Eternal Supreme

Chapter 692


A trembling voice sounded, and a strong Wuyuan turmoil...

Because the extension of this force ignited the surrounding atmosphere again, Zuo Shuchen and Ye Qianran, who can win?

When countless eyes focused on the two of them, they couldn't help calming down, as if they were afraid of disturbing the anger at this time: "Shall we start?"

When everyone thought this way, Zuo Shuchen moved first, and the whistling sound broke the original tranquility. His figure was like a light and shadow, and he galloped directly towards Ye Qianran at an extremely astonishing speed.


Zuo Shuchen clenched his right hand tightly, and Wu Yuan rolled crazily, like a storm sweeping through, driving a strong wind, and blasted towards Ye Qianran mercilessly.

And that Wu Yuan shook the air, making a deep, thunderous sound.

Very strong! With this shot, it feels like the air is going to explode.

Ye Qianran's expression became a little more serious. Experts would know if there was one as soon as he made a move. With such an offensive from the beginning, it was obvious that he wanted to suppress him from the beginning.

But is he afraid?

The corners of the mouth were raised, and the strength of the original bead was mobilized crazily at this time, and the mental power was shaking, and the eyes were slightly cold.

He said that his goal is not Zuo Shuchen, maybe it will be a bit tricky, but he will still kick Zuo Shuchen away.

The berserk strength also swept across at a speed visible to the naked eye. While agitating, the right hand was also clenched tightly. After a low shout, the fighting spirit swept across.


When the two figures came into contact, there was not a long silence, and there was a sudden turmoil. When the violent Wuyuan was turbulent at that moment, it seemed that the entire battle platform was biting and trembling.

"What a powerful force!"

The people around looked at the overwhelming Wu Yuan, and their expressions were amazed at the same time, which seemed to be more interesting.

The sound of bang fell, and the two separated in an instant. At this time, Ye Qianran's body retreated at least five or six meters, and Zuo Shuchen's retreat distance was only two or three meters.

Such a scene made people see many things. In terms of strength, Zuo Shuchen seemed to surpass Ye Qianran at this time.

Because of this, the situation was even more tense at this time, and everyone was staring closely at the bottom, as if they were afraid of missing any details.

Even though I thought so, when the two rushed towards each other at the same time, the blurry figure was hard to catch, and what could be seen was illusory shadows intertwined, and Wu Yuan and the golden spiritual power turmoil became more and more intense .

In a short period of time, it actually filled the entire battlefield.

Everyone was amazed again, although Ye Qianran seemed to have the upper hand at the beginning, but at this time the speed of the two was basically on the same level.

At this time, Ye Qianran was actually quite surprised, and he really didn't expect Zuo Shuchen's speed to be so fast. At this time, the light was floating, and the red light appeared at this time. Suddenly, the speed became stronger, and then he quickly As he was about to turn around, his hands were interlaced at this moment, and when the mysterious seal surged, an extremely fierce force also enveloped Zuo Shuchen.

Zuo Shuchen was really amazed at this time, he had seen such a scene at Yan Qingming's before, and now the amazement in his heart is self-evident.

But because he knew something, he instantly shifted his body. At the same time, he spread his right hand and shouted, "Canglan Palm!"

As soon as the words fell, the tricky strength surged instantly, and a thunderous rumbling sound sounded like a bolt of lightning.

When Zuo Shuchen was pinching and bursting, a berserk and palpitating aura surged at this moment.


After the surging voice fell, Zuo Shuchen's pupils shrank, empty? Just when he reacted, he also felt a sharp breath coming from behind.

Frowning slightly, strange spiritual power floated at this moment, and countless lights and shadows enveloped the body almost instantly.


The ear-piercing sound of cutting sounded at this moment, and at this time Zuo Shuchen also took advantage of this opportunity, turned his body around, spread out his right hand again, surged with palpitating force again, and slapped out a palm print.


The whistling Wu Yuan erupted instantly like a volcano, and after the whistling sound fell, Wu Yuan erupted all over the sky again, and the scene was extremely astonishing for a while.

The two figures separated again, and the distance separated again. Zuo Shuchen landed on the ground with a serious face. Just now he used the power of blood to protect him. If it wasn't like this, he would have lost just now.

It is true that the opponent does not understand Ye Qianran's strength, and he is indeed a very powerful opponent.

And after Ye Qianran withdrew from the body, his face was also full of surprise, the sword god seal was cut, and it failed? How strong is the defense?

But he wouldn't believe that the defense was unbreakable, so a smile appeared on his face again at this time, it's nothing, now that he understands something, it's good to warm up.

Exhaled slowly, then Ye Qianran showed a smile on his face, stared at Zuo Shuchen and said: "The strength is very strong, it is worth having a good time!"

Zuo Shuchen frowned after hearing this, what do you mean?

When he thought so, Ye Qianran's golden light surged, and when his whole body was enveloped, the Proud Dragon Art was activated again, directly soaring from the first floor to the fourth floor.

Also because of this, Ye Qianran's aura became colder in an instant, as if he had changed a different person.

And the surging golden glow also transformed into a dragon state.

Ye Qianran's hands were also covered with golden scales at this time.

"what happened?"

Such a change surprised everyone, and it was the first time they had seen it.

Is it still the elves? At this time, the feeling is not so simple.

"Dragon Clan? No, the performance of the Dragon Clan is definitely not like this. Is it the power of the bloodline? The power of the strange bloodline!" Many people in the levitation showed wonder and curiosity, and of course the most were unbelievable.

Because of the power of such blood, most people are seeing it for the first time.

"Is it still a hole card?"

Seeing Ye Qianran's performance at this time, Bai Xiangxun couldn't help being shocked again. Judging from the spiritual power surging from Ye Qianran's body, even if she used the power of her own blood, it might not be Ye Qianran's. opponent.

After the people around were shocked, many people exclaimed at this moment.

And Haoran shouted the most enthusiastically at this time. He never thought that Ye Qianran, whom he met by coincidence at the time, was so powerful. Xuan Zongwei's feeling of challenging...

It's so powerful that I can't say it.

"The current Ye Qianran is so strong!"

Chang Ao and Yuan Fan were also later. They were also surprised when they saw Ye Qianran, and watched Ye Qianran defeat Yan Qingming. They were shocked once before, and they were shocked again this time.

How many cards does Ye Qianran have?

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