Eternal Supreme

Chapter 748

"Feifei, let's go together today!"

After coming to the room, Ye Qianran said to Sophie with a smile.

And after finishing speaking, the look of reminiscence inevitably appeared on the expression, the time in the past is really nostalgic, although now there is a lovely younger sister missing, but now there is not a beautiful Sophie, isn't it?

In fact, at one time, he himself couldn't accept it, but after it lasted, he really endured it. The reason is also very simple, that is, Sophie actually accommodated him.

The Celestial Artifact should be very important to Sophie, but because of him, Sophie can be said to have given up a lot, because of him, and now she wants to take him to find Qiao Xiaodi, so when he thinks so, he instead Feeling a little guilty about Sophie.

In addition, I have adapted to Sophie at this time, so I have a different feeling for Sophie in my heart.

In short, it was a very warm feeling, at least if Sophie made it inadvertently, it would make him feel very warm.

In fact, when Sophie was pulled in by Ye Qianran, her heartbeat had been speeding up all the time, but now after hearing Ye Qianran's words, the speeding up deepened, and she finally glanced at Ye Qianran and nodded slightly.

In fact, she really missed those days in her heart.

Seeing that Sophie agreed, Ye Qianran was so happy, he really had the urge to kiss Sophie.

"You two talk first!"

Bai Bingbing smiled at this time, turned around and walked into another room, and began to take a shower, but Ye Qianran understood the meaning, maybe he wanted to give him and Sophie a chance to be alone.

Ye Qianran didn't waste it, and pulled Sophie to sit directly beside the bed, but after sitting down, he suddenly didn't know how to speak, and finally moved his lips, and said: "Feifei... "

"Huh?" After hearing this, Sophie's eyes fell on Ye Qianran.


Ye Qianran smiled at this time, stretched out his hand and patted her on the head: "Actually, I think it's good to have you!"

Sophie's small face was stunned, and the strange feeling spread again, as if the familiar feeling was rippling in his heart, and that feeling gave her an unspeakable feeling, maybe she never thought that Ye Qianran would open his mouth That's it...

Ye Qianran looked at Sophie again and said, "And I didn't expect Feifei to be so beautiful when she grows up..." The voice was full of admiration.

"Damn, I'll still call me brother in the future, I'm used to it..." Ye Qianran said in a soft voice.

Sophie raised her head, bit her lower lip tightly and said, "Don't you hate me?"

"Hate what you did!"

Ye Qianran shrugged helplessly and said: "Don't say such things in the future, as for me, it's too late to like you! Come and kiss me..." After finishing speaking, he took off the cloak on his head, and quickly kissed Sophie's little girl. A kiss on the face.

Sophie was stunned again, then stretched out her jade hand to caress the cheek kissed by Ye Qianran, flushed again, her red eyes were full of shyness, and finally lowered her head quickly, but after thinking of something soon, she raised her head again. head.

That's right, she noticed that Ye Qianran kept his eyes closed all the time, and a look of doubt appeared on his face: ", why did you keep, keep your eyes closed?"


Ye Qianran smiled, and finally said with a slightly melancholy expression: "Oh, I just accidentally went blind!"


Sophie's expression changed, and she suddenly turned cold and said, "Who did it!"

"It doesn't matter who did it!"

Seeing Sophie's expression at this time, Ye Qianran smiled dryly, and then said: "Actually, I want to ask you a question!"

"What's the problem?" Sophie was taken aback.

"Hey, are you willing to be my eyes in the future?" Ye Qianran took a deep breath and said.

After hearing this, Sophie agreed without even thinking about it, but then she lowered her head again with a slightly complicated expression. She thought in her heart, but can she?

Sophie's performance was also engraved in his mind at this time, and he understood something in his heart: "I'm happy that Feifei has this thought, but fortunately, there is still a chance of recovery, and whether she can recover depends on What happened the day after tomorrow!"

After hearing this, Sophie was immediately puzzled.

Ye Qianran smiled, and he was not joking with Sophie at this time, telling him about his current situation.

Sophie's face was filled with astonishment, she never thought that the grand elder of Danta was actually a senior of the Phoenix-eyed clan, let alone that he would fuse his eyes with Ye Qianran, and lastly, she never thought that Ye Qianran Then he would tell her such an important thing.

And these made her even more entangled in her heart. She had been thinking that Ye Qianran must do it after getting the rest of the heavenly artifacts, but now she was really at a loss, because she had a feeling that Even if Ye Qianran really got the last heavenly weapon when the time comes, I'm afraid it will be difficult for him to do so...

This concept has been strengthened in her heart, maybe... maybe after Ye Qianran got the last heavenly weapon, she will choose to leave, and then separate for a while, let her be completely silent, maybe one day she will understand I'm here to look for Ye Qianran, but can I?

Ye Qianran didn't know what Sophie was thinking. Looking at her, his face was full of doubts, but soon he figured it out, what else Sophie was like, it must be because of him, so he fell silent, He didn't say much, and stretched out his hand to hold Sophie in his arms.

Sophie was stunned again, and then leaned against Ye Qianran's arms without saying anything, quietly enjoying the silence at this moment.

Not long after, Bai Bingbing came out at this time, and the two separated at this time. At this time, Sophie quickly stood up and said: "Brother, Sister Bingbing, I'm going to take a bath!" After finishing speaking, she quickly left go out.

Bai Bingbing looked at Sophie's figure at the end and sat beside Ye Qianran. He was about to say something, but after seeing Ye Qianran's appearance at this time, his expression changed slightly, and his face was also full of worry. .

Ye Qianran naturally saw it, so before Bai Bingbing asked anything, he said it directly.

Bai Bingbing felt relieved when she heard Ye Qianran say this...

At this time, Ye Qianran glanced at Bai Bingbing, hesitated for a moment, and recounted all the things that the senior Feng clan told him.

After hearing this, Bai Bingbing was stunned. Could the elixir be suppressed?

And Ye Qianran said with a smile at this time: "Don't worry, I will assist you to control it, so you don't have to worry about it then!"

"But will it succeed?" Bai Bingbing said with a worried face, and then her face turned rosy when she thought about Ye Qianran's narration.

"Definitely!" Ye Qianran's voice was full of firmness, and after a pause, he said, "But before we start again, we have to lay the groundwork..."

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