Eternal Supreme

Chapter 633

"Shall I use the clone to go to the heavy sword gate?"

Back in the inn, Ye Qianran was completely naked. This was the method he thought of. It was easy and simple. Even if there was a problem, there was no danger. It was almost the best choice for adventure.

"But can it be successful? If it is discovered, it will still be destroyed!" Bai Bingbing couldn't help but said after hearing this.

Ye Qianran burst out laughing immediately after hearing this, and said bluntly, "The success rate should be over 80 percent, right?"

"Huh?" After hearing this, Bai Bingbing's expression suddenly showed surprise and disbelief, but after seeing Ye Qian's careful expression, he couldn't help but said again: "What can you do?"

Ye Qianran didn't talk nonsense, the mental power surged at this time, and the duplicate body emerged at this time, and then a transformation was formed, and the man who was copied later appeared in an instant.

That's right, for this expedition, the clone he used was not himself, but the epee sect disciple who tried to clone last time.

He didn't know what the other party's status was in Jujianmen. Since he could come out to look for jade tokens, his status shouldn't be easy, and his strength...he didn't see much of it that time, but he believed that it shouldn't be easy. , after all, Zong Hongzhen was suppressed at that time.

Bai Bingbing was surprised and couldn't believe it again when she saw the duplicate body, and at this time Ye Qianran also narrated the scene at that time. You can have many excuses to go in!"

"Then when will you act?" You Wushuang asked beside him.

"Right now, the epee gate is northeast of here, and you should know something about it when you get there!" Ye Qianran's eyes fluttered, and he controlled the replica and walked out. After a certain distance, Ye Qianran Qian Ran looked at You Wushuang and Bai Bingbing and said, "Let's go, let's follow. In order to ensure a smooth connection, the connection must never be interrupted!"

Bai Bingbing and You Wushuang followed after nodding.

After half a day, when the replica arrived at the heavy sword gate, Ye Qianran and Bai Bingbing also stopped, and then found a safe place to concentrate on controlling it.

It was much better than he had imagined. When he entered, he almost entered under the respectful eyes of outsiders, but after entering, he didn't look around, and rushed forward directly, because according to Ye Qianran's thinking, it was like a main hall. They will be facing each other directly, and it is absolutely right to rush directly at this time.

Sure enough, just as he had imagined, he came to the square of the main hall not long after, and just as he stepped down, a surprised voice sounded: "Hongyu, are you alright?"

"Well, it's okay!" Ye Qianran concentrated all her mental power during the remote control.

"It's fine, I heard from your senior brother that you were beheaded by the wicked, and the suzerain has already sent someone there!" the old man said.

Ye Qianran was shocked in his heart, and even sent someone over there. If he was found out, there would definitely be a problem. At least if the body was brought back, his identity would be exposed, so his eyes fluttered and said: "When I woke up, I didn't know if it was because I was hit on the head and I forgot a lot of things!"

The old man nodded and said: "No matter what, let's take you to see the suzerain first!" After speaking, he led him towards the main hall.

After Ye Qianran came inside, he found a lot of people, and his eyes tightened. After scanning around, his eyes fell on the man sitting at the top. This is the suzerain, right?

And when he was curious, the people around him were also full of shock and disbelief. At this moment, the man sitting at the top asked, "Hongyu, why are you alright?"

"Thank you, Sect Master, for your concern. I was hit on the head and thought I was dead. After waking up, I found that there was nothing there, so I rushed over but forgot a lot of things!" Ye Qianran patted his head as he said, A look of puzzlement.

And the middle-aged man fixed his eyes, then stared at Ye Qianran and said: "You are not Hongyu!"

"Huh?" Ye Qianran was taken aback, was exposed so quickly?

At this time, the middle-aged man stood up and said: "I am your father, but you call me suzerain!"

Ye Qianran was stunned again, with disbelief on his face, and finally said: "I just remember that the suzerain is the one I respect the most, I really forgot the exact thing, it hurts so much!" He shook his head, and cursed secretly in his heart at this moment, and hit the muzzle of the gun as soon as he came, wouldn't he fail?

"Is it?"

The middle-aged man's eyes fluttered, and finally came to Ye Qianran's side step by step. When the majestic momentum fluctuated, he came behind him. At this time, the man spread his right hand on the back of his neck. After checking, he was stunned and said: "There is the scar!" After finishing speaking, he retracted his hand, and his eyes fell on Ye Qianran again: "What's going on?"

"There is a show!"

Ye Qianran raised his brows. He is a replica, almost a perfect copy. Judging from his physical characteristics, he is almost giving him a chance. He said immediately: "I just remember, go to get the boundary jade card with my fellow disciples. It seems that I succeeded, and then I don’t know anything, and then I was in a daze as if someone was talking in my ear, when I woke up again, it was like this..." After finishing speaking with a wry smile on his face, he finally said: "But I believe that it should be able to recover in the future!"

The eyes of the middle-aged man flickered, his brows were still slightly frowned. At this time, the old man who came in said: "Sovereign, from what Hong Jun said at the time, Hong Yu was indeed hit on the head, and it is reasonable to forget something. Hong Yu must have encountered some kind of capable person, maybe he can be rescued casually."

Ye Qianran was secretly delighted, he really didn't expect that someone would help, so he pretended again.

"Then you go to the room to rest first!" The middle-aged man breathed out at this time, obviously he finally chose to believe it. Although his voice still sounded majestic, it was much gentler.

"Thank you suzerain!" Ye Qianran still addressed him as suzerain at this time, and finally hesitated for a while, rubbing his head and walking out.

"Sovereign, are you still suspecting that Hong Yu was faked?" The old man who brought Ye Qianran in asked looking at the middle-aged man.

"I'm not sure, but it probably won't be. Although the disguise technique is powerful, it doesn't have the ability to reproduce the perfect disguise of physical characteristics. However, the matter of his amnesia is indeed a bit mysterious. Take good care of him first, and wait." The truth will be revealed when Hong Jun comes back!" The middle-aged man said.

On the other side, after Ye Qianran came out, he almost came to his residence while inquiring. It was not bad. He lay on the bed and began to think about how to get the news about Biluoguo. Wushuang discussed...

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