Eternal Supreme

Chapter 687

"Full restraint?"

When the people around saw Wu Wenwen going down, they all showed strange expressions.

Wu Wenwen, the Artifact Refining Pavilion is undoubtedly the best. It is really amazing to forge a weapon close to the Horcrux level at a young age.

In addition, everyone in Wu Wenwen's accompanying fire is also very familiar with it, and it is extremely strong. Regardless of the cold air before or those trees, it seems that they are all restrained by the fire. Ye Qianran may be over when he reaches the fifth floor, but Ye Qianran was able to defeat four people in a row, which already made the people present remember Ye Qianran's name.

"Wu Wenwen!"

After the man landed, his eyes fell on Ye Qianran and he introduced: "People from the Artifact Refining Pavilion!"

Feeling the surging momentum of the opponent, Ye Qianran looked a little surprised. He also knows how to refine weapons, so he also understands that refining weapons is not an easy task. Since he came here with confidence, he also has a lot of strength .

"Ye Qianran, outside!" Ye Qianran said.

Wu Wenwen nodded slightly, and pulled out a red sword from his back.

Although the sword was red all over, it looked very delicate and narrow. When Wu Wenwen held it in his hand, flames surged out of the sword. From a distance, it looked like a flaming sword. The temperature also began to climb at this time.

Ye Qianran's face suddenly showed surprise at this moment. It seems that Wu Wenwen's accompanying fire is also very strong. What surprised him was that Wu Wenwen cleverly integrated the accompanying fire and the sword in his hand perfectly. together.

This move is definitely not bad, at least Wu Wenwen is very proficient in this aspect, but for his goal, for the sake of being high-profile and high-profile, he still has to make a quick decision.

While he was thinking, the old man's voice also sounded at this moment: "Let's start!"

Almost as soon as the voice fell, Wu Wenwen's body also moved, clenched his right hand tightly, and the accompanying fire became more surging in an instant. When a flame shot up into the sky, the surrounding temperature soared by one layer.

"Fire Flame Slash!"

The indifferent voice fell, and the sword in Wu Wenwen's hand was filled with flames surging at this moment, and when the scorching intention erupted, it enveloped Ye Qianran.

There was no tentative attack, and it was obvious that the outbreak was planned from the beginning.

Ye Qianran was surprised again at this time, because when the flames surged out of the sky, Ye Qianran also felt the surge of Wu Yuan in it, and all the explosions were like this.

It was the first time he had seen a person with such perfect control. He believed that it would never be so simple. There was only one answer, and that was the power of Wu Wenwen's blood.

When he thought of this, his eyes fluttered and his body moved. He didn't intend to draw his sword, but he didn't dodge either. He rushed forward with his bare hands, but at that moment, Ye Qianran's aura also soared, invisible Among them, he also opened Aolong.

"What is he going to do?"

When the people around saw Ye Qianran's actions, expressions of amazement appeared on their faces at the same time. Is it that simple?

Because they knew it before, now they don't think that Ye Qianran went up to seek death...

When everyone thought so, the howling sound of the dragon's chant sounded, and it even smashed towards the bursting flame.

Because the speed is quite fast, they have been in contact with each other in a short period of time. When the muffled sound sounded, the flames were even more dazzling at this time, and the rhythmic flame sword light was even more fierce...

Wu Wenwen never thought that Ye Qianran planned to do this, but he knew in his heart that it was definitely not that simple, so at this time he did not weaken, and was relatively more tyrannical, but he found that although he broke out, he was still stunned at the time. It was resisted by Ye Qianran.

"So strong!"

Wu Wenwen's face was full of surprise at this time, but the surprise was the surprise. At this time, he did not panic at all. After a cold snort, he drew his sword. The next moment, strange spiritual power floated, and the surging flames in the sky condensed in an instant, roaring When the sound sounded, it turned into several flaming beasts and rushed towards Ye Qianran.

Such a scene made the people around amazed again. It seemed that Wu Wenwen's manipulation was even stronger.

Ye Qianran still looked relaxed, his body receded, and his body was suspended at this moment. The spiritual power of the control level surged out at this moment. The next moment, he spread his hands at the same time, and the same two accompanying fires slammed at this moment. Then it exploded.

One is golden, one is white, one looks very domineering, and the other is very strong.

"Hey, I used to play with fire a lot!"

The corners of Ye Qianran's mouth curled up, and his spiritual power surged again, and the two accompanying fires bloomed crazily again, and when they were released, they instantly turned into two long dragons and swept up.

He doesn't have any blood power to control, but relies on super strong control to condense...

"how could be?"

The faces of the people around were stupefied and unbelievable for a moment, and as the flame dragon swept across, the ferocious monster was also swallowed instantly. The originally very powerful dragon, after swallowing Wu Wenwen's accompanying fire, looked Even more powerful, hovering on both sides of Ye Qianran.

Such a scene was unbelievable to those present. Ye Qianran's control was so strong, and it was still acting on the accompanying fire.

Is Ye Qianran a member of the elves? If it was, why would he know how to control the accompanying fire, but if not, Ye Qianran used the ability of the elves.

When everyone thought so, Ye Qianran's eyes fell on Wu Wenwen and said: "You admit defeat, I am better than you in this respect!"

Although Wu Wenwen was shocked, he still snorted coldly when he heard Ye Qianran's words. The sword in his right hand surged and floated at this moment, and his hands were intertwined at this moment, and then a fiery red and dazzling mysterious seal was here Appearing from time to time, the next moment, the sound of roaring sounded, and then a flame-like monster jumped out at this time.

Previously, he only used the bloodline's support, but now he really used the power of the bloodline, so he summoned the fire beast.

Fire beasts are not that simple fire beasts.

This is condensed by him through the soul of the hunter beast... So it has a mind, and it can also evolve by itself...

Ye Qianran was also surprised, and he naturally felt it. The corners of his mouth were raised, his eyes were floating, and his spiritual power was even more surging at this time. The two dragons were intertwined with each other at this time. stand up.

After a short time, it turned out to be condensed into a single, bright golden light, which was also in essence in an instant... Such a scene once again shocked the surroundings, can Ye Qianran know anything? How many hole cards does he hide?

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