Eternal Supreme

Chapter 622

"All right!"

Ye Qianran frowned slightly, and glanced at Yang Yi. That woman's strength was probably terrifying.

He didn't want to die yet, after all Sophie and Bai Bingbing were still waiting for him, but if he fled directly, wouldn't he be treacherous.

Clenching his fists tightly, he finally gritted his teeth, then looked up at the two of them and said, "Okay, if this is the case, let's fight!" After the words fell, the Aolong Jue became turbulent at this moment...

"I'll go, Dragon Clan..."

Seeing Ye Qianran's aura, those two people immediately became afraid.

"Eh? Dragon clan?"

Ye Qianran raised his brows, shook his right hand, the source of the bead was turbulent, and the golden light turbulently came out: "Tsk tsk, you two are so smart, I didn't expect that my false identity in Xuanbing Pavilion was exposed by you, that's right. , I belong to the Dragon Clan!"

"Dragon Clan!"

The two people looked at each other, their expressions became more and more solemn, even fearful and vigilant, and the man asked immediately, "Then why do you have the aura of the Jiuyou clan and the ability of the Xuanbing Pavilion?"

Ye Qianran sighed inwardly and said, "I said, that's my false identity, isn't it just the power of Xuanbing and the power of Jiuyou? I have a lot of fake identities!" After talking about the spiritual power on his body It kept surging.

"The star family, the dimension family, the elf family, the kamikaze family..."

The eyes of the two of them widened, their faces were full of shock and disbelief, and at this moment, a red glow finally appeared...

And with the appearance of the red light, the two bodies trembled again, and said in shock: "Are you our clansman?"


Ye Qianran was stunned, he was mobilizing the spiritual power of the blood beads at this time, he couldn't help being stunned when he heard what the two said, and then his eyes flickered: "Ha, that's right, we are actually together, the patriarch took the lead in sending I’m here to collect the heavenly artifacts, so everything is my own, this Yang Yi is handed over to me, you three go find other heavenly artifacts!” After the voice fell, the body quickly galloped towards Yang Yi, and immediately the fifth The door opened in an instant, intending to take advantage of their amazement and quickly escape...

But they were stopped by the woman, her red eyes looked at Ye Qianran in disbelief and said, "You have my father's blood on you?"

"Blood bead?" Ye Qianran was surprised when he heard it. Why did the woman in front of him know that he had blood bead on his body, so he laughed and said, "How come, don't be joking!"

Sophie bit her lips tightly, looking directly at Ye Qianran...

How could Ye Qianran also fuse his father's blood beads? This made her really at a loss. If Ye Qianran is really a fusion clan, then if you want to get the thing out, you must kill Ye Qianran. calmed down.

"He fused the blood beads of the clan emperor?"

The two of them also landed in front of Sophie at this time, with shock on their faces: "How is it possible? Unless this kid..." At this point, the voice stopped suddenly, and they looked directly at Ye Qianran and said, "You really The identity is a fusion of the clan, so isn't it on you..."

Speaking of the latter, the man's voice fluctuated slightly, and suddenly felt very troublesome.

Ye Qianran has a transformed spirit beast on his body, and his own strength should be good, and if Ye Qianran can control the blood beads, it will also have a certain impact on them. The last important point is that Ye Qianran has a seal of scourge on his body. , the most terrifying of the three special celestial weapons, if Ye Qianran is killed and the scourge is released, they may not be able to leave, and even a huge embarrassment will appear, which is definitely not what he wants to see .

"Princess, what should we do now?" At this moment, the eyes of the two fell on the woman at the same time.

Sophie took a deep breath, and the fluctuations in her body gradually calmed down: "The magic hook must be taken away!"

Yang Yi's face changed slightly, and his right hand was holding the magic hook tightly at this moment...

This magic hook grew up with him, and he has never been separated since he was a child. If the woman took it away, he would naturally be unwilling and unwilling, but the strength of the three of them is terrifying and mysterious. He knew that it was impossible for him to escape. If so, he might as well die here. He looked at Ye Qianran and said, "Brother Ye, if you have any way, just run away. Fight them!"

Said that the spiritual power on his body soared infinitely at this time...

"How can it be!"

Ye Qianran's eyes fluttered. Now he must at least persevere. Running away now is definitely not his way and nature. It violates his nature. No matter how powerful he is in the future, it will be very uncomfortable to think of this kind of thing, so he doesn't care You can't do that anyway.

"Brother Ye!" Yang Yi's expression fluctuated, and his expression was slightly strange.

When he was in Jujianmen, although he had little contact with Ye Qianran, he knew that Ye Qianran was not bad, and after learning that Ye Qianran was from the Fengyan clan, his heart was full of fighting spirit. He lost that time, but he didn't have any thoughts...

Now he really didn't expect them to meet again, but he encountered such a thing, and immediately said: "You can't stay here, Miss Bai and your little sister are still waiting for you to go back, if something happens to you, what should they do?" , and now their target is me..."

Ye Qianran's heart fluctuated, and he couldn't help but clenched his fists tightly, saying: "How can you lose without fighting?" After speaking, his eyes fell on the three of them and said: "Since you want a heavenly weapon, come on, As long as it can kill us, the heavenly weapon is yours!" After speaking, the blue light became even more dazzling at this time, and under the surging force, it looked very amazing at this time.

"In that case, don't blame us for being rude!"

Sophie's voice was extremely cold at this time, Ye Qianran was not enlightened, so she was inexplicably angry inside, and after the voice fell, a sudden red light surged out at this moment: "You two Stop him, and leave the matter of Mogou to me!"

"It's a princess!"

When the two heard it, they nodded respectfully, and the energy in their bodies actually surged again.

Huge pressure surged like a tsunami, Ye Qianran's heart tightened, his face was full of horror, the strength of a woman is so terrifying, he felt that no matter how hard he tried now, it would be insurmountable, and now those two guys are also in this way……

He had to think of a way, otherwise, they might really have to stay here today, and then all of a sudden, he thought of something, spread his right hand, and at this moment, red blood beads emerged, and the red spiritual power instantly disappeared. At this moment, there was turbulence: "How about letting us go, or I will crush this thing for you!"

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