Eternal Supreme

Chapter 691

"It's really strong!"

Zuo Shuchen and Xuan Zongwei stood there with surprise on their faces, and finally Zuo Shuchen said: "Hehe, your previous record seems to have been broken!"

Xuan Zongwei nodded slightly, and looked at Ye Qianran with interest, while a subtle fighting spirit was also surging at this moment.

It seems to be a bit interesting, and it didn't come in vain!

He really planned to refuse at the time, but when he heard people in the martial arts arena say that Ye Qianran planned to fight alone for ten days, he came to have a look out of curiosity.

Because he really wanted to know who such an arrogant person was.

Looking at it now, it is indeed arrogant, but they do have the capital of arrogance.

"Yan Qing is clearly defeated!"

The Supreme Elder of the martial arts arena landed on the battle platform, and at this moment he looked at Ye Qianran in surprise.

Sword intent?

He shouldn't be mistaken, at Ye Qianran's age, he also comprehended the sword intent. He didn't think about the fake sword intent, because he knew in his heart that the fake sword intent would never achieve this effect.

At this time, Ye Qianran looked at Yan Qingming and said, "If you have a chance, I will fight you again!"

Yan Qingming took a deep breath, glanced at Ye Qianran, and finally chose to leave. Although he was a little aggrieved by the loss this time, Ye Qianran was indeed formidable. Even if there was a next time, he would show all his cards. It must be defeated, right?

After Yan Qingming left, the people present fell silent, and their eyes became hot at the same time when they looked at Ye Qianran, and now they all understood the reason.

Is it still the speed? Still defeated a master in a short time?

Looking at Ye Qianran's leaving back, he narrowed his eyes slightly, isn't this high-profile enough? After defeating six people in a short period of time, his name should be remembered by many people, right?

Taking a deep breath, feeling the still restless blood in his body, his pale golden eyes were shining red.

Is it six? There are four more, and the one behind is really getting stronger and stronger. He glanced around and opened his mouth wide. What's going on? Why are there so many people?

That's right, he was really shocked at this moment. It was very empty before, but now it is full, really completely full, and he also saw many familiar people.

For example, Chang Ao and Yuan Fan are here, the president of the Pill Club is here, and... Zhong Chuchu with long blue hair... looks strange, did something happen?

When he was surprised, he saw a figure falling down again from a distance. With a fierce aura surging, his eyes fell directly on Ye Qianran and said: "Da Yanzong, Zuo Shuchen!"

That's right, after watching the battle between Ye Qianran and Yan Qingming, his heart really became agitated, and he also wanted to feel Ye Qianran's strength.

Watching from the side is always watching, and only when you really face it can you understand.

As for Zuo Shuchen's whereabouts, many people have also guessed, but Zuo Shuchen, as the second-ranked master, also has a reason for existence, because as we all know, Zuo Shuchen let the Heavenly Artifact of Dayan Sect recognize the master.

So Zuo Shuchen possessed a heavenly weapon, a heavenly weapon was enough to explain everything, an absolutely special existence, and an absolutely powerful existence.

Zuo Shuchen owns a heavenly weapon, Ye Qianran did win last time, but is he okay against Zuo Shuchen who owns a heavenly weapon? This kind of probability may be reduced to the minimum, that is to say, Ye Qianran may be cut off here when he is not facing Xuan Zongwei.

But this is also a part of the thinking, and some people think that Ye Qianran is absolutely about to end every time, but it is the hole card that Ye Qianran defeated in the shortest time, and the level is not good. Who knows Ye Qianran Are there any other cards?

At least the current Ye Qianran still looks very calm. From the perspective of momentum, not only is he not lower than before, but at this moment, he looks stronger. Obviously, he also felt the pressure from Zuo Shuchen. .

Ye Qianran's heart was indeed agitated, the dragon blood in his body was completely boiling, his long pale golden hair fluttered, and the same pale golden eyes flickered red from time to time, looked at Zuo Shuchen and said: "The strength is very strong, but my goal Not you!"

Well, he was high-profile again, but what he said was indeed the truth. Since he was high-profile all the way, he still didn't mind being even more high-profile this time.

Anyway, it's all like this, as long as he can go to the end, he doesn't mind all erupting, and his central goal is only one, and this is not to defeat Xuan Zongwei, but to see if the person who came from the secret realm is Xiao Mengyao That's all.

After such a long time, he misses him very much. Every time he thinks about Fenglei City, he will think of the encounter with Xiao Mengyao, the path of development with Xiao Mengyao, the high hopes she coveted on him at that time, he It is still clear.

If he can let the whole Xuanshi land know now, then Xiao Mengyao will definitely be very happy to know.

After hearing Ye Qianran's words, Zuo Shuchen was not angry. He smiled and said, "Maybe, but if you want to achieve your goal, you must at least pass my level, right?"

"That's right!" Ye Qianran narrowed his eyes slightly, and held his hands tightly together at this moment.

"But I won't let you pass easily, unless you show your due strength!" Zuo Shuchen smiled again, because he watched a battle between Ye Qianran and Yan Qingming, and he also had feelings for Ye Qianran. As far as I know, the speed is very fast, but he is not afraid, the strength is good, but in the end it is not clear who will win and who will lose...

He also has a fighting spirit, that is to completely suppress Ye Qianran, and tell him what it means to have a sky beyond the sky, and someone beyond the human.

He did this for the good of Ye Qianran, but...does Ye Qianran use it?

The white-haired old man saw that the two were ready to fight, and narrowed his eyes slightly. In the end, he said directly without wasting time: "Let's start!" The guardian light curtain also instantly enveloped the huge battle platform.

Almost at the moment when the battle platform was shrouded, the atmosphere condensed and swords were tense.

At this moment, everyone's eyes were focused on the two of them.

"Who do you think will win between the two?" Yan Qingming looked up at Xuan Zongwei.

Xuan Zongwei said: "You also know Shuchen's strength, and he has a heavenly weapon to protect his body. It is very difficult to attack. Although the opponent is also very strong, if there is no special method, it should be lost!"

Yan Qingming pondered for a while, then looked at the battle stage, raised his eyebrows, and his expression showed a look of expectation. Although he lost, to Ye Qianran, his mind and strength were really amazing, so he I still hope that Ye Qianran can defeat Zuo Shuchen... But is it really possible?

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