Eternal Supreme

Chapter 632

"Guest officer, are you okay?"

Seeing Ye Qianran's reaction, the man was stunned, and then said: "Could it be that you've heard of his name?"

"I've heard it... I've definitely heard it!"

When Ye Qianran nodded heavily, the corners of her mouth twitched, sanitary napkin? this name? Strange, I thought about picking up the wine glass again, and said casually: "Then is there someone named Shi Zhenxiang here?"

"Objective, how do you know my name!" The man was surprised when he heard this.


And at this time, Ye Qianran just took a sip, and sprayed it out here, damn it, let no one drink anymore...

After finally calming down, he said, "Brother, where does Wei Shengjin live, can you tell me..."

"Well, it's not far ahead. That's good. After you're full, I'll find time to take you there temporarily!"

The man said: "I am a little familiar with him, so I can make it cheaper for you!"

"Then take us there now!" Ye Qianran said directly without wanting to waste time.

"Okay!" The man nodded directly after hearing this, then turned around to say hello, and took the lead to the street.

Ye Qianran was full of curiosity, would she really know?

Curious, he soon came to the door of a grocery store. Why did he say that this was a grocery store? It had almost everything, including clothes, jewelry, weapons, and even fruits, as well as some strange things in a mess.

"Brother Wei, someone is here!" the man shouted at the door.

Not long after the words fell, a man's voice sounded: "Let them in!"

"Let's go!" The man took the lead and walked in after listening.

When he came inside, Ye Qianran found that the space here is also quite large, and there are rows of shelves with many strange things, and there are many dossiers and the like, which seem quite mysterious.

"What's the matter with the three of you?"

The voice sounded again, and Ye Qianran turned his head to look over, and found a white and fat man sitting there, with a pair of small eyes staring at them, or at Bai Bingbing and You Wushuang.

"They're here to inquire about the news!" The man who brought them to the place said, "I brought them here, try to make it as cheap as possible!"

"I see, you can take it away!" said the fat man.

The man nodded, glanced at Ye Qianran and the others and said, "Then I'll go first..." After speaking, he turned and left.

After the man left, Ye Qianran's eyes fell on the fat and white man again. Seeing that his eyes were still staring at You Wushuang and Bai Bingbing, he shrugged helplessly and asked directly: "Brother, what can I do?" I want to ask..."

"Stop...let this beauty talk!" the fat white man looked at You Wushuang and said.

You Wushuang frowned slightly, and her face was extremely cold. If she hadn't asked about something, she would have rushed forward, and now after hearing the man's words, her spiritual power had already surged out at this time, and the cold murderous intent fell on her. onto the body of the fat white man.

"Dizzy, you should say it!" The fat man's eyes fell on Ye Qianran.

"I want to ask about Biluoguo!" Ye Qianran said.

"Biluoguo!" The fat man raised his brows after hearing this, and then looked at Ye Qianran and said, "This news requires a payment of 30 Xuan-level crystal cores, or 30,000 gold coins!"

Ye Qianran nodded in agreement after hearing this, and took out thirty crystal nuclei from the ring.

"very good!"

The fat white man nodded, took a deep breath, let out a low growl, and sat up from his seat, then tremblingly came to a shelf, glanced at it, opened a file and glanced at it: "Bi Luoguo According to my recent knowledge, there is one in the heavy sword gate! I just don’t know if I ate it or not.”

Ye Qianran was stunned, his brows frowned, and he said, "What about the news about the Feng Clan? Where are they exactly?"

"Feng Clan?"

The fat man said: "This news is worthless. I'll give it to you for the sake of the two beauties. The Feng clan is in the Phoenix Mountains of Tiantu, but it's already hidden. You need to find it easily. The Feng Clan doesn't welcome outsiders, so be careful!"

Ye Qianran nodded. At this moment, she couldn't help but look at the fat white man in surprise. Who is this guy? How did you get this news?

"Are there any questions?" The fat white man continued to ask.

"No more!" Ye Qianran shook his head.

"Then I still have a lot of good things here, do you need them?" The fat man smiled and said, "They're all cheap, no kidding!"

Ye Qianran glanced around, and when he was about to turn his gaze away, he found a sheepskin map. He was stunned and suddenly remembered that he got a map from Wushuangmen at that time. The two seemed very similar, so he took it out of curiosity , after touching it, I found that the hand feels similar, and then I looked at the fat white man and said, "What is this?"

"The fragment of the map has been here for a long time. If you want it, thirty crystal nuclei will be given to you!" the man said with a smile.

Ye Qianran fluttered, nodded, took out thirty crystal nuclei and threw them over again, and then said: "Then let's go first, and come to you when we have any problems!" After speaking, he took the two of them and chose to leave.

After the three of them came out, Ye Qianran also took out the other piece from the ring. At this time, they fought together. He was shocked to find that they could really be combined together. However, the circuit on the top was intricate, and he really didn't look at it. I understand... and it's still a bit incomplete at this time, it seems that it should be one piece short.

After putting it away at the same time, I couldn't help but look back again, this white and fat man is a bit weird.

When he was thinking this way, You Wushuang also said directly: "This person has some problems!"

"I can see it too!" Ye Qianran nodded lightly and said, "But since the news is there, it's easy to say!" In fact, he really didn't want to provoke him, but for the sake of Bi Luoguo, it was necessary for him to provoke him once.

In addition, he also has a way, and he doesn't need to take too many risks. Thinking of this, the corners of his mouth turned up again, and he said immediately: "Let's go, go back to the inn first!" He took the lead and turned back.

And not long after the two left, the fat white man came out, looking at the direction of the three with a little surprise, and at this moment two illusory shadows appeared behind him and said: "My lord, the latest news, Tianluo Palace The Heavenly Artifact Demon Hook has fallen into the hands of outsiders, and people from the Spirit Blood Race have come to this plane!"

The fat man raised his brows after hearing this, and said in surprise: "The magic hook fell into the hands of outsiders? Isn't it from the Spirit Blood Clan? Could it be from the Nine Nether Clan?"

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