Eternal Supreme

Chapter 746

"Control it yourself?"

After hearing this, Ye Qianran asked with doubts all over his face: "How to control it?"

"The Ernandu body is also a kind of talent, and this kind of talent is not something that everyone can have if they want to have it."

The old man smiled and said: "If your friend learns to control in the future outbreak, control his physique, control her blood, then she can send and receive freely! And you can also help her when she explodes next time. "

"Me?" Ye Qianran was full of curiosity, what else could he help?

"That's right!"

The old man pondered and said: "The fusion bloodline is the number one bloodline in the legend. It is beyond your imagination. It can successfully intensify monsters, and it is also beneficial to humans. At least it can make human blood including bloodlines more powerful." pure!"

"Then what should I do, drink blood for her?" Ye Qianran's expression was full of weirdness after speaking.

"Since there is a sky fire in you, don't be afraid. You just need to combine with it and automatically assist your friend to control it!" the old man said.

Ye Qianran was taken aback, with a strange expression on her face...

"I told you about the reason of your bloodline. After combining with it, it will guide all his bloodline physique!" said the old man.

After hearing this, Ye Qianran couldn't help thinking that when he and Long Wushuang were together, including Han Youyu, the spiritual power of the two seemed to be mobilized in an instant. He still felt strange at the time, but now he thinks it's because of his blood? Thinking about it, he couldn't help saying: "Then can it be done in advance?"

"The early effect is not great, but it can give her a kind of support, but the most important thing is when it explodes!" said the old man.

After hearing this, Ye Qianran understood and said, "Senior, then I understand!"

"En!" The old man nodded and said, "Then do you still need to refine the elixir?"

"No need!" Ye Qianran said with a smile.


The old man smiled and said, "Then do you have anything else to do?" "Hey, no more!" The corners of Ye Qianran's mouth curled up, and he shook his head immediately.

"Well, in addition, remember that if you have not integrated into Longyuan, you should not be too high-profile, because the strength over there is much higher than here, it is completely beyond your imagination, so you must act cautiously! "The old man said again.

"Don't worry, senior!" Ye Qianran nodded solemnly after hearing this.

"Hehe, I'm so relieved!"

The old man let out a breath: "The last one, after two days, you should have changed, no matter what, it should be normal, don't make a fuss, just get used to it when the time comes!"

"I got it, senior!" Ye Qianran nodded again.

"Then do you have anything else to do here?" the old man asked curiously.


Ye Qianran paused and said, "The other side is better than this side, where is it better?"

"Go up!"

The old man pondered for a while and said: "You don't need to get involved with this. The fusion clan is a natural spiritual practitioner. You just need to raise your spiritual cultivation. You should be at the sixth level of controlling the gods now, and the regular gods There are nine cultivators, and the latter are Distraction, Transformation, and Crossing, am I right!"

Ye Qianran nodded with curiosity on his face, not quite understanding what the old man's real intentions were.

The old man smiled again at this time and said: "The spiritual cultivation of the fusion clan is higher, and there are five levels behind, namely, the five realms of the soul, the soul, the broken soul, the virtual soul, and the heavenly soul!"

Ye Qianran was surprised when he heard this, he had never heard of this.

"The so-called divine soul seems to be a kind of fusion of divine thoughts and souls. It will enter a whole new level. Ordinary people can't do it, but the fusion family can. So when you reach the highest level, you must remember the fusion of spiritual and soul!" The old man said. Looking directly at Ye Qianran, he said.

"Well, then I know!" Ye Qianran nodded solemnly.

"On the other side, the so-called height is higher than six levels. There is no distinction between realms, king, emperor, saint, respect, and emperor. Therefore, Wu Wang, Wu Huang, Wu Sheng, Wu Zun, and Wu Emperor are only five levels. Each level, the front, middle, and back are equally divided!"

"There are quite a few people who have reached these five realms on the other side, and of course there will be fewer people going to the back!"

The old man solemnly said: "If you encounter these people, you must avoid them!"

"Hey, senior, what level are you?" Ye Qianran smiled dryly, his face full of curiosity.


The old man narrowed his eyes slightly, and said with a smile after a long time: "Mine is not that important, anyway, just remember what I say!"

"I got it, senior!" Ye Qianran nodded solemnly.

"Finally, I'll tell you a method that can speed up your cultivation, and it's also the only way you can activate fusion!" said the old man.

"What?" Ye Qianran asked curiously.

"The soul is divided into yang and yin, the spirit is divided into heaven and earth, and the source is divided into life and death!"

The old man said something briefly, then paused and said: "It means merging the blood, then merging, and merging starts from the original desire. This will help you, and it will also help the other person!"

  "Hey, just want more girls?" Ye Qianran said.


After hearing this, the old man suddenly showed a smile on his face and said: "That's right, but it's not a simple combination. The transfer of the source can be done automatically by your blood, but the transfer of the soul needs to be done by yourself! Say you understand?"


The corners of Ye Qianran's mouth turned up, she has a lot of girls, she can try it slowly in the future, and said immediately: "Let's explore this slowly, it will always work!"

The old man nodded with a smile, and finally said: "Then go and work hard, I am looking forward to your performance in the future!"

"Will do!"

Ye Qianran took a deep breath and said, "Don't worry, if I meet a top-quality girl, I will still have sex!"


The old man understood Ye Qianran's words, smiled helplessly, and sighed: "Young people are good, well, since there is nothing else, you should go earlier!"


After Ye Qianran responded, he wiped away the bloodstains from the corners of his eyes, then put a cloak on his head, spread his hands, and Xuan Yin surged out at this moment, and his body disappeared in the space fluctuation.

The old man was facing the direction where Ye Qianran disappeared, with a strange look on his face, and said for a long time: "I'm really curious, what kind of ability will the third superimposed ability be? If it's really good, maybe it can be included in the list Among the strong blood..."

As he said that, his expression was full of arrogance. In addition, he was actually very lucky to meet Ye Qianran. Now all he can do is wait...

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