Eternal Supreme

Chapter 732

"Well, I still want to protect Brother Qianran!"

Shishi's eyes fluctuated, and her voice became a little firmer.

Ye Qianran smiled, patted Shishi on the head, then pulled her up and walked towards Long Wushuang, sat down beside her and said, "I'm ready to start anytime!"

"Well, I'm already ready!" Long Wushuang said, his eyes glanced at the little mink on Ye Qianran's shoulder and said: "In that case, let's start now!"

After Long Wushuang finished speaking, he stood up and walked towards the inside.

Ye Qianran also stood up after seeing it, and followed with Shishi. After coming inside, Ye Qianran found that there were two old men. At this time, he also felt the fluctuation of spiritual power on the two of them. He immediately understood in his heart that the two of them might also be members of the Dragon Clan.

"They used to be the third and fourth elders of the Golden Dragon clan, they came out with me when I left!"

Long Wushuang said: "I have been in retreat before, and besides, they have the same philosophy as me!"

"That's right, if the dragon clan wants to become stronger, it must be borne by the blood successors. If not, they will be eliminated!" said one of the old men.


Ye Qianran nodded, he still understands a truth very well, the weak and the strong eat the strong, the survival of the fittest, the survival of the fittest... These are all great principles, and it is perfectly reflected now.

"I will mobilize your sealed body first, and then the two elders will help you weaken it. There will be pain during this period, you must endure it!" Long Wushuang's expression was full of solemnity at this time.


After Ye Qianran heard Long Wushuang's words, he burst into laughter immediately. He is not good at other things, but he has probably become a master in enduring pain. From Bamen to Yinyang Lake, which one's pain is not extraordinary? Human, but hasn't he persisted until now?

So he really has nothing to be afraid of, come on, pick up whatever comes!

Naturally, the two old men also saw Ye Qianran's expression, and they couldn't help but admire him.

They have been in retreat all the time, although they have known Ye Qianran, but they only know that Ye Qianran is a fusion blood, and has also integrated into Long Wushuang's blood, which is very perfect, and now it is completely inspired.

But after seeing Ye Qianran's belief at this time, they felt more relieved, and that's what they wanted.

"Okay, let's start!" Ye Qianran said slowly, first took off the sword pouch on the back, then let the little mink go to the side, and lay down on the bed according to Long Wushuang's instructions. At that time, Long Wushuang also came to him, stretched out a pair of white jade hands, and first tore off the clothes on Ye Qianran's abdomen...

Ye Qianran lay there with a strange face, this feeling...

After Long Wushuang's eyes fell on Ye Qianran's abdomen, his expression also became solemn. When he spread his hands, spiritual power also emerged at this time, and then placed them on Ye Qianran's abdomen.

Ye Qianran felt the coldness of Long Wushuang's little hands at first, but as the spiritual power entered his abdomen, the extremely scorching heat swept out at this moment.

Ye Qianran frowned slightly. In fact, he was very curious about what was in his abdomen...

When he just thought of this, the heat was more intense at this time, and it felt like being in Yinyang Lake... At this moment, he also clearly saw the complicated Xuanyin floating out at this moment.

"Tsk tsk, it really is the Nine Dragons seal, but it seems to have been opened by someone? No wonder he can stimulate the blood."

At this time, an old man couldn't help but said something, and then he and another old man looked at each other, the next moment there was a whistling sound, and the golden light became stronger in an instant, and then when they intersected, they jointly condensed a mysterious seal attached.

Therefore, the mysterious seal pulled out of Ye Qianran's body obviously rotated forward, but the two controlled it to rotate in the opposite direction. When it was attached, the direction and forward direction alternated instantly, and then a wave of spiritual power was here Time pulled out.


Ye Qianran sucked in a breath of cold air immediately, and the cold sweat fell instantly, but he clenched his fists tightly, gritted his teeth for the last time, and began to persevere.

It was indeed very painful, but it was not as good as what he had endured before. Except for his gasped breath at the beginning, he didn't make a single sound in the following period.

The two old men also paid attention to Ye Qianran's expression, and it was inevitable to be surprised. Maybe they didn't expect that Ye Qianran could persist to this level.

Accompanied by constant pumping, a deep black and red spiritual power suddenly floated out at this time, and at this time Ye Qianran was originally scorching hot, but in an instant, his whole body became icy cold.

At this time, Xiao Hei, which he put aside, was suspended at this moment, covering him in an instant, and the black-red spiritual power was also suppressed at this time.

Not far from the side, Shishi and Xiao Diao are both worried, and they don't know whether things will go on smoothly...

At this time, the two elders of the dragon clan who were in charge of weakening were obviously relieved. They were really shocked when they saw the spiritual power revealed. It seems that the scourge sealed in Ye Qianran's abdomen has already awakened, but Because it was sealed and suppressed by the dzi bead, it couldn't be released at all.

Otherwise, Ye Qianran's consciousness at this time has long been occupied by the scourge...

And Ye Qianran gritted his teeth tighter at this time, because at first it was only the heat of the abdomen, but now it is all over the body, and then the origin in his body also became restless in an instant, and the colorful origin in his body also floated It was even more powerful, quickly absorbed other sources in his body, and then greatly strengthened himself.

All of this is because Ye Qianran's seal was opened, and the fusion blood was also released invisibly, so now the origin in his body will be completely unified...

"Half weakened, do you want to continue?"

At this time, an old man said something, and his eyes fell on Long Wushuang.

After hearing this, Long Wushuang paid more attention, and glanced at Ye Qianran, who was covered in cold sweat, then his eyes fluttered, and he glanced at Tianzhu again, and finally said: "Continue to weaken, weaken two-thirds of the whole, and only leave Just a part!"

The two were shocked at the same time after hearing this, two-thirds?

If Ye Qianran didn't have the dzi bead, Tianzhu could break through almost instantly, but seeing that Long Wushuang didn't intend to correct it, after looking at each other, his eyes narrowed slightly, and finally weakened again.

Because they understand that since Long Wushuang said so, he must have her thoughts, even though they haven't guessed it yet...

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