Eternal Supreme

Chapter 690

"Thousand Cracks..."

When the five fingers intertwined and took shape, the Wu Yuan fluctuated crazily with a drastic change in expression. Accompanied by the extreme change in strength, the ear-piercing whistling also spread instantly.

Then a beam of light condensed in an instant, and then tore through the sky at an astonishing speed, pulling away the fighting animal first.

Yan Qingming's initial attack was absolutely powerful, even astonishing. It was as fast as thunder, and it was impossible for people to dodge, and the surging Wu Yuan wave caused ripples in the space.

Such a move definitely shocked the two of them. It seems that Yan Qingming's strength is much higher than before. He is indeed one of the top three masters of the younger generation.

Facing such an attack, Ye Qianran's expression didn't change at all, and he didn't intend to dodge. With the blood boiling in his body, he pointed and exploded. The golden light and the roaring sound of the dragon's whistling were driven by the tight grip, and it became red directly.


When Ye Qianran's fist hit the beam of light, a shocking wave swept away, and it didn't stop until it reached the surrounding protective seals.


Ye Qianran felt the astonishing force without any panic, even the corners of his mouth turned up. The next moment, the indescribable power spread, and he saw that astonishing beam of light bursting...

Was hit by Ye Qianran's punch?

The muffled sound continued, and the bursting light beam turned into shocking waves, wantonly again.

"What a terrifying power?"

The people around exclaimed at the same time, it was too strong, where did Ye Qianran come from?

While everyone was thinking about it, Yan Qingming moved, and when a sneer sounded, a vague figure galloped, and then a more powerful aura swept out like half of a storm, rolling and surging across the entire battle platform, like a tsunami.

"Yan Qingming deserves to be Yan Qingming!"

Such a scene really attracted a lot of shocked eyes again, and while being shocked, these people couldn't help looking at Ye Qianran again.

Can he be as relaxed as before this time?

He really can't tell who wins and who loses this time.

At this time, Ye Qianran felt the oppression, closed his eyes and took a deep breath. This feeling was refreshing!

Opening the eyes, the light golden color is a little eye-catching. The moment the eyes are concentrated, the power of heaven and earth is instantly transformed into the original source of beads, and the golden power is radiant.

"Golden Copper Demon Palm!"

The indifferent voice swept across the entire battle arena with strong strength, and spread out his right hand, and instantly a vast bronze palm print instantly condensed.

The Jintong Demon Palm, the earth-level intermediate skills, and the burst suppression all belong to the level of powerful mechanisms.

The fluctuation of the trapped wolf completely proved everything at this time.

That's the difference!

The gap between Yan Qingming as the top three masters and how many people Ye Qianran defeated before!

As the distance drew closer, the surging palm prints made people feel suffocated.

Ye Qianran raised his head, narrowed his eyes slightly, and when the idea of ​​madness emerged, he took a step forward, stretched out his right hand, and smashed it madly.

"Break it for me!"

The cold and low voice carried a fierce and terrifying power, sandwiched with a strong mental power, and it also swept across the sky...


The golden light became dazzling, and when it was full of violent power, it caused a tearing impact.

When Ye Qianran penetrated the palm print, the palm print sank for a long time before bursting instantly, and in the midst of the spiritual turmoil, the figures of the two intertwined instantly, with a bang sound at an extremely fast speed.

"Both of them are so strong!" Shocked voices sounded from time to time.

"What a strong spiritual power, has this kid already cultivated spiritually? And it's still at a very high level!"

The old man suspended in the air showed surprise at the same time, they felt it very clearly, such a young spiritual master? This is an absolute innate advantage.


The ear-piercing loud noise spread again, and the figures of the two fell down in an instant, the ferocious strength rippled again, and the figures of the two disappeared again.

"The speed is quite fast, let's see who is faster!" President Dan said with a smile at this time.

And just as he finished speaking, he suddenly saw Ye Qianran's figure froze, frowning slightly, isn't this courting death?

But the next moment, Yan Qingming's pupils shrank. He was sure to hit it, but when he hit it, he found it was empty...

With a face full of vigilance at the moment, the body turned to the right, the right hand spread out, and the violent spiritual power gathered. When a palm print was condensed again, a cold voice sounded: "Spirit Gathering Seal!"

The simple three-word voice sounded, and the soaring fierceness gathered at this moment, and a phantom passed by, and Ye Qianran landed in the distance.

His body was suspended there, his eyes were red, and he looked at Yan Qingming with a smile.


There was a cracking sound, and the palm print was actually broken...

"What happened? What happened?"

Everyone was full of doubts, why did they stop when it was getting intense, it was extremely enjoyable just now...

It's really disappointing to stop suddenly...

But when they stopped, they stopped. At this time, everyone looked forward to the re-explosion of the two, hoping to see more exciting scenes.

Of course, they also have a doubt, that is, why did Yan Qingming's explosive attack suddenly explode? what's going on?

When everyone thought this way, several old men who were above the levitation showed surprise at the same time, and then looked at each other, and they could see the shock in each other's eyes.

"I lost!" A wry smile sounded, Yan Qingming looked helpless, his hole card hadn't been lifted yet, but it was indeed broken by Ye Qianran's hand just now.

It's really aggrieved, but I really admire Ye Qianran's instantaneous speed, how did he do it?

At least he can't do it now.

In addition, Ye Qianran's sharp breath just now made his whole body tense up. The sharpness not only cut open his cause, but also left a scar on his neck.

He felt that Ye Qianran's strength was restrained in an instant, otherwise he would definitely stay here now.

If they really put it in a life-and-death struggle, he would definitely die now.

Ye Qianran's mind was very ingenious. During the collision, he found a way out and how to attack...


When the people present heard Yan Qingming's words, they couldn't believe it at first, so what happened? How did you lose?

It's really frustrating...

And at this moment, their mouths opened wide, and many people noticed the bloodstains on Yan Qingming's neck, dull... Really dull.

How did Ye Qianran manage to hurt Yan Qingming with such a strong surge of spiritual power?

Sword God Seal? Why is it called a heavenly skill, and why did Yang Yi hide it for so long and want to learn it? And the horror of the Sword God Seal lies here...

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