Eternal Supreme

Chapter 744

"Young master, are you going to leave tomorrow?"

Han Youyu quietly leaned against Ye Qianran's arms and murmured.


Ye Qianran pondered for a while, nodded slightly, and then patted Han Youyu's pink back lightly: "Don't worry, I will come to you as soon as possible to solve the matter!" Said his expression softened.

Han Youyu nodded slightly after hearing this, but then paused, her little face suddenly turned rosy.

Seeing Han Youyu's expression, Ye Qianran was immediately full of doubts, not knowing what happened to Han Youyu at this time, and immediately said: "Youyu, are you okay!"


Han Youyu hesitated and said: "Brother Qianran, are you married to the lord... Are you married to her?"


Ye Qianran coughed dryly after hearing this, this woman shouldn't be jealous, right? Immediately said: "That's right, but it was also needed to integrate Longyuan at that time!" Then the atmosphere eased, and he said with a smile: "Why, does Yu'er want to marry me too!" Down.

Han Youyu bit her lower lip tightly, and finally nodded her head, whispering 'um'.

Ye Qianran froze there immediately, with a face full of disbelief, and finally saw Han Youyu's face was rosy, and her pair of jade hands tightly grasped the quilt, as if a little nervous, but he did see her seriousness.

"Yu'er likes the son, so sooner or later he will be the son's man!"

Han Youyu plucked up her courage and said, "Besides, it's not certain when the young master will come back next time, so Yu'er plans to become the young master's wife in advance!" As he spoke, his eyes became firm.

Ye Qianran was stunned again, feeling a little silent in his heart, what Han Youyu said was the truth, he was not sure when he would really come back again.

And he also seems to have said this to many people, the little princess An Ya of the elves, the eldest lady Cheng Yuling of the Jujianmen, Li Muyun, and Guoguo.

In addition, Feng Ruolan, Li Muyun, Qiao Xiaodi, Liu Ruyan, Yi Feixuan, Xiao Mengyao...

Adding Long Wushuang, Bai Bingbing, Long Wushuang, and Sophie are also good, and I will add one temporarily, does Shishi count? Well, thinking about it now, they are all beautiful girls. How could he be willing to give up to others when he develops? There are quite a few girls he likes, sixteen? It is indeed time to pay...

Hey, how about making up twenty? From now on, it will really be a blessing...

"Young master, can't you?"

Seeing Ye Qianran's thoughtful look, Han Youyu thought that Ye Qianran didn't want to be like this, so her expression looked a little lonely, and the way she bit her lips tightly made people feel a little pitiful.

After Ye Qianran recovered, she also saw Han Youyu's expression at this time, knowing that she had misunderstood, she looked at Han Youyu seriously and said, "Yu'er, are you sure? If you become my woman, you will be forever My woman, I will treat you very, very well, are you sure?"


Han Youyu didn't expect Ye Qianran to be funny at this time. With a smile on his face, he nodded heavily, and then those beautiful eyes floated down, and he closed them, and kissed him proactively.

Feeling the softness, Ye Qianran swallowed a mouthful of saliva and didn't suppress it anymore. Now he feels hot all over as long as he hugs his sister...

The two were only limited to kissing before, so Han Youyu just felt a little strange, but now, feeling the temperature of those big hands, the whole body is extremely uncomfortable, and the pair of jade hands are pinching Ye Qian's back at a loss...

As time passed, Han Youyu felt even more uncomfortable, so her body twisted involuntarily at this moment, and her little face was covered with rosy...

"Uh, how do you take off this clothes?" When Ye Qianran reached out to take off Han Youyu's clothes, he immediately petrified...

Han Youyu looked at Ye Qianran's anxious face, pursed her mouth and couldn't help but smiled, stretched out her jade hand and put it on her waist, and then took off her clothes little by little. When her fair skin appeared, Ye Qianran was stunned, and after swallowing a mouthful of saliva, she held Han Youyu in her arms and kissed her again...

Half an hour later, Han Youyu bit her lip tightly, her beautiful brows were slightly frowned, and she opened her eyes with tears in them.

Ye Qianran smiled dryly, knowing that he was too anxious, so he couldn't help but become gentle again. It was only in this situation that Han Youyu's tense body relaxed a little bit.

In addition, it is also strange that within this period of time, the fusion origin in Ye Qianran's body has obviously fluctuated, and the dragon swimming in the five-color origin is more active. Does this count as the legendary dual cultivation?

Ye Qianran thought wildly for a while, and then saw Han Youyu's brows loosened, a smile appeared and kissed her again, and not long after, the pleasant voice began to echo...

The next day, Ye Qianran still woke up early, and after he woke up, Han Youyu lay on him, looking at him with a pair of eyes.

Ye Qianran was taken aback for a moment, then couldn't help laughing: "Isn't it beautiful!"

After hearing this, Han Youyu pursed her lips and smiled, nodded lightly and said, "Young master has always been good-looking!"

"You still call me son?"

Ye Qianran smiled, kissed that mouth, and said: "Come and call your husband to listen!"

Han Youyu was a little shy after hearing this, but since the two of them were already engaged, they should be so, so they whispered 'Husband' immediately.

"Good boy!" Ye Qianran smiled immediately after hearing this.

"Husband, I...I still think about it!" Han Youyu blinked her eyes as she spoke, she seemed playful, but the shyness inside was very clear.

And Ye Qianran was fine at first, but after hearing Han Youyu's words, his heart was so restless. At the moment when Han Youyu exclaimed, he rolled over and pressed on him...

At noon, Ye Qianran came to the inn with Han Youyu after eating. At this time, Han Youyu also saw You Wushuang, Bai Bingbing and Sophie. She had seen them before, but now she also knows something.

And Ye Qianran was still worried that this little vinegar bottle would have an attack, but he was relieved when he saw nothing.

When leaving, Han Youyu was full of reluctance. After all, the two of them had been married for a day. She even wanted to leave with Ye Qianran, but after she strengthened her heart, she decided to practice hard. There is no shortage of people who keep up with Ye Qianran, otherwise, even following Ye Qianran may be a burden.

So when I was with the three of them, I just asked the three of them to take good care of Ye Qian...

Ye Qianran is also reluctant in his heart, every time he separates, it will be like this, so when he leaves, he holds Han Youyu in his arms and kisses without any concealment, then wipes the tears on that pretty face and says: "Yu'er is now My girl, be good, next time I see you, if you lose weight, you will be punished..."

After finishing speaking, he smiled and kissed that lips again, and then when the dzi bead floated out, he took the three of them and galloped towards Xuanwu City. The two who followed Sophie felt a little helpless, why not? with them...


In Xuanwu City, when Ye Qianran brought the three of them here, there was another ripple in his heart.

His eyes glanced around, with a slightly strange expression. His memory here is also very deep. He reconnected with You Wushuang here, got the flame knife here, met the seniors of the Feng clan here, and knew him well here. Qiao Xiaodi, and because of Qiao Xiaodi and others, he went to Tianyong City...

Now that I think about it, everything seems to be here...

You Wushuang is very familiar with this place, because the Qinghong Palace is stationed around here.

Sophie and Bai Bingbing didn't feel anything, they just looked around curiously. The two men who had been following Sophie also looked around, and then their eyes fell on the Dan Tower in the distance. You know Their goal used to be here as well.

It's a pity that they found Ye Qianran before they came, but they were also lucky at this time.

They know the size of the Danta, and the strength of the old monster inside is even more mysterious, so the Danta is also the most difficult for them.

"Hey, it's really nice here!"

Ye Qianran admired at this time, then turned her head and landed on You Wushuang, squeezed her jade hand and said: "Little girl, do you remember?"

You Wushuang was startled, his expression was flushed at this moment, and after glaring at Ye Qianran, he turned his head, but when he turned his head, his eyes were full of shyness.

Because she also recalled a lot of things, and more of them were on Ye Qianran. Now that she tries to think back, her heart can't help beating, the hatred she had with Ye Qianran in the fierce place, and the intersection here , now thinking about Ye Qianran, a bastard, still cheating on her...

However, at this moment, she felt a little rejoiced in her heart... What are you rejoicing about? Are you glad that you and Ye Qianran are together?

Thinking of this, You Wushuang couldn't help raising his head and glanced at Ye Qianran, it seemed that it was true.

When Ye Qianran and her officially walked together, she had a little understanding of Ye Qianran's hard work and Ye Qianran's hardships. At that time, she also learned one thing from Ye Qianran, everything Never just look at the surface...

"Let's go, go to Danta to see!"

Ye Qianran said something with a smile at this time, and then walked in the direction of Danta.

When he came to Danta, he found that it was still so hot. When he came inside, Ye Qianran took a look at a few people and told them to take a good walk here, but he himself chose to leave alone at this time. While the mysterious seal was surging, the body disappeared directly.

When he reappeared, he came to the floor where the seniors of the Feng clan were.

His purpose of looking for the senior of the Feng clan is actually very simple, because he remembers very clearly that the senior of the Feng clan said that if the Phoenix eye wants to evolve completely, it needs the sacrifice of another member of the Feng clan, or wait until his fusion bloodline is opened. Now his has been opened, so it is best to find the blood of the seniors of the Feng clan to fuse.

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