Eternal Supreme

Chapter 747

And when Ye Qianran came down, he found that the three of them were waiting in place, and after being startled, he also thought of something.

After all, this is not a busy market outside, some people turn around, here is just selling pills, if there is no need, it will be boring to go around, and if you leave to go outside, Ye Qianran may be anxious if he doesn't see them when he comes down.

It is precisely because of this that I chose to wait here.

When he thought so, he also came directly to the three of them, and said, "Let's go, go out for a walk!"

After smiling, Ye Qianran took the lead and walked out.

At this time, the faces of the three of them were full of doubts. Is there any reason why Ye Qianran put on the cloak?

After the three of them left, the two who had been following Sophie also followed from a distance. In fact, they had never thought of this step. Because they knew Sophie's character, they never spoke.

Whether Sophie can come out depends entirely on herself, not just what they say.

After coming outside, You Wushuang looked at Ye Qianran and couldn't help but said, "Qianran, why are you wearing a cloak?"


Ye Qianran smiled at this time, and said half-jokingly: "It's like this, I offended a chick here in Xuanwu City, and she always wanted to hit her, so now cover it up to prevent being discovered!"

You Wushuang heard something, his face turned red, and he stretched out his hand to pinch Ye Qianran's body mercilessly. This bastard is still mentioning this kind of thing, why is he so annoying.

Ye Qianran laughed bitterly and said: "Well, let me tell the truth, in fact, you also know that I am so handsome now, so handsome, you have also seen it, come all the way, how many people see me, I am so handsome I do it because I don't want to provoke any more, because I am content with you!"

You Wushuang was stunned, and finally turned his head with a reddish face, and the hand on Ye Qianran was also released at this time.

The same is true for Bai Bingbing, her heartbeat accelerated slightly.

And Sophie fell silent there, with her head lowered, her red eyes flickering from time to time.

In fact, she herself is very aware of her situation now, and she can't do anything to Ye Qianran at all, otherwise, there will be many opportunities along the way, so there is no need to be so stalemate, and she follows in this way, the obvious purpose is to lead Ye Qianran Qianran went to find another person who possessed a celestial weapon.

But she understands that she has a problem that she has never dared to face directly, and that is her selfishness. She knows in her heart that she wants to follow Ye Qianran...

Biting his lower lip tightly, he couldn't help but sigh secretly, maybe his choice was wrong from the beginning, he shouldn't have chosen to test Ye Qianran, he should have chosen to act directly at that time, maybe... maybe she has already completed the task and went back Bar.

But if you really ask her, do you regret it? In her heart, she has no regrets, and because of this, she herself feels that she has sunk, or is obsessed...

"Feifei, are you okay!"

Although Ye Qianran was walking in front, he could see the situation behind very clearly, because what he was leaning on now was not his eyes, but his divine sense, and the two divine senses were almost panoramic, so Su He also saw Fei's performance very clearly, so when he turned his head to face Sophie, his voice was full of worry.

"I... I'm fine!"

After hearing Ye Qianran's words, Sophie was visibly flustered, and then quickly shook her head.

Ye Qianran could see Sophie's panic clearly. Although he was laughing and joking all day long, he could guess what Sophie was thinking, so he took the initiative to cover Sophie's little hand and said, "Since you have nothing to do, don't think about it. Cherish the present, and no matter what choice you make, I will respect you!"

After hearing this, Sophie was obviously stunned, and finally raised her head, looking at Ye Qianran with a pair of red eyes, finally bit her lower lip tightly, and nodded slightly.

"Then let's go!"

Ye Qianran smiled, but did not let go of Sophie, and continued to lead her around.

And Sophie looked at the hands held together by the two, her expression softened a little at this moment, she finally took a deep breath, and didn't think about it anymore, Ye Qianran's words moved her, that is to cherish the present , but Ye Qianran's last sentence also touched her, no matter what choice she made, Ye Qianran would choose to respect it.

As women, Bai Bingbing and You Wushuang are actually more sensitive. They can detect Sophie's changes from the beginning to the end. Now that Ye Qianran has discovered these carefully, this is especially true for Sophie. fine.

Ye Qianran is a person who at least begins well and ends well, and is not the kind of person who doesn't care about other people's feelings...

The two who had been following Sophie looked at each other... This guy Ye Qianran actually held their princess's hand again. The problem is that their princess didn't resist, and she didn't resist...

At the end of the day, You Wushuang thought about Ye Qianran at this moment, with a slightly hesitant expression...

And Ye Qianran also fully noticed it, even he guessed it, turned his head directly, stretched out his hand to pinch You Wushuang's small face and said: "What do you say, do you need to be polite with me?"

After finishing speaking, he said, "Do you want to go back to your sect to have a look?"


You Wushuang covered her cheeks with a little shyness in her eyes, but such an intimate action also gave her a different feeling in her heart.

"Go, I will find you!" Ye Qianran said with a smile at this time.


You Wushuang responded again, and finally said: "Then...then I'll wait for you!" After she finished speaking, she became even more shy, because it was difficult for her to say such words, so after she finished speaking, she was already rushed out.

Ye Qianran looked at You Wushuang's back, and couldn't help laughing again. In fact, if he hadn't waited for his eyes to recover, I'm afraid it wouldn't be like this...

According to the seniors of the phoenix-eyed family, his eyes need at least two days. If today is counted as one day, there will be another day tomorrow. In addition, he is really looking forward to the changes in his eyes. After all, what kind of sealing ability does he have? What is the ability to reverse space...

In addition, he may also activate a kind of ability, especially when thinking about the future, his heart is extremely restless, but right now he still needs to find an inn to rest...

Because Xuanwu City is very hot, it is not easy to find accommodation. After finally finding one, Ye Qianran did not feel disappointed when he found only two guest rooms. Instead, he was overjoyed. The two of Sophie said: "You two share a room!"

"What about you?" One of them was stunned and couldn't help asking.

"You know……"

After Ye Qianran left a sentence, he dragged the two of them up directly...

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