Eternal Supreme

Chapter 745

Another point, he remembered that the senior of the Feng clan said that after entering the other side through the Battle of Hundred Clans, there are tasks entrusted, but he doesn't need it at all now, he can enter at any time with a jade card, so ask the senior of the Feng clan what tasks Need to be entrusted, the last point is to refine the elixir, help Bai Bingbing to refine the elixir, in this case, Bai Bingbing's physique will be nothing.

Coming to the top floor, Ye Qianran once again felt the silence around him, glanced around, and finally landed on an old man sitting cross-legged, who was the senior of the Feng clan, and respectfully said: "Senior, I'm back! "


The old man raised his head, his eyes fell on Ye Qianran, he didn't seem surprised at all, then nodded slightly and said: "Well, the fusion blood has been completely opened, not bad!"

Ye Qianran was surprised, his appearance has undergone a huge change, this change, Sophie, Bai Bingbing, including You Wushuang, are full of disbelief, why is the old man? But then he shrugged his shoulders again, this senior of the Phoenix clan has phoenix eyes.

"You may become the first person of the Phoenix Eye Clan!" the old man said suddenly.

Ye Qianran was stunned with doubts on his face.

"There are too many origins fused in you, many of which are the origins of the ancient clan, and even the blood of the dragon clan and the origin of the dragon, hehe, am I wrong in saying that?"

The old man said with a smile: "I remember that the most fused of the Phoenix-eyed clan seems to be only the five realms! And your unimaginable!"


Ye Qianran smiled at this time and said: "Senior, I have opened my phoenix eyes, and I can't find other phoenix clans right now, can I integrate into your blood!"


The old man nodded lightly and said: "I also have this plan for a long time, but I'm not in a hurry now..." Speaking of this, the old man pondered for a while and said: "I feel the spiritual power of the boundary jade card in you, do you take it? Arrived at the jade tablet?"

Ye Qianran nodded after hearing this and said, "That's right, so I don't need the Battle of Hundred Clans anymore. I came here this time to ask Senior, what do you want me to do on the other side!"

The old man stood up at this moment with his eyes full, and after a long time, his eyes fell on Ye Qianran and said: "I remember I told you before that the phoenix-eyed clan has come to the other side, right?"

"Yes!" Ye Qianran recalled at this time, nodded slightly and said: "Indeed!"

What does that have to do with the doubts on his face?

When he was curious, the old man said: "Actually, it's not true. The Phoenix Clan and Fusion Clan disappeared at the same time. If my guess is correct, it should be done by the other side, so I want you to go to the other side to investigate!"


Ye Qianran's eyes widened immediately after hearing this, and he felt that it was a little impossible. After all, how could so many people just disappear as soon as they disappeared? Isn't it too weird?

When he was surprised, the old man said: "I have only guessed part of it for so many years. The Phoenix-eyed clan is known as the number one assistant in the world, and the fusion clan is extremely powerful, so people on both sides try to intermarry to see if they can give birth to twins." People with blood..."

Ye Qianran was obviously shocked after hearing this, is there such a thing?

When he was surprised, the old man said: "Perhaps it is for this reason that some forces on the other side became jealous, so they used some methods to make the two ancient clans disappear at the same time! And you obviously A successful example of both races..."

The old man said with anger on his face: "So you also need to bear this responsibility. It is inconvenient for me to enter the other side, so you need to investigate this matter yourself!"

Ye Qianran really didn't expect that, seeing the anger on the old man's face, he nodded immediately and said: "Don't worry, senior, I am also a person of two races, I will definitely investigate this matter!" He said with a solemn expression.


"So much better!"

The old man felt relieved when he heard Ye Qianran, and looked at Ye Qianran with admiration.

He never said before that he didn't want Ye Qianran to bear too much. Now that he has come to the present, he should work hard to bear some things.

And because of Ye Qianran's responsibilities, he felt that this matter had something to do with his biological parents. Now that he had come to this point, he should really investigate carefully, because this matter is indeed quite mysterious.

"Okay, I'll entrust this matter to you!"

After the old man finished speaking, he said: "I will fuse my blood to you now!"

"How long will it take?" Ye Qianran asked, knowing that Bai Bingbing and the others are still walking around below, if it takes a day or two, at least say hello to them.

"About half an hour!" The old man said with a smile: "However, this fusion is not a conventional fusion, but my blood must be immersed in your eyes, so during this period, your eyes will hurt a lot!"

"Half an hour? Yes, does it hurt? It's okay, come on!"

Ye Qianran smiled, but agreed. Isn't that just like the old man gave him a bottom line last time? In addition, he seems to have suffered a lot, right? Pain has almost become a common occurrence for him.

"In that case, let's begin!"

The old man said something, and at this moment came to Ye Qianran's side, raised his hand and touched Ye Qianran's eyebrows.

"what happened!"

Ye Qianran was stunned for a moment, and then her whole body was blank in her mind, and she passed out completely.

The old man looked at Ye Qianran lying on the ground, and said with a strange expression: "Little guy, you are the hope of the Fusion Clan and the Phoenix Eye Clan. My eyes are the eyes that combine the boundaries of two generations. I have, seal and The reverse space can only be used, and with your generation, can you open up greater assistance?"

After speaking, with a slightly strange expression on his face, he opened his right hand, spread his index finger and middle finger at the same time, and two different mysterious seals appeared at this time, and then touched his eyes...

Half an hour later, Ye Qianran woke up in a daze. At this time, he only felt that his eyes were full of tingling pain, and that feeling drove his brain to be extremely painful. At this time, an old voice rang in his ears: " Wake up, don't open your eyes, it will take two days!"

Ye Qianran planned to open his eyes, but after hearing the old man's words, he didn't dare to open them again. When Aolong frowned slightly, the two divine thoughts were released at this time, and when the surrounding scene imprinted When he was thinking about it, Ye Qianran found that there was still blood in the corner of his eyes, and he was stunned for a moment, what's going on?

When he was in a daze, he looked at the old man again, and found that the old man was in the same situation at this time, and his expression inevitably showed doubts at this time.

"Senior, are you alright? Why are you keeping your eyes closed!" Ye Qianran asked curiously at this moment.

The old man was obviously taken aback, and then he felt something and said: "You have also opened your mind?"

Ye Qianran was taken aback for a moment, then explained her situation.

The old man understood immediately after hearing this, smiled and said, "It's nothing, it's just that it took a lot of money."

Ye Qianran was even more puzzled after hearing this, and he didn't understand what was going on. At this time, he suddenly remembered that the old man said that if he wanted to fulfill one person, the other must be sacrificed, but his fusion of blood was unnecessary, but if it was just a pure blood Fusion, it seems that there is no need to sacrifice, right?

Thinking of this, my heart fluttered for a while, and I glanced at the old man again. After looking carefully, I suddenly found something, and my face suddenly changed slightly: "Senior, don't you give me your eyes? !"

After the words fell, the old man's expression was obviously startled, and after pondering for a long time, he said: "That's right, but you don't need to blame yourself, these eyes are useless for me, they are just right for you, because you will bear the responsibility later. I will feel more at ease with such a pair of eyes in your place!"

Ye Qianran's expression changed slightly and he said, "What's going on?"

"Hehe, phoenix eyes are different from ordinary bloodlines. His biggest role is in the eyes. My eyes were also given to me by someone else, so I have superimposed two abilities. These two abilities are seal and reversal. As for you What will be opened depends on your future development!"

The old man said with a smile: "I still said that you don't have to blame yourself too much. Although I don't have these eyes, I still have my eyes, so this is nothing!"

"Senior!" Ye Qianran's heart trembled and said: "Then can senior use my eyes?"


The old man said something directly, and then said calmly: "Fusion, you must know that this eye-changing is not a real change, but a fusion, and the failure rate of Rong is very high, and I have two abilities here, so in your case The fusion here will be more difficult, but it will be very easy after your fusion bloodline is opened, so it is perfectly integrated!"

Although Ye Qianran was dizzy, he could roughly understand what the old man meant. To put it bluntly, the two eyes merged together. Although he didn't know the exact method, it was definitely not that simple.

And the old man may say that he is related by blood because he is afraid that he will feel guilty and refuse. Think about it, if he really understands, he will really choose to refuse.

"Okay, you don't have to think too much about this matter, just work hard and try to find out!"

The old man said: "If the investigation comes out, maybe you will bear more!"

Ye Qianran was stunned, and finally took a deep breath and said: "Senior, I will not disappoint your expectations!"

After hearing this, the old man smiled and said, "Is there anything else you want to know?"

Ye Qianran hesitated at this moment and said: "Senior, in fact, I still have a merciless request!"

"What?" the old man asked curiously after hearing this.

"Can you refine a pill for me!"

As Ye Qianran spoke, she told about Bai Bingbing, and at the same time looked at the old man expectantly.

After hearing this, the old man pondered and said: "I can only tell you that the Enandu body can only be suppressed, and it has never been lifted. It is a kind of constitution and a kind of blood, so the elixir you mentioned may have a suppressive effect. It will only be stronger, but as time goes by, her physique will still explode, and she will become even stronger!"

Ye Qianran stayed there completely after hearing this, was it just suppression? Thinking of this, he quickly said, "Is there really no other way?"

"Not without it!" The old man pondered for a while, and then said: "She needs to learn to control herself..."

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