Eternal Supreme

Chapter 621

"Shouldn't be able to catch up!"

Twenty minutes later, the figures of Ye Qianran and Yang Yi stopped. At this moment, they looked back and did not notice the three people, but they were really relieved.

"Who are those three people?" Ye Qianran asked in shock at this moment.

"I don't know, the strength is terrifying!"

At this time, Yang Yi thought of the scene where the woman blocked his heavenly weapon with one hand, and the shock in his heart was unavoidable. The explosion of his heavenly weapon was very terrifying, how could the other party stop it?

"There are two jade tokens. When the time comes, each person will get one piece. Let's go now!" Ye Qianran said slowly.

"Two yuan?" After hearing this, Yang Yi also had a look of surprise on his face. After nodding his head heavily, his spiritual power surged, but after the two of them galloped for a certain distance, their bodies stopped at this moment. He looked incredulously at the three people who suddenly appeared in front of him.

"Four heavenly weapons, this time the harvest is quite big!"

A man said: "Princess, you deal with one, we two deal with him!" After speaking, his eyes fell on Ye Qianran.

Sophie's expression fluctuated, and her brows were slightly frowned. Why didn't Ye Qianran leave at that time, but turned back? Are you still walking with Yang Yi now?

The cold light began to float in the eyes, and finally said softly: "Just subdue it, don't hurt it!"

The two of them were taken aback for a moment, and nodded at the same time. Then their eyes fell on Ye Qianran, with a serious look, and then their eyes passed over the little mink in Ye Qianran's arms.

Sophie's failure for such a long time is enough to prove that Ye Qianran's strength is very strong, so they are also vigilant enough.


Ye Qianran's heart trembled. Although the opponent didn't make a move, he felt the huge pressure at this moment, and his heart couldn't help trembling at this moment.

"Boy, what do you want?" One of the men asked, and Sophie also looked over at this time.

"Don't you guys want the boundary jade token?" Ye Qianran said with a look of helplessness on his face.

"Not interested in that!" The man said again: "What we want are the three heavenly weapons on your body!"

Ye Qianran's pupils shrank after hearing this, how did the other party know that he had three heavenly weapons? My heart couldn't help trembling at this moment, and my face gradually became more serious. Finally, my eyes flickered and said: "Aren't you from this side?"

After the words fell, the expressions of the two people showed strange colors, and then said: "Aren't you the same?"


Ye Qianran suddenly became puzzled after hearing this.


A cold snort sounded, faint ripples appeared in front of the two of them, and then a ball of light emerged at this moment, and when the light dissipated, a weapon floated out at this moment.

The weapon looked weird, like a sword but not a sword, like a knife but not a knife, overall thinner, but with a fierce aura.

After the two of them grasped it in their hands at the same time, the madness also bloomed at this time, and the aura also soared infinitely at this time, which looked extremely terrifying and astonishing.

Ye Qianran's face was full of horror and disbelief...

At this time, he had a feeling that the other party seemed to be an insurmountable Mount Tai, so cold sweat fell down at this moment, and when his eyes fluttered, he said: "You said that you want a heavenly weapon, but they should at least follow you, right? "

"Besides, Tianqi has its own thinking, if you leave it, I'm afraid it will be difficult for you to take it away?" Ye Qianran said quickly when his heart was trembling.

"This is out of your control!"

After the two finished speaking, their bodies moved at the same time, and they rushed directly towards Ye Qianran.

Ye Qianran's pupils contracted, and his body retreated quickly with Bamen. Even so, a cut was cut on his arm, and bloodstains appeared at this time, but healed up again soon.

"From the Jiuyou clan?"

The two were startled at the same time, with a cold light and a little vigilance on their faces, because when Ye Qianran's wound healed, they also clearly felt Jiuyou's breath.

At this moment, Sophie originally planned to deal with Yang Yi, but at this moment her eyes also fell on Ye Qianran, with a slightly unbelievable expression.

She has been following Ye Qianran for such a long time, and she has never seen the power of the nine seclusions on Ye Qianran, how could it be?

However, the spiritual power in Ye Qianran's body is also quite complicated, the sky fire, the pure power of heaven and earth, the breath of dragons, the origin of elves, the power of black ice... At that time, she didn't think much about it, but now she suddenly thought about a problem.

For ordinary people, it is impossible to have so much original spiritual power, unless...

Thinking of this, Sophie's body trembled slightly, and she bit her lips tightly... At this moment, a strange light shone from her eyes.

"The Nine Nether Clan..."

Hearing the words of the two, Ye Qianran was basically sure that the other party should not exist here, but should be from another plane. At this moment, his expression became serious. After a simple shot, he understood that the gap was too big Well, it's not on the same level at all.

When he thought this way, his heart became more solemn, and his eyes floated rapidly. He saw from the cold eyes of the two that the other party was also a little wary, and his heart sank, and then said: "Yes, I am Jiuyou One family, our people will be here soon, there is still time to get out!"

"People from the Jiuyou clan really came here, but we need to destroy you first!"

The two looked at each other again, and their spiritual energy surged at this moment.

Ye Qianran's pupils constricted. Damn, this is not what he thought. When his complexion changed slightly, he had to draw out the ice sword. moved out.

The two were taken aback, their figures stopped again, they stared at Ye Qianran tightly and said, "The power of Xuanbing? Are you from the Xuanbing Pavilion?"


Ye Qianran coughed dryly, then his body shook and he said, "That's right, I'm from the Xuanbing Pavilion..." After saying this, he found that he really had no position.

"Mysterious Ice Pavilion!!"

The eyes of those two people were floating, they had never had any grievances with Xuanbing Pavilion, at this moment one of them said: "Didn't you say that you are from the Jiuyou clan?"

"Yes... I said it before, but... I was covering up my identity and came out to mess around. I don't understand?" Ye Qianran said helplessly: "Well, our people from Xuanbing Pavilion are coming soon , I suggest that you leave quickly, otherwise, you will start a war between Xuanbing Pavilion and your people!"

After hearing this, the faces of the two changed again, and their expressions became more serious. Afterwards, one of them slowly said: "We have nothing to do with Xuanbing Pavilion, but if we win the heavenly weapon in your body, Xuanbing Pavilion will find you." What can you do?"

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