slightly, and simply asked.

Yang Yi frowned slightly and said: "Okay, I will go all out!"

"Yeah!" Ye Qianran was relieved after hearing this, he was satisfied with these words, and immediately stretched out his hand to touch the invisible light ball, the spiritual power of the dzi bead surged at this moment, and the next moment, He directly felt that the obstacle disappeared, and came inside under Yang Yi's shocked gaze.

"Hey!" The corners of Ye Qianran's mouth twitched, and his light floated again. When no one noticed him, his body rushed out towards the light ball. At this time, he also directly opened the eight doors to the first The phoenix eyes of the third-floor Du gate also opened, and they galloped towards the ball of light with phantoms on their bodies.

Because the spiritual power of the light group was very bright in the dark night, the people around also saw Ye Qianran's figure at this time, and saw him galloping towards the boundary jade tablet, their expressions changed slightly. Then they all stayed there, how could anyone go in...

"How could it be? Who is that kid!"

"How did he get in, where is this!"

"Too shameless!"

After a moment of silence, many people around cursed secretly and began to attack the light group, but no matter what they did, it was useless.


Ye Qianran naturally saw the movements around him, and narrowed his eyes slightly. At this time, he also landed next to the light ball, and the red light was floating. At this time, he still couldn't see the light ball, so he simply didn't care. He stretched out his hand towards the light cluster.

Yang Yi's expression tightened, and a violent aura surged out at this moment. At the same time, the deep spiritual power became turbulent at this time, which was the spiritual power of the heavenly weapon.

Ye Qianran's heart beat faster, don't be the only one, when he had this thought, he touched it with his right hand... Then the light ball became more dazzling, Ye Qianran was startled, and then found that the light ball was at this moment Levitated up, and galloped out in one direction.


Ye Qianran was stunned and couldn't believe it, how could this boundary jade token still run away?

When he frowned slightly, he reacted very quickly, and his body followed closely at this moment.

The people around were relieved after seeing it. Fortunately, now they only hope that the seal will disappear quickly, so that they can also join in the competition.

And Ye Qianran was melancholy, at this time his speed was very fast, but the light ball was not slow, and quickly dodged in the huge area covered by the seal.

"Damn it!"

Ye Qianran cursed secretly at this moment, thinking that she had been lucky all along, but she didn't expect it to be so bad now...

Seeing that although the jade tablet was moving fast, it did not break through the surrounding seals, that is to say, the place to move was limited, and the light was floating in the eyes, and the green light was also dazzling at this time, and the huge mental power During the surge, vines rushed out frantically at this time.

What he feels now is that in the mountains, it is very easy to control the vines, and the waste of the original power is very small. , How could it be possible to control such a mysterious elf origin?

"Is it an elf family!?"

When watching the vines growing wildly inside, the people around were stunned at the same time, and when they came back to their senses, they first thought of the elves...

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