Eternal Supreme

Chapter 750

"Have the people from the Seven Luminaries Sect come too?"

Ye Qianran was obviously surprised when he heard this, but he can probably guess some of it.

Qi Yaozong must have come to discuss the marriage between the two families, and You Wushuang might have persuaded her mother, but in any case he should take a look now, thinking of this, he looked at the two women and said, "Seniors, then Can we go and have a look?"

The two looked at each other, and finally nodded slightly.

Ye Qianran, apart from other things, is at least an elder of Danta, and should be treated with respect.


Seeing the two agreeing, Ye Qianran immediately smiled all over his face, and after saying something sincerely, he followed them and walked towards the main hall.

But when a few people came there, Ye Qianran glanced inside, and at this moment he found that there were indeed quite a few people inside.

"Wait here for now, I will inform you now!" The two middle-aged women looked at each other and walked directly inside.

Ye Qianran was not in a hurry and waited patiently at this time, and the wait didn't take long before the woman came out, her gaze fell on Ye Qianran and said: "Please come in, everyone! "After speaking, he took the lead and walked in.

Ye Qianran followed inside and saw Zong Hongzhen at a glance. At this time, his brows were slightly frowned, and his expression seemed a little anxious.

Because of the rush, maybe because of the marriage, this is very easy to guess.

He thought about poaching the wall before, maybe at that time he didn't even think that he would really succeed in poaching the wall.

His eyes turned again, and soon he also saw You Wushuang. At this time, she was standing there, her expression looked a little cold, and she returned to the previous expression, but when she saw him coming in, there was still a slight change in her expression. fluctuation.

And his coming in also attracted a lot of attention. Zong Hongzhen may have noticed something, and looked at him. At this time, his expression was obviously stunned, and his face was full of disbelief.

He clearly heard the report from Ye Qianran, why is it a different person now? While thinking, he glanced around, but he never found Ye Qianran.

Could it be that the man who takes the lead is Ye Qianran? Zong Hongzhen frowned, his face full of disbelief.

After Ye Qianran walked to the front, he looked away, and finally fell on the middle-aged woman sitting in the first place. He had seen the woman before, and it was You Wushuang's mother. She bent down and said, "I have seen the senior !"

You Lingyan looked at Ye Qianran curiously and said, "You are really Ye Qianran!"

"Hehe, haven't seniors met me? Could it be possible to cheat!" Ye Qianran said with a smile.

"I didn't expect you to change into this look!"

You Lingyan said something again, and then said: "Please sit down first!"

Ye Qianran nodded, seeing that there was an empty seat on the side, and walked over with Bai Bingbing and Sophie.

After he sat down, Bai Bingbing stood behind Ye Qianran, Sophie hesitated and stood over, and the two who followed Sophie looked at each other, the princess was standing, and they were too embarrassed to sit down. Down, so I also chose to stand, but at this time the standing position is even more backward.

You Lingyan's expression was a little strange, and then his eyes fell on Ye Qianran again and he said: "Qianran, we are discussing with Qiyaozong about the dissolution of the engagement, and the reason is also because of the matter between you and Shuang'er, what do you have to do with this?" want to say.

Ye Qianran glanced at Zong Hongzhen, then at You Wushuang and said, "I suggest letting Shuang'er choose for herself!"

"You're welcome!"

After You Lingyan heard Ye Qianran's words, he laughed immediately. In fact, his focus was always on Qiyaozong's side at that time, because Qiyaozong was also top-notch after all, but since You Wushuang came back and told Ye Qianran's situation After coming out, her center of gravity shifted.

Because after hearing Ye Qianran's deeds, she was also a little shocked and surprised. The strongest master who defeated Tiandaozong's young chant in the competition in the place of Xuanya, possessed many kinds of weapons, and even had top-notch blood. , if Ye Qianran and You Wushuang combine, then the offspring will definitely stand out.

In this world, the offspring are all that matters, and the Qinghong Palace is run by a woman, which means that Ye Qianran's future children will also have the surname You...

You Lingyan said: "Then I can't just break up with Qi Yaozong!"

Ye Qianran shrugged helplessly, then looked at Zong Hongzhen and said, "What conditions do you have over there? How can you give up?"

Zong Hongzhen's face was full of anger after hearing this, is it really Ye Qianran? He hated Ye Qianran to the extreme in his heart, and immediately said: "Okay, if you beat me, our Seven Lights Sect will automatically withdraw!"


Ye Qianran smiled immediately after hearing this. There is no simpler and more direct method than this, so he said: "In this case, let's start now?"

He really didn't want to waste time, in order to avoid Zong Hongzhen's regret, so when he stood up, he glanced at Zong Hongzhen and walked directly outside.

In the past, he was tightly suppressed by several people, but now to find a place, let's start with Zong Hongzhen first, followed by Meng Yang? Wan Tianzong? He will be destroyed sooner or later!

Zong Hongzhen looked at Ye Qianran's back, snorted coldly, and followed after clenching his fists.

After the people present looked at each other, they followed at the same time. When they came outside, Ye Qianran and Zong Hongzhen had already stood together, and everyone's eyes immediately focused on the two of them.

You Wushuang looked relatively relaxed, because she knew in her heart that Ye Qianran was sure to win, unless Ye Qianran didn't want to win...

When she was thinking like this, the surging spiritual power was already agitated...

Zong Hongzhen was the first to start. His current strength has reached the late stage of Shenju in the realm of heaven, so he still has great confidence in himself.

Ye Qianran looked at Zong Hongzhen who was galloping up, his eyes fluttered, and the mobilization of the source merged, and the bright colorful spiritual power surged up directly amidst the turmoil.


After a simple touch, Ye Qianran looked very calm, while Zong Hongzhen's face changed slightly, and his body retreated at this moment, with such a strong force, it seemed that he was suppressed invisible from the beginning.

At first Ye Qianran acted calmly, which was fine, but now he really felt the pressure, spread out his right hand, a sword appeared in his hand, gritted his teeth, and rushed directly towards Ye Qianran, the berserk Wu Yuan The turmoil directly enveloped Ye Qianran in it.

Ye Qianran's eyes fluttered, and when the corners of his mouth were raised, he rushed forward with ease... When his mental power was mobilized, the five-color spiritual power seemed even more frenzied...

The situation seems to be doomed from the beginning...

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