Eternal Supreme

Chapter 701

"I never thought that Xuan Zongwei's body really had the legendary divine halberd..."

When the shadow in Xuan Zongwei's hand became clear, the huge aura seemed to break through half of the entire guarding defense in an instant, giving people a feeling full of surprise.

"The Heavenly Artifact ranks first, Tiandaozong really owns this Heavenly Artifact!"

Quite a few people were amazed, and now they discussed it, and everyone understood that the number one heavenly weapon rarely appeared, so almost no one knew about its ability, but since it was ranked first, could it be bad?

But at this time, I didn't feel that Ye Qianran would lose here. After all, Ye Qianran's ice sword was also extremely powerful, and the power it erupted was also extremely terrifying, so no one could tell who would win and who would lose.

But the battle of heavenly artifacts, tsk tsk, how exciting is it?

When everyone thought so, Ye Qianran also looked at the divine halberd, and found that the divine halberd looked like a spear, and there were two and a half months of blades in front.

The whole body is dark golden, covered with fine lines, which looks extremely cool.

Ye Qianran withdrew his gaze, and a thought emerged at this time, whether to play more high-key, or more restrained, this is really a question that makes people think, and finally think hard, anyway, it is the same, so it should be more high-key Just a little bit, take your time, he is really not in a hurry, immediately raised his head to look at Xuan Zongwei and said: "I still say that you will lose today, you can't play with me if you play with heavenly weapons! One!"

"Really?" Xuan Zongwei didn't pay attention to it, feeling the aura reverberating all over his body after the divine halberd appeared.

He has only one feeling now, that is unstoppable! No matter who it is, even if the person standing in front of him is very powerful, it's still the same!


The blue light was floating at this moment, Ye Qianran took out the dzi bead on his back, the spiritual power of the Xuanbing bead was mobilized, and the blue hair and blue eyes changed in an instant. He definitely wants to win.

Xuan Zongwei has also seen the power of Ye Qianran's ice sword, but it is still inferior to the divine halberd, right?

Ye Qianran moved, and when his body disappeared, he was already in front of Xuan Zongwei. How to say, he is also in the eight-door state, and the speed is absolutely terrifying. The blue blooms, and the blue dragon roars directly towards Xuan Zongwei The direction of latitude exploded out, which looked shocking.

Will Xuan Zongwei be suppressed?

When everyone thought so, the divine halberd in Xuan Zongwei's hand was shining brightly at this moment.


A muffled voice sounded, and when the surging force soared to the sky, Ye Qianran's body shook, rebounding so strongly, and when he frowned slightly, he also retreated following the force.

And just as he withdrew, the pattern of the divine halberd in Xuan Zongwei's hand lit up.

Xuan Zongwei interlaced his hands, and when the divine halberd was moving, a piercing sound sounded, and the place where the divine halberd passed by caused the space to be completely distorted. This distortion is completely different from the previous burst of Wu Yuan. The space is cut in general.

Is this the power of the Heavenly Artifact Divine Halberd?

When everyone thought so, Xuan Zongwei tipped his toes, and his body rushed up at this moment. The divine halberd in his hand rushed out at this time, and the ear-piercing sound kept whistling. Not long after, the surging Wu Yuan also rushed forward. It surged, the body turned around in an instant, and the vortex-like shocking power was condensed in an instant, covering more than half of the battle platform.

The power of terror gives people the feeling that it wants to destroy everything.

Ye Qianran's body dodged quickly, when the voice of the flame knife sounded: "The ability of the divine halberd is quite strong, at least as far as I know, the divine halberd can open the two-dimensional space, affect the environment, and have a vacuum space, that is, It is said that there is no martial element in this space that can be mobilized. In addition, summoning the sky thunder can be played. In addition, it has a certain reflection ability. The opponent's attack can bounce back part of it, which can be regarded as the defensive performance of the divine halberd! "

Ye Qianran narrowed his eyes slightly, this ability is indeed very strong, this is what Yan Dao knew, and more things he couldn't guess.

Just when he thought of this, the divine halberd in Xuan Zongwei's hand trembled again, and under its swing, it swept across the entire battle platform, so fast that he had no possibility of dodging.

When the red glow floated, the ice sword became huge at this time, standing directly in front of him.


The violent spiritual power swept across, and the amazing spiritual power hammered on the ice sword, making the ice sword tremble.

Ye Qianran was shocked. Fortunately, fortunately, he had an extra idea to make the ice sword bigger. Otherwise, if he held it up, it would probably have made him fly out?

But the shock was the shock, he knew that he absolutely couldn't sit still, because after opening the eight gates, he would appear to continue to weaken at any time, so he didn't have much time.

Thinking of this, the ice sword shrinks at this time, when the spiritual power of Xuanbingzhu is mobilized in an instant, Youlan Tianhuo is also mobilized at this time, and when the surrounding temperature drops terrifyingly, it directly covers Xuan Zongwei .

In fact, he still has a way out, that is to use the dzi bead, but he really doesn't want to use it as a last resort, he just wants to defeat Xuan Zongwei with a pure attack.


Lengheng sounded at this moment, and the divine halberd in Xuan Zongwei's hand was swung in an instant, and the violent spiritual power erupted again. When it was mobilized, the same vastness erupted here.

The two of them are fine, but these are people who have worked hard to maintain the guardian seal around them. After the two of them upgraded to the Battle of Heavenly Artifacts, the impact of their spiritual power was very terrifying. If they were not careful, the guardian seal might be broken Well, at that time, it will definitely affect the surrounding area, and maybe the entire fighting arena can't stay.

Seeing the collision of two strands of spiritual power, when the palpitating spiritual power soared into the sky again, the expression of the person maintaining the seal changed slightly at the same time. Suppressed, the vast strength surged and was directly transmitted in.

"Boom!" The unimaginable impact of spiritual power made the light curtain tremble instantly, and the people around were instantly horrified, and the figures of the two people in the battle platform intertwined, and an extremely powerful spiritual storm would appear every time. Absolutely magnificent.

Envy, that's really envy, when will they also have a heavenly weapon? That's right, just one will do!

And when everyone was thinking this way, they suddenly saw red glows everywhere on the battle stage, what's going on? When they tried to see clearly, they were shocked at the same time...

The ice sword in Ye Qianran's hand landed on his back, but a fiery red knife appeared in his hand, this is...

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