Eternal Supreme

Chapter 643

"Is it just you!"

Hong Jun gritted his teeth and said it at this time, because when Ye Qianran rushed out, he felt that the pressure on his body was even greater at that moment, and the pressure on him made him feel extremely uncomfortable , even though he exploded with all his strength, the feeling of rushing forward is still the same.

You Wushuang has seen a lot, and Ye Qianran's current state is really strong. She believes that even if he meets Ye Qianran in such a state, he may not be an opponent.


When the blue light bloomed again, You Wushuang and Bai Bingbing blinked at the same time, and then felt the coldness, and their bodies trembled involuntarily at that moment.

And when all the blue light dissipated, You Wushuang and Bai Bingbing looked over again, with shocked expressions on their faces.

Hong Jun was frozen there, not only his body was frozen, but the Wu Yuan surging on his body was also frozen there...

"how could be?"

You Wushuang couldn't help but say something, because she never thought that Wu Yuan could still be frozen...

The old man who was fighting against Qiqi in the distance, although he has been fighting against Qiqi, his eyes have been observing Ye Qianran's movements. When he saw such a scene, his heart was shocked at this time Next, the face is full of unbelievable colors.


And when he was in a trance, Qiqi's low growl also sounded at this time, the edge was surging with fierce force, and there was a tingling feeling in his chest. He lowered his head and took a quick look, and found that there were several Dao Shen can see bloodstains on the bone, but what about the Wu Yuan that he broke out earlier? They were all bitten by Qiqi in a daze.

What a powerful monster!

The old man's face was full of shock. He had practiced for such a long time, and his strength had already reached the late stage of divine gathering, but how could this monster be so terrifying.

Every time he shoots, this monster rushes up as if nothing happened, and even bites Wu Yuan. He has never seen such a powerful existence before, it must be too strong.

He glanced at Ye Qianran again. Just when the mountain god was about to leave, a ray of sword light came down at this moment, and it was You Wushuang who shot. Now that they have reached this point, there is no need to keep their hands, because the charity to the enemy , is cruelty to oneself.

"There may be a lot of people coming later, let's go, let's get out of here quickly!"

When Ye Qianran opened his mouth to speak, Xiao Hei levitated out again. At this time, he did not summon Qiqi back, and one more Qiqi is equivalent to one more helper.

Not long after they left, two figures fell down, and within less than a minute, multiple figures fell down again.

"This is?"

When they saw that Hong Jun and the fluctuating Wu Yuan were frozen there, expressions of shock and disbelief appeared on their faces.

Judging from Hong Jun's expression at this time, it is still at the level of explosion, but in those eyes, there is panic, and it can be read from it that Hong Jun forced himself to explode at that time, but his heart has begun to fear up the opponent.

Among the younger generation of the epee sect, Hong Jun was also absolutely formidable, but he did not expect to reach the current stage.

That's why all the faces of those present at the heavy sword sect showed grudges.

"Fourth Elder..."

At this time, a person found a corpse in the grass in the distance. At this time, they also found that there was a huge scar on the old man's chest. It looked like it was made by a fierce beast. What kind of beast can shake the fourth elder Woolen cloth?

After all, the strength of the Fourth Elder has reached the late stage of Divine Gathering, and he is about to break through and enter the cave. According to the meaning of the First Elder, within two years, he is a person who can enter the realm of the spirit.

Now it is equivalent to the loss of a master in the heavy sword gate.

"They shouldn't be far away, let's chase after them!" An old man's face was full of anger at this moment, and after a low growl, he took the lead and rushed out.

And Ye Qianran made Qiqi impulsive very fast, without any stop, and it was only in the evening that he stopped.

At this time they were in the spiritual language of being, the ancient trees were towering, and they looked even bigger and denser, so although it was already evening at this time, it was already dark below them.

"Let's rest here for now!" Ye Qianran said slowly, leaning her head against an ancient tree.

You Wushuang and Bai Bingbing were also sitting beside Ye Qianran at this time.

"Let's eat some fruit!"

Ye Qianran opened his mouth slowly, and after the words fell, Qiqi jumped twice in front of his eyes, then squatted in front of him, licked his nose and mouth, and called out from time to time.

Ye Qianran seemed to have thought of something, shrugged helplessly, and threw two pills over. At this moment, Qiqi was satisfied.

After the three of them ate the fruit, Ye Qianran took out the sword pouch again, then put the ice sword on it, and then put Xiao Hei on it. Sometimes he got used to it, and he really wanted to reach out to the back to extract it. , and then remembered that both had merged into his body in an instant.

Although he was in a trance, most of the time was wasted. This kind of existence was definitely not what he wanted to see, because in the real battle, the time in trance would also have a certain impact.

After finishing it, Ye Qianran glanced at You Wushuang...

After You Wushuang noticed Ye Qianran's gaze, his face was slightly unnatural, he turned his head with a cold snort, and couldn't help but think of the scene in Xuanyun City.

This guy was obviously avoiding him on purpose, otherwise she would have been able to recognize Ye Qianran even with the ice sword and Tiantian beads when she saw Ye Qianran.

Ye Qianran smiled dryly, and finally stretched out his hand and put it on You Wushuang's soft waist without any scruples, and said, "Shuang'er, do you still remember the past?"

After You Wushuang heard Ye Qianran address her, his face turned rosy, but he didn't speak in the end.

But Bai Bingbing was watching from the side with a smile on his face.

In fact, she also knew in her heart that the beauties around Ye Qianran were not only her and You Wushuang, but also...but she didn't think much about it in her heart, because Ye Qianran could take such risks for her, so she believed that Ye Qianran could do it for others. in this way.

This is Ye Qianran, who never gave up and never gave up, maybe it was because of this touch that he fell in love with Ye Qianran completely, the front... maybe because of Ye Qianran's shamelessness, and then I got a feeling... ...She didn't know what You Wushuang was thinking, but she thought it should be similar to her.

At least... at least Ye Qianran is passionate and not indiscriminate... Huaxin is not betrayed...

"Okay, let's rest. Now we have penetrated into this fierce place. Since it is a treasure of genius, it must be in the core area, so it will be very dangerous in the future. Let's concentrate on it. Maybe there is still a while to find!" Ye Qianran While speaking, he hugged Bai Bingbing in his arms...

Wow... the feeling of two beautiful girls hugging each other... definitely wasn't his fault.

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