Eternal Supreme

Chapter 620

"Can this be avoided?"

Ye Qianran chased and blocked it with vines, but now he found that the jade pendant could gallop past at high speed as if it had a sense of existence, but the corners of his mouth were still raised, and he still used the jade card to block it while he was floating, and then he Chase.

The people around were relieved at this moment, fortunately the boundary jade tablet can swim, otherwise he would be perverted this time, when most people thought so, the caring people found something wrong at this time, because they found Ye Qianran's vines were not attacking recklessly, but blocking them, as if they were rushing...

That's right, it was rushing, as if rushing the jade token towards the direction he wanted...

And when some people thought of this, they found that the vines had disappeared at this time and were not surging out, and Ye Qianran's speed also slowed down at this time.

"what happened?"

Everyone became puzzled, and the first thought was that Ye Qianran must have given up, right?

But just when most people were thinking this way, an illusory shadow suddenly became clear, and at the moment of clarity, the light cluster just arrived in front of that figure.

Another person went in?

The people present were instantly horrified, and the surrounding people were instantly agitated.


When the figure grabbed the jade tablet, a dazzling light burst out, and the whistling sound was completely turbulent at this time.

"Three dollars?"

Surprise flashed in Ye Qianran's eyes, and he grasped all the replicas in his hands, and then pulled them out, and the light ball also dissipated at this time.

And at this time, he also found that the surrounding seals had weakened rapidly. He was startled, and instantly galloped towards the clone. When he came to the clone, he stretched out his hand to take it, but this time He hesitated for a while, his eyes fluttered again, and then he glanced around, two figures galloped out at this time, and at this time the people around also saw clearly, it was two Ye Qianran, what's going on?

When everyone thought so, the two figures also stopped and floated there. At this time, one of Ye Qianran's arms revealed a dazzling white light, but it also dissipated when he hugged it with both hands.


Weird fluctuations surged at this moment. At this moment, everyone felt that the seal became thinner at this time, and when the surprise was revealed, they smashed towards the seal at the same time.


The ear-piercing and broken voice sounded, and everyone was instantly pleasantly surprised, and galloped towards Ye Qianran at the same time, at a very fast speed.

Ye Qianran naturally felt it too, his eyes fluttered, the wound door opened again, and when he controlled the clone to gallop in another direction, he himself galloped in the direction of Yang Yi.

That's right, since they only need two yuan, let's leave that one outside, so that most people's attention can be drawn to it, and perhaps those who are interested will find out what he is doing here, but after he and Yang Yihui reconciled, relying on the two It should be relatively easy, right?

So considering this, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.

Sure enough, just as he thought, most of the people rushed to the clone at the same time, while a small number of people rushed to him...

Ye Qianran floated naked, causing the vines to shake out at this moment, restraining the past crazily. Although the impact is not great, it can also slow down the opponent's speed a little.

And when Yang Yi galloped towards him, he almost killed him, and the magic hook also appeared in his hand...

Under the gallop, the two will soon reconcile. At this time, Yang Yi said: "You go first..."

Ye Qianran also understood something, his body galloped forward again, and at this time he also felt the infinite sharpness behind him burst out at this time, at this time his speed slowed down a bit, Yang Yi should rely on the heavenly weapon, You can catch up with Li, as long as you get out of this place, it's easy to talk about...

And just when he looked back, his mental power surged, and he glanced in another direction, and found that when the space was fluctuating, three figures were suspended there.


Ye Qianran was stunned, with an expression of disbelief, but the next moment, he found that the three of them were galloping towards Yang Yi at the same time, and his expression suddenly changed.

Although he is not very clear about these three people, their strength is definitely not simple. In the end he hesitated for a while, and his body rushed over at this time, at least he couldn't let Yang Yi bear so many dangers.

Yang Yi also felt that something was wrong at this time, the heavenly weapon in his right hand killed several people again, and then turned around and swept out.


A white jade hand stretched out, and when the red glow floated, Yang Yi found that his celestial weapon had stagnated there. dare to believe.

"I'm sorry, we want your celestial weapon!"

The nice voice was cold and full of murderous intent, and he spread out his right hand, and a black general with white light all over his body was suspended at this moment, and the next moment, he pierced directly towards his body.

Yang Yi's pupils shrank, and his face was filled with disbelief. Who are the three of them? At this moment, he actually felt that he was invincible at all. The pressure was too great?

But listening to the woman's voice, one could tell that the person who spoke was a woman, a very young woman, but how could such a young woman have such terrifying strength?

His heart was trembling, and the magic hook swayed at this moment and released a dazzling light. The next moment, Yang Yi's body was also enveloped in it, illusory for a while, and then dissipated in an instant when the blackness pierced him.


The woman's voice was slightly surprised, then she turned around and looked behind her...

"Brother Ye, get out of here!"

When Yang Yi's body came to Ye Qianran's side, he also said something hastily.

Ye Qianran glanced in the direction of the three of them, nodded heavily, and then galloped out following Yang Yi.

"It's just right, this time destroying both of them at the same time, maybe we can get three heavenly weapons at once!" A person beside the woman couldn't help but said.

The woman's red light floated, and she gently clenched her jade hands and said, "Catch up!" After the words fell, the space once again rippled, and the figures of the three disappeared in the next moment.

On the other side, Ye Qianran's duplicate body was also hit, his body suddenly became illusory, and finally dissipated, and a boundary jade tablet emerged, which was instantly snapped up by many people, but at this time one person was extremely fast, directly Grabbing the boundary jade tablet in his hand, the other two also floated beside that person.

"Rush out! There should be some people from the elf family!" Wan Tianzong's voice was cold, and after the words fell, a sword floated out at this time.

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