Eternal Supreme

Chapter 733

"He passed out!"

When it weakened again, an old man spoke again.

"It's okay, continue!"

Long Wushuang said something directly, and then his eyes passed over Ye Qianran's body, and the colorful light had already floated out at this time.

According to his speculation, when the Nine Dragon Seal on Ye Qianran's body weakened to two-thirds, the fusion bloodline should be completely openable.

In this way, although Ye Qianran has the potential threat of divine punishment, because of the thorough opening of the fusion blood, it will also be of great assistance.

And the little mink beast's nimble eyes are full of throbbing, have they finally opened?

You must know that the fusion bloodline is called the legendary bloodline for two reasons.

First, the fusion of blood can fuse all the origins, and the second is blood, the spiritual power contained in it is extremely pure, which is a huge temptation for Warcraft.

Her mind at that time was to follow Ye Qianran and wait for the seal to be opened.

And she probably didn't even think that after following Ye Qianran for such a long time, she also became attached to Ye Qianran, and she didn't care about blood or not.

"It's two-thirds already!"

Not long after, the old man who spoke spoke again, and after the words fell, he exchanged glances with another old man, and then withdrew all his spiritual power.

With the withdrawal of the Xuan Yin, the Xuan Yin that Long Wushuang had previously withdrawn looked slightly dim.

Long Wushuang let out a sigh of relief, and generally speaking, it went smoothly. It can be said that almost all of the blood vessels have been opened, and it can be seen from the colorful spiritual power floating on Ye Qianran's body at this time...

The white jade hand floated, and the weakened Xuan Yin also fell down at this time, completely disappearing on Ye Qianran's abdomen.

"You're done!"

Long Wushuang's expression became a little more relaxed, and the weakening was perfect, and this perfection also refers to the complete opening of Ye Qianran's fusion blood.

Seeing that Ye Qianran's whole body was gradually enveloped in colorful light, the strange color inevitably reappeared again, and said immediately: "It should take some time for his original fusion now!"

But this time is much shorter than she imagined, because Ye Qianran has the foundation of fusion in his body, which is much better than she imagined...

The two old men nodded, and their expressions were full of admiration at this time. Ye Qianran's performance was really outstanding. It's no wonder that Long Wushuang fell in love with Ye Qianran...

And Shishi and the little mink beside him were also completely relieved.

"Let's go!"

Long Wushuang said something at this time, and took the lead to walk outside. Now that he has reached this stage, there is no need to continue like this, just let Ye Qianran merge quietly.

The little mink beast took a look at Ye Qianran, hesitated at last, and chose to stay, because she was still a little uneasy, worried that there would be some accidents.

Long Wushuang also noticed it, but she didn't say much...

After the group left, white light floated, and the little mink turned into a human, and slowly came to Ye Qianran's side.

The nimble eyes fell on Ye Qianran's body, with an indescribable fusion, after persisting for such a long time, Ye Qianran is going to truly become a cultivator this time.

And the blood in Ye Qianran's body, whether it is the phoenix eye or fusion, is destined to have a different fate for Ye Qianran. It is unimaginable how far he can go in the future...

When she quietly accompanied Ye Qianran, Ye Qianran's whole body was completely enveloped by colorful light, his figure was completely blurred, and within the colorful light group, Ye Qianran's body had undergone tremendous changes ...

In another face, in a room full of weird symbols, a long-haired masked woman sitting cross-legged in the center opened her eyes. They were a pair of very bright eyes, which looked like stars, mysterious and mysterious. At this time, the strange spiritual power floated up...

After being silent for a long time, the woman's body trembled, and a look of shock emerged. Then she bit her lower lip, stood up quickly, and walked outside quickly...

I don't know how long it took, but Ye Qianran's consciousness gradually recovered...

Opening his eyes, the strange light flashed away, then he frowned slightly, and stretched out his hand to put on his abdomen, it was still warm there, it felt weird.

Seeing that there was no one around, he gritted his teeth and sat up, and at this moment a white shadow also jumped into his arms, it was the little mink beast, and at this moment there was still disbelief in that agile pupil.

Ye Qianran has completely changed at this time, her black eyes are extremely deep, her nose bridge is high, her lips are thin, and her facial features have undergone subtle changes. She looks very handsome. a feeling of.

But that face still has a careless feeling, which makes it even more charming.

In addition, the long black hair looks very detailed, and the detail is amazing... The skin looks fairer...

"Is it done?"

Ye Qianran didn't know what the little mink was thinking. After stroking it, his face was full of doubts, but he didn't feel anything now?

"Hey, the fusion blood in your body has been opened, and all the origins in your body have been unified..." The voice of the flame knife sounded at this moment.

"Damn it, the day's scourge also came out, day..." Tian Fu cursed secretly at this time: "I really don't know whether to be thankful or sad, Tianzhu, your sister, you must suppress it!"

"Shut up!" Mogou said in a cold voice, why is Tianaxe talking so much nonsense this time?

"Brother, look at what's going on in your body!" Xiaomei's voice sounded again.


Ye Qianran was really stunned when he heard the voices of several people discussing, but after hearing Xiaomei's words, he also closed his eyes, and entered the body when his mind fluctuated...

And at this time, he felt it...

All the origins in the body have disappeared, the fire beads, ice beads, blood beads, the power of the nine secluded worlds, the power of the dimension, the power of the wind, the power of the stars, the power of the heavens and the earth, the origin of the elves, the origin of the phoenix clan...

Everything disappeared, and there was only a multicolored dragon and a group of multicolored rays of light in the body, and the dragon was swimming in the multicolored rays of light, looking very active.

"Uh, there is no sky fire?"

Ye Qianran smiled wryly at this time, so isn't he not as powerful now as before?

When he thought of this, Yandao said: "Yes, you can try to mobilize..."

Ye Qianran was stunned when he heard this, and spread out his right hand, trying to mobilize the ice and fire. The next moment, a blue light bloomed in an instant, and suddenly a ball of flame was suspended.

"what happened?"

Ye Qianran's face was full of doubts at this time, and he couldn't understand it at all.

"Hey, the original source is unified, but it can also be mobilized separately, or even fusion mobilized. This is the benefit of fully opening up your fusion blood!"

Yan Dao laughed and said: "In the future, you don't need to use your mental power to deliberately fuse, because it is already perfectly integrated at this time!"

"Is it?"

Ye Qianran was surprised, and his thoughts floated for a moment, a mass...a mass of silver flames floated...Uh?

"This is the accompanying fire that fuses the blood. It is condensed from all the sources in your body. It is similar in color to the other sky fire, but this flame is even more explosive. Tsk tsk, sky axe, do you want to hit it once..." Flame knife haha laughed out loud...

"Get out..."

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