Eternal Supreme

Chapter 700

"Bang bang bang..."

Because once, the moment Ye Qianran flew upside down, Ye Qianran was hit back and forth there like a rubber ball, and each attack was stronger than the last, which looked very shocking.

After going on for about a dozen times, it finally stopped, and Ye Qianran flew upside down again, and fell heavily on the ground, many scales on his body were broken...

The surge of spiritual power is wanton, is Ye Qianran okay at this level? After all, when Xuan Zongwei hit Ye Qianran back and forth, he didn't hold back. Every time the violent Wu Yuan was extremely terrifying.

When everyone was shocked, their eyes also fell on Ye Qianran, but at this time their shock was even deeper...

Ye Qianran's body actually moved, and then he stood up shaking his body, the expression on his face... yes, Ye Qianran actually smiled, what's the matter?

"Hehe, this feeling is sour!"

When Ye Qianran spoke, there was a hint of madness at the corner of his mouth. Xuan Zongwei's beating him up like this completely made him angry, and his heart became crazy. He said that Xuan Zongwei will lose this time... …resolutely, the belief remains at this time.

The spiritual power of the original bead surged again, and when the violent mental power floated, Ye Qianran's body was suspended, and the long golden hair fluttered...

After the battle, since we have reached this level, there is no need to suppress it, and a cold voice sounded: "Open the door!"

The simple two words fell, and the energy surged at this time.

"Shut the door, open!"

"Injury door, open!"

"Dumen, open!"

"Injury door, open!"

"Jingmen, open..."

Violence, that was really extreme rage, Ye Qianran's aura had reached a heinous level.

The sixth floor of Aolong and the sixth floor of Bamen, he released them without reservation at this time...

The people around were shocked at the same time, and there was a hole card, Ye Qianran actually had a hole card, especially the violent and wanton vigor around Ye Qianran, what is that?

And Bai Xiangxun was stunned for a while, you must know that Ye Qianran's voice was quite loud, but he could hear it very clearly, because he was defeated by this exercise at that time.

But it is obvious that Ye Qianran has cultivated to a higher level again at this time.

Is it really Ye Qianran?

Bai Xiangxun's jade hands were tightly held together, and she was horrified after recovering, how could it be possible? Ye Qianran was obviously a waste at the time, how could he have reached such a toughness in less than a year?

"Xun'er, are you alright?" the Young Sect Master of the Killing God Sect noticed the fluctuation of Bai Xiangxun, and asked involuntarily.

Bai Xiangxun shook her head after hearing this, her eyes were staring at Ye Qianran closely at this moment, is it a coincidence? That's right, it should be a coincidence, because Ye Qianran was born a waste, even if the talent is strong, this is impossible, but the combination of the two coincidences still made her a little shaken...

"It's so powerful, but can it break Zongwei's domain?" Zuo Shuchen watched from afar, and couldn't help but say something.

Yan Qingming thought the same way, but he could understand if he could read on. This should be the last card, right? But Ye Qianran really has enough cards...

Xuan Zongwei's face was full of surprise at this time, his eyes narrowed slightly, and then his body disappeared again...


When the huge Wu Yuan was restless, Ye Qianran's body also disappeared, yes, it disappeared, and when it appeared, it disappeared again, and every time Ye Qianran disappeared, the huge Wu Yuan and that unique spirit disappeared. Power will soar into the sky.

Got it? What speed is that? How sensitive is that?


After many times in a row, a cold voice sounded: "Your speed is only so fast!"

After the words fell, the palpitating spiritual power, mixed with the roar of Aolong, sounded again, and the sound of cracking was restless.


A crazy energy bloomed at this time, and then a figure flew out, it turned out to be Xuan Zongwei...

"You played very well before, this time it's my turn..."

Leng Lie's crazy voice sounded again, and then everyone was stunned. Xuan Zongwei changed from active to passive in an instant. No matter where he appeared, Ye Qianran would beat him out in less than a second.

After the same continued for a long time, the cold voice sounded again: "Such a practice, ha ha..."

The indifferent voice reverberated, the blue and red intertwined instantly, the fluctuations of the entire battle platform dissipated instantly, and a heaven-level skill was broken like that, yes, it was broken just like that...

There was no sound from the beginning, and there was still no sound at this time, so everyone was just standing there... What happened? what happened?

"You two perverts..."

Zuo Shuchen came back to his senses and swallowed a mouthful of saliva, but Ye Qianran was a little more perverted. After all, Xuan Zongwei relied on the cultivation technique, while Ye Qianran relied on his perception and pure speed...

Everyone in the audience came back to their senses at this time, still sluggish, purely sluggish, because this situation is simply unbelievable.

"Master Ye..." Zhong Chuchu's eyes became obsessed again, looking at Ye Qianran with a crazy but evil face, his heart beat again, and his face under the scarf became even more rosy.


Haoran was also stunned, this is a turning point, Ye Qianran thought that Ye Qianran would lose this time, but seeing such a scene, it is really unacceptable.

Bai Xiangxun clenched her hands even tighter, Ye Qianran was definitely not the Ye Qianran she knew, because of a coincidence, it must be a coincidence...


The elders of Dan Guild gave a wry smile at this time. If it weren't for them, the older generation, the seal would have been broken long ago... Since when did the battles of the younger generation become so terrifying?

When everyone was amazed and shocked, Xuan Zongwei, who fell to the ground in a panic, stood up at this moment. From the calmness before, he looked a little embarrassed at this time, and his face was full of shock and disbelief. , what speed is that?

He has no chance to resist at all, all he can do is defend. If he hadn't prepared in advance, he would be unbearable now.

But can he lose? the answer is negative……

At this moment, his eyes fell on Ye Qianran and he said: "I really underestimated you, will lose today!" After speaking, his eyes turned cold at this moment, and the momentum on his body soared again in an instant Get up, when the right hand is spread out, an illusory shadow slowly emerges at this time...

"what is that?"

Everyone also noticed, and the meaning of amazement emerged at this time.

"It's a heavenly weapon, a divine halberd..."

Zuo Shuchen recognized it, Xuan Zongwei actually used this thing...

You must know that Xuan Zongwei's strength is already terrifying, so mobilizing the heavenly weapon can erupt a certain amount of power, which is completely different from him...

And when everyone was shocked, no one noticed that Ye Qianran smiled...he really laughed...

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