Eternal Supreme

Chapter 644

The next day, when the sun woke up and rose, Ye Qianran also opened his eyes early, seeing that the two people around him were still resting, he didn't bother him, but leaned there to rest again.

At this time, he thought of the scene of the battle with Hong Jun yesterday. At that time, he really had a feeling of being completely integrated with the ice sword, which was very refreshing, and he seemed to have brought me to the chill of the ice sword.

As long as you think about it, everything can be frozen...

When he was thinking, his mental power suddenly fluctuated. Looking up, he found that Qiqi's body had changed tremendously at this time, and he was dragging towards them with a monster in his mouth.

"Chi la..."

The sound was getting closer, and Bai Bingbing and You Wushuang also opened their eyes at this time. When they looked over, they couldn't believe it, especially when Qiqi pulled the monster over, they were shocked again.

After the three stood up, Qiqi's red eyes also looked at Ye Qianran, and he squatted down and bit his tail with a low growl.

Ye Qianran smiled wryly, Qiqi's nature still exists, and Qiqi is indeed very suitable for the wild, and even can hunt...

"This monster is a high-level earth-level monster, a water-dividing beast!" At this time, You Wushuang spoke slowly with surprise.

"Senior level?" Ye Qianran was surprised when he heard it.

"Well, a very strong monster!" You Wushuang said again, and at this time his eyes fell on Qiqi's body, and he was also full of shock. What kind of monster is this?

Ye Qianran had a slightly strange expression. He had been practicing yesterday and hadn't felt any movement. It seemed that Qiqi had a strong perception ability.

However, the eyes of the little mink that had been curled up in his arms fell on Qiqi's head. At this time, a golden pattern appeared there, and his surprise slowly revealed that the Nine Heavens Beast grew faster than he imagined.

You Wushuang spread out his right hand, and a sword emerged at this moment, with the edge floating on the sword, and a bright blue crystal nucleus emerged at this moment, holding it in his left hand.

"Wow woof..."

Qiqi let out a low growl at this time, looked directly at You Wushuang, wagging his tail, and the Hara water flowed down at this moment.

"Give it to him!"

Ye Qianran was smiling all over his face at this moment.

After You Wushuang nodded, he threw the crystal nucleus to Qiqi, and after Qiqi swallowed it in one gulp, his expression was enjoying this life.

At this time, Ye Qianran patted Qiqi on the head, and then took out the fruit. After the three of them ate it briefly, they went straight on the road. At this time, they did not accelerate their flight, but relied on their own speed.

I don't know if it's because of Qiqi's aura. They have never encountered a monster on this journey, and they are quiet, but the more they are like this, the more depressing they feel.

Qiqi obviously didn't feel this way, he was still jumping excitedly, rushing over, rushing over, it felt like a brat in a vegetable field...

The morning time passed again. At this time, they didn’t find any fruit or anything. There were towering old trees along the way. Occasionally, some grasses in the grass had some bright fruits, but they didn’t eat them. Who knows Is it poisonous?

Besides, there is no need, because Ye Qianran's ring has a lot of stock in it.

After eating again at noon, not long after they were on the road, Qiqi's body stopped, and the spiritual power in his body surged at this time, and his red eyes were full of bloodlust at this time.

Ye Qianran was stunned, it is possible that Qiqi had discovered something, his expression suddenly became vigilant, his mental power surged out at this time, and when his mental power was opened at this time, a sudden rhythm, once again Startled, his pupils contracted, his phoenix eyes opened, and when he looked in one direction, his body was also lying in front of the two of them.

At this time, he saw a monster, except for the red fur on the neck, everything else was yellow, and the four legs were even more white, and there were a bunch of wings. The most important thing was that the monster was galloping towards them at super fast speed. come over.

In just a few seconds, a shadow flew by, and unexpectedly arrived not far in front of him, with his mouth open, and when violent spiritual power surged, a figure also rushed up, it was Qiqi.

At this time, Ye Qianran had goose bumps all over her body, and her back was covered with cold sweat. Fortunately, it was Qiqi, otherwise they would definitely have something wrong just now.

You Wushuang and Bai Bingbing, who were equally astonished, backed away for a distance, and then their eyes fell on the front at the same time. At this time, the two monsters were entangled together, and their huge bodies collided, and every time, it would cause huge turmoil.

"This monster is a snow-riding red-maned beast at the heaven level!"

You Wushuang spoke slowly, her voice trembling. She had read from the records that this was the first time she had encountered a monster at the level of heaven, so she felt a little shocked in her heart. .

"Treading Snow Red Mane Beast?" Ye Qianran was full of doubts.

"Well, the speed is amazing and the attack power is amazing. Ordinary people seldom provoke it, because the strength of this monster is too strong!" When You Wushuang spoke, his face was full of solemnity.

Ye Qianran's speed has been seen before, and his strength... Thinking about looking up, at this moment, he happened to see the scene where the monster rushed Qiqi away, it was indeed quite strong...

But at this time, Qiqi was also angry. After a low growl, his body became bigger again. At this time, he noticed the golden lines on Qiqi's forehead, which were obviously lit up at this time... Then he noticed , Kiki's whole body was wrapped in gray spiritual power, and that turbulent spiritual power was very astonishing and terrifying.

The little mink beast actually understands that although the Snow-Treading Red-Maned Beast is at the heavenly level, it is not Qiqi's opponent, especially after the appearance of a pattern, it means that Qiqi has completely entered the first stage of growth, and there are still more to come. There are nine stages, and in each stage, Qiqi will have an extra tail. When the nine stripes appear, it is a complete existence...

At that time, even if they encountered dragons who could resist, even the top dragons were afraid of one-on-one situations.

This is the horror of the Nine Heavens Divine Beast!

However, although it is terrifying, it also deprives the right of the Nine Heavens Divine Beast to transform into form, which can be regarded as both advantages and disadvantages...

Ye Qianran's ability to subdue the Nine Heavens Divine Beast is also considered a huge opportunity and fortune.

At this time, Qiqi was indeed extremely fierce, and under the surge of spiritual power, his aura became even more ferocious, and it was definitely the end of his vow not to give up until he killed the other party...

The Snow-Treading Red-Maned Beast roared from time to time, followed by a roar of pain. The burst of spiritual power became more and more alarming. Ye Qianran and the two of them also levitated up. Let's watch from afar. He can resist the monster, but he really has never thought about it. The surging spiritual power at this time made him feel what is called suppression.

It's no wonder that this place is called a fierce place. It is estimated that the ground-level monsters are rampant in the front, and the sky-level in the back. Will it change form in the back?

Because it has never heard that the Nine Heavens Beast is so obedient and obedient in front of a certain race or a certain person

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