Eternal Supreme

Chapter 686

"I really want to try it!"

Bai Xiangxun couldn't help but speak after hearing Ye Qianran's words, but she had already stepped off the stage, and she was no longer qualified to go up at this time.

"This kind of person is unfathomable, and he hasn't shown his true strength yet!" The Young Sect Master of the Killing God Sect looked solemn.

Bai Xiangxun naturally understood something, nodded and fell silent again, and at this time a man in black jumped down at this time, and his figure also attracted the attention of many people.

"It's Deng Bin, a guy who is also very strong! He is also a guy who has only one defeat in the past. It seems that he hasn't played for a long time, and his current strength is also unpredictable!"

After seeing the man in black, Haoran couldn't help but said: "Besides, he is the most talented person in Xuanya Academy in Xuanya Land!"

Bai Bingbing and You Wushuang were slightly surprised when they heard this, but there was nothing to worry about in their expressions, because they knew and understood Ye Qianran's strength at this time very well.

"Deng Bin, I don't have any sect! I'm just a loner..." After the man fell down, his eyes fell on Ye Qianran, looking a little hot.

Ye Qianran nodded, narrowed her eyes slightly, looked the man up and down, and then raised the corners of her mouth.

It's not hard to see from the opponent's aura, the opponent is a pure attack type, I'm afraid the bloodline is also an attack type, this kind of person is indeed a bit tricky, but this is the third match, so we still have to rely on intelligence to win.

Just as he expected, when the melodious sound of beginning sounded, the man pulled out the sword on his back, flicked his right hand, and the sharp breath surged suddenly in an instant, the whole person was like a sword coming out of his body, giving people a sense of It feels completely different too.

The next moment, the man also moved, galloping up in his direction at a very fast speed.

Ye Qianran narrowed his eyes slightly, and the elf origin on his body was turbulent again, and then the vines came out one by one at this time. When affecting Deng Bin's speed, Ye Qianran's eyes glowed red, and the next moment the illusory shadow Passing by, the body rushed up.

"What a speed!"

Deng Bin was shocked. Originally, he planned to attack tentatively, but now he completely dispelled this idea. When the Wu Yuan in his body was in turmoil, the momentum on his body soared to a higher level at this time, and at this moment, the surrounding suddenly It's getting cold.

"Ming Sheng Sword Art!"

The indifferent voice fell, and a more fierce sword intent erupted at this moment. Deng Bin's body shook, his face was full of horror and disbelief, and then he gritted his teeth, watching the surrounding Han Mang's body also move...

At this time, he found that Ye Qianran's speed was getting faster and faster, and his expression became more and more serious. Who is Ye Qianran? Is this Ye Qianran's true strength?

The people watching around were also shocked there, maybe this was the first time they saw Ye Qianran draw a sword, but Ye Qianran's sword was so fast, it seemed to the naked eye that it was only blue and the two of them because of each other Fight against the elusive figure...

But at this time they found that the surrounding blinking eyes were covered with frost at this time, and the invisible cold air was also turbulent at this time, and it didn't take long before a bang sounded, and a figure flew out at this time. Looking a little embarrassed, when he was about to attack again, an illusory figure became clear again, and the same method aimed at Zhan Peng descended on Deng Bin...

And Ye Qianran watched from a distance, and inserted the ice sword into his back.

If the opponent is fast, then he can only go faster, and suppress the opponent's attack with speed, so that the opponent has no chance to resist, because he also knows in his heart that Deng Bin's strength is very strong, and he is the kind who doesn't like to waste time. Yes, at least right now, I really don't want to. After all, this is the fourth game, and it should be more and more difficult in the future.

The more he was exposed, most of the people behind him probably took the strongest attack right from the start, but now he has only walked two-fifths of the distance, and he almost guessed half of it.

"Quick, what happened?"

"Where did this frost come from? Is it because of the weapon in his hand?"

"Isn't Deng Bin's attack very strong? Why is it like this now!"

Surprised voices continued to ring out from all around. This time, no one thought Ye Qianran was playing a rogue. This attack, the suppression of Deng Bin at the beginning, and the speed of suppression have already proved Ye Qianran himself invisibly. Strength.

"His strength is really strong, and his speed..."

Bai Xiangxun's face was full of shock, it was indeed so strong, and he could see that the sword was not simple...and he also made many people around him look solemn.

After losing four players in a row, has Ye Qianran used all his cards? Will he continue?

"I lost!"

Deng Bin's expression was full of solemnity. He didn't know if he didn't touch him. Now he really felt the difficulty. The suppression at that amazing speed didn't give him a chance to exert his strength at all. He kept thinking that as long as there was a gap, he would Can pull it back, but no, not the whole time...

Although this kind of battle is extremely aggrieved, but it is really convinced...

After Deng Bin announced that he had surrendered, he also chose to leave directly, and he still left with a wry smile.

"Qianran is doing well!" Haoran said excitedly, because it seems that no one has done this for a long time, right? Moreover, Ye Qianran still defeated four people in a row in a short period of time, and suddenly he began to believe that maybe Ye Qianran could really defeat two people in a row within two days.

But he didn't know that Ye Qianran had already decided to take care of everyone in one day.

If it can be done, then the name of Ye Qianran will probably spread throughout the whole Xuanshi land the next day.

He has never been so high-profile before, since Nu chose to be high-profile, let's make it to the extreme this time...

Ye Qianran exhaled, glanced around at this moment and said: "Next!"

The simple voice fell, but it touched the emotions of many people. Will Ye Qianran continue? But it's really strong enough... At this time, many people cheered and praised Ye Qianran.

With such courage, the performance just now has won the admiration and admiration of many people invisibly... The most important thing is that Ye Qianran even chose to continue...

"Let me do it!"

The indifferent voice fell, and a man wearing a white and red robe fell down. This man fell, which once again caused a lot of people's surprised voices.

"Tsk tsk, Wu Wenwen of the Artifact Refining Pavilion is also very strong. Although he hasn't won ten consecutive victories, he has been clearly remembered a few times!"

Haoran said in amazement at this time: "His accompanying fire is very strong, is Qianran still okay?"

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