Eternal Supreme

Chapter 751

"You are not my opponent!"

After many collisions, Ye Qianran looked at Zong Hongzhen indifferently, and the aura on his body floated faintly.

In other words, he has remained calm from the very beginning until now, even after many collisions.

There is only one reason, that is, Zong Hongzhen seems to be a little flustered now, and his movements are very inflexible. Although Wu Yuan who broke out is very powerful, he is not concentrated. These are very easy for him, even if he wants to , Zong Hongzhen can be defeated at any time.

Emotional problem?

After Zong Hongzhen heard Ye Qianran's words, his body trembled, his expression became completely bitter, and his expression looked even more decadent. Indeed, he broke out his strongest attack, but it was easily resolved by Ye Qianran When he got down, he thought that he was going to lose, so he became more anxious, and his mind became more flustered.

"Sick to death, as a man, shouldn't he face the difficulties!"

Ye Qianran said helplessly, this is the difference between Zong Hongzhen and his personality.

The more difficult his character is, the stronger his heart becomes...

He glanced at Zong Hongzhen again and said: "I remember that you used to be very beautiful, but now you are so frustrated, will anyone know you when you go out? Don't you like Wushuang?" At this point, the voice paused and said: "You know Why did Wushuang leave you?"

"Why?" After hearing this, Zhu Hongzhen raised her head, and her eyes immediately fell on Ye Qianran.

"Women want to be protected, and they should stand by their side at all times, so that their hearts will be at peace."

To put it bluntly, you have strength, but your own mind is too weak. When you meet someone who is stronger and more powerful than you, you actually stand aside. I don’t know about other times, but I saw it at least once. If you let go On me, fuck his grandma, anyone who dares to touch my woman will pass me first.

"I'm afraid of death, but for my own woman, the death of a loved one is worth it!"

Ye Qianran exhaled, and finally said: "People live for themselves, that's right! But have you ever thought that if you meet a super powerful person next time, their goal happens to be Wushuang, and you are sidelined?" Stand up, let others bear it alone, and you will still lose in the end! Hehe... But you can't be too selfish, understand?"

"Get rid of the halo on your body, you are an ordinary person, just have an ordinary person's pursuit!" Ye Qianran paused and said again.

Zong Hongzhen's body shook again, and his hands clenched tightly at this time. Ye Qianran's words made him understand a lot of things immediately, and the sword in his right hand clenched again, and finally there was a jingle, and the sword fell to the ground, and then Looking up at Ye Qianran, he said, "Thank you, you are right. Even if Wushuang follows me in the future, he will still suffer. If so, I might as well let go!"

Ye Qianran nodded after listening, Zong Hongzhen is not bad, his brain is not too dead, otherwise he would be muddled there, and what he said would be useless.

Zong Hongzhen took another deep breath, looked at Ye Qianran and said, "But you must take good care of Wushuang. If one day she is wronged, I will definitely look for you, and even snatch Wushuang back again!"

"absolutely okay!"

Ye Qianran smiled and nodded in agreement after hearing this.

In the end, I really took a deep breath again, bent down and picked up the sword, looked straight at Ye Qianran and said, "Now I'm going to be serious, I want to see how strong you have fallen to the ground!"

"Okay!" Seeing Zong Hongzhen's expression at this time, Ye Qianran knew that his emotions had completely recovered at this time, smiled and said: "Then continue now!" At this time, he directly took the initiative, and the momentum surged at this time, and the body galloped up.

Half an hour later, the sound of bang fell, Ye Qianran was suspended there, looked at Zong Hongzhen who had quit, and said with a smile on his face: "Do you want to continue?"

Zong Hongzhen smiled helplessly. For half an hour, Ye Qianran was almost on the defensive, and any attack he made would be perfectly defended against Ye Qianran, but he still couldn't help but said: "Can you really How about an attack?"


After hearing this, Ye Qianran agreed, his eyes floated, his right hand spread out, and his mental power surged wildly at this moment. When his aura soared infinitely, his long-haired pupils changed into golden at the same time, and when his When the phoenix eye was opened again, the black redness swirled instantly, the sharp three-edged aura floated, and the strange light floated again.

Ye Qianran's body disappeared, and when it appeared, it was already in front of Zong Hongzhen.

With Ye Qianran's mental power locked in, the huge pressure was completely concentrated on Zong Hongzhen, and Zong Hongzhen was completely stuck there with the aura of the proud emperor.

Such a fast speed, such an astonishing momentum, is this the strength of Ye Qianran at this time?

He seems to remember that when he met Ye Qianran, he was still a person who would never let him take a second look. Now? He is really completely convinced, too strong!

Ye Qianran smiled again, spread out his right hand again, and the violent spiritual power gathered at this time. When it was compressed infinitely, the palpitating breath floated at this moment, and the next moment, the spiritual power floated and flung it in one direction go out.

"What is he going to do?"

The people present were puzzled at the same time...

But Ye Qianran actually wanted to show off his phoenix eye ability. The three edges of Ye Qianran's pupils flowed in an instant, and he tried to dissociate his spiritual power at this time. Of course, this was also his first attempt. What he hopes now is Don't have any accidents, otherwise it will be really embarrassing.


When his eyes were locked on the spiritual power ball, his eyes were burning hot, so he saw that the spiritual power ball suddenly twisted at this time, and then became more and more unstable. Not long after, the entire spiritual power ball It dissipated and sublimated in an instant, leaving behind a little crystal...

Everyone present was stunned at the same time. Sophie, Bai Bingbing, including You Wushuang, had never seen Ye Qianran's ability like this.

Disintegrated, the previously palpitating spirit ball dissipated at this time...

"Is it phoenix eyes?" Sophie thought of something, and her expression was full of strangeness.


Ye Qianran's aura restrained at this time, he glanced at Zong Hongzhen and said, "Come on!" After speaking, he looked at the onlookers, and when his eyes fell on You Wushuang, he stretched out his hand and waved a pair of scissors, He succeeded, he was really excited in his heart, this auxiliary ability is absolutely good...

You Wushuang looked at Ye Qianran's funny actions and couldn't help laughing again... Ye Qianran's heart was moved by the touching look of the moment. At this time, he had an idea whether to accept it in advance...

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