Eternal Supreme

Chapter 713

"Hey, isn't it amazing?"

Seeing the shocked two people, Ye Qianran suddenly showed a smile on his face.

He hasn't studied the power of space well, and there should be more than one effect. It seems that he will find an opportunity to study it carefully.

The two nodded, and after looking at Ye Qianran again in surprise, they didn't say anything more, leaning on Ye Qianran and looking forward.

Yinyue City, the closest city to the imperial city, three days later in the evening, Ye Qianran landed here with two people, and he also used three days to understand the power of space, and discovered the characteristics he understood It can be used. Invisibly, he seems to have another big boost...

They found a restaurant, and after the three of them had a quick meal, they also found an inn and checked in.

"Hehe, we will arrive at the Imperial City tomorrow!"

Ye Qianran was lying on the bed, holding the two of them in his arms, with a strange look on his face. In this case, it seemed that he could go and see Xiangxiang and Youyu. Besides, did Liu Ruyan and Yi Feixuan come back? And Long Wushuang, when he comes back this time, shouldn't he go and have a look?


You Wushuang nodded lightly. The Sunset Empire is her hometown, and she is most familiar with it here. At this time, her expression also showed a little strange color. Do you want to go back to Qinghong Palace?

After thinking of this, I couldn't help but feel ripples in my heart.

In addition, is it possible that Ye Qianran really intends to go to Qinghong Palace to propose marriage? So when I thought of this, my heart beat involuntarily, and after a quick glance at Ye Qianran, I also lowered my head at this moment.

Ye Qianran smiled, kissed the two of them on the face and said: "Rest early, we can arrive tomorrow!"

After hearing this, the two responded again, leaning against Ye Qianran and closing their eyes.

At this time, Ye Qianran couldn't help but glanced left and right again, and a little strange look emerged, wondering if this girl, Youyu, would be jealous? Because he knew very well that Han Youyu could be very jealous, and a little helpless emerged, no matter what, the joy in his heart was self-evident when he thought of meeting again tomorrow.

After a night of nothing to say, the next day, they got up early, thought about it, and finally let the two of them dress up as men.

Although the two were puzzled, they didn't think much about it in the end, and nodded in agreement.

Then Ye Qianran discovered that after the two of them dressed up as men, they were handsome and absolutely beautiful men. When he walked with the two of them, he couldn't show it at all.

He smiled wryly, well, he tried not to care about it, after all, the two of them are his women after all, aren't they...

Stepping on Xiaohei, the three of them galloped towards the imperial city of the Sunset Empire again... In the afternoon of that day, when the evening was approaching, the three of them landed at the gate of the imperial city.

Looking at the majestic city gate, Ye Qianran couldn't help but feel ripples in his heart again. How long has it been since he left? Maybe he's a little fuzzy now? But the more this is the case, the more I miss him in my heart.

Coming inside, Ye Qianran didn't feel that heartbeat. From here, it can be sensed that Yi Feixuan should not be in the imperial city, has she not come back yet? Or did you go out again after coming back?

At this time, he thought of that Sicong again, the resentment in his heart, it seemed that this guy cut off his way out in the fierce place at that time, at that time, his strength was much worse than that of Sicong, now, with one hand kill him...

"Let's go!"

The corners of Ye Qianran's mouth turned up, and after taking a deep breath, he walked directly inside.

When they came inside, the spacious streets and the constant hustle and bustle in their ears proved how prosperous the imperial city was.

The three of them walked among them and attracted a lot of people's attention. After all, the three of them have outstanding auras. He has long green hair and green eyes. He is taller and more handsome than before. He has two swords on his back. , He thought he was handsome, but he found that although he also attracted a lot of attention, he was quickly dragged by Bai Bingbing and You Wushuang.

But he never cared about it, after all, the two of them would definitely behave like this when they put on their daughter's clothes.

After walking for a certain distance, Ye Qianran stopped suddenly at this moment, raised his head and landed on a signboard, and a strange look suddenly appeared.

Seeing Ye Qianran stop, Bai Bingbing and You Wushuang also showed doubts on their faces. They looked up, and after seeing the Yanxiang Pavilion on the signboard, their expressions showed strange expressions at the same time. Ye Qianran Are you going to go in and have a look?

When the two of them thought of this, Ye Qianran said: "Let's go in and have a look!" After speaking, he walked inside.

Bai Bingbing and You Wushuang looked at Ye Qianran who went in, his face flushed at the same time, why did Ye Qianran come to such a place of right and wrong... But after seeing Ye Qianran go in, he hesitated, and finally followed in, After all, they can't wait here all the time, can they?

After coming inside and breathing in the rich aroma inside, the two of them frowned at the same time, and then their eyes fell on Ye Qianran again. At this time, they saw that Ye Qianran's face was covered with memories Could it be that Ye Qianran often came to this kind of place before?

When curious, Ye Qianran also found a seat and sat down, and the two followed closely behind.

At this time, Ye Qianran's gaze fell on the table in front of her that was surrounded by gauze tents, and the strange look was revealed again. I remember that when he came to the setting sun, he saw Han Youyu again here, and now this girl is still here what?

While he was thinking, he suddenly felt pain in his waist. After being slightly startled, he met two pairs of unnatural eyes, coughed dryly, and explained: "Don't worry, I'm not here to find a woman." But I have an acquaintance here, and am I that kind of person? With you two beauties, I am content!"

After hearing this, the two also knew that they had misunderstood, so at this time, they also let go of Ye Qianran.

At this time, a woman came up and said: "The three of you must be foreigners, why do you want to eat something?"

Ye Qianran smiled and said, "Bring me all the delicious food and drink here!"

"Well, how many prostitutes do the three need?" The woman pursed her lips and smiled. The three of them are pretty good, especially the other two are at the level of handsome men. She couldn't help but feel a little moved.


Ye Qianran was taken aback, and said casually: "I don't need it for the time being, and we came here for the name, will Miss Han be there tonight?" After speaking, a curious look appeared on his face...

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