Eternal Supreme

Chapter 712

"Can it be done?"

When Ye Qianran had that idea, his heart really became agitated. His idea was very simple, because the surroundings were full of spatial spiritual power. If he could absorb it, it would mean that he would have the original spiritual power of space. force.

The general spatial characteristics are reflected in the blood. It seems that he has never seen anyone who can actually control it. If he can have the origin of the space, does it mean that he will be the first person?

Thinking of this, the heartbeat inevitably accelerated at this time, the eyes floated, and the spirit opened in one direction at this time.

After his mental power came to the periphery completely, he began to feel it carefully.

The power of space exists but is ethereal. He felt that his spiritual power was like the fish swimming in it. It was very strange. Finally, he also felt it carefully. At this time, he felt the vastness, felt the Mysterious, and illusory at the same time.

He has also met Feng Ruolan, a person with bloodline and spatial characteristics, but he used space to seal his body there, and he was invisible, hiding in the cracks of space, everything was so mysterious.

What about the real meaning of space?

After all, he is a blood without space, so if he wants to absorb and fuse the power of space, he must first understand the mystery of the power of space.

Finally, in the process of understanding, he divided the spiritual force from the first floor into ten shares, and then a hundred shares. When he felt it carefully, he found that it gradually became clear, and the conclusion was very simple. This space can almost be said to be the world he lives in. A parallel space, and this space Xuanao is complementary to the world he lives in...

In addition, after a deep understanding, he feels that the two spaces are relative, just like the difference between divine sense and spiritual power, and they can almost be said to be indispensable.

Time passed little by little, and Ye Qianran was completely immersed in it, but in his detailed feelings, he himself did not realize that in the core area of ​​his spiritual space, a void light group was gradually floating at this time It condensed out, and then wrapped the golden dragon and the bead, and suddenly felt that both of them became ethereal, giving people an extremely unreal feeling.

You Wushuang and Bai Bingbing were a little puzzled, what happened to Ye Qianran?

Because Ye Qianran seems to be less real now, at least not as real as before.

"How is this going?"

The two looked at each other, their faces were full of doubts at the same time, but they didn't disturb, because they didn't know what happened to Ye Qianran, so they chose not to disturb.

But time passed by little by little, and a look of worry appeared on their faces at this time, because the time was quite long, and they didn't understand what was going on...

In the end, they still chose not to bother, and continued to wait there, because they were still afraid that if Ye Qianran was practicing, wouldn't that delay Ye Qianran's cultivation?

I don't know how long it took, Ye Qianran opened his eyes almost when they were shaking in the place where they were, and almost at the same time when he opened his eyes, the illusory feeling on his body also disappeared at this time , and then doubts emerged, and he looked at the two of them and said, "Are you there?"

"Well, it should be almost there, half a day has almost passed!" Bai Bingbing roped at this time.

Ye Qianran was surprised when he heard it, and then said: "What? Has half a day passed?"


After hearing this, the two nodded at the same time, then looked at Ye Qianran in surprise, and said almost at the same time: "Are you asleep?"


After Ye Qianran shook his head, the whole person fell silent at this moment. His previous feeling really just passed away, only ten minutes. How could half a day have passed like this? Could it be that he has forgotten the time in his senses?

When he thought of this, the strange look appeared again.

And at this time, there was another shaking from the place where they were. At this time, an old man controlled by an old man said at this time: "Okay, the Sunset Empire has arrived!"

After the words fell, many people stood up and walked outside. Ye Qianran took the two of them out after seeing it. After coming outside, he found that the place he was in turned out to be in a forest. The place he was in was a deliberately empty place in the forest, and there were still bluestone slabs under his feet. Then he looked around and found that there were quite a few people gathered around. It seemed that he wanted to go through this big guy. The land of Xuanya.

It seems that the appearance of the Land of Xuanshi also connected the five great empires invisibly, and the Land of Xuanshi, regarded as the link between the five empires, connected the five empires invisibly.

"This is the easternmost area of ​​the Sunset Empire, and the direction of the imperial city is to the west!" The old man pointed in the direction and said, "It should take about four or five days to arrive!"

The voice fell, and many people also galloped out at this time.

Ye Qianran glanced around, then looked at You Wushuang and Bai Bingbing and said, "Then let's go there too!"

After speaking, the two hugged and jumped out at this time, and Xiao Hei also came to their feet in the process of circulation, and then galloped out in a flash.

In mid-air, Ye Qianran closed his eyes and began to feel it carefully, and then when he felt something, his expression couldn't help showing a sense of wonder, and then he spread his right hand at this time, and a mass of nothingness spiritual power was at this moment Emerging, what is nothingness, that is, the space above his right hand is distorted at this time, which looks very strange.

"Qianran, what's going on?"

After Bai Bingbing and Ye Qianran saw the nihilistic spiritual power, they talked with surprise expressions.


Ye Qianran smiled and said: "This is the power of space I felt there. By the way, I will show you a magic trick!" The voice fell, and the mental power surged at this moment. The next moment Ye Qianran's body It dissipated out of thin air.

The two were stunned at the same time, their faces full of shock, and then the space distorted again, and Ye Qianran's body emerged at this time.

"How on earth did you do it?" The two were shocked at the same time.

After hearing this, Ye Qianran also expressed what he saw and felt at that time. After hearing this, the expressions of the two of them showed shock and disbelief at the same time. It is no wonder that they felt that Ye Qianran had a kind of It felt illusory, so it was because Ye Qianran was feeling the power of space at that time.

But Ye Qianran is too powerful, right? Can all the power of space be absorbed?

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