Eternal Supreme

Chapter 755

"Hehe, I don't know if the beautiful master is asleep at this time!"

After Ye Qianran came to the courtyard where Cheng Yuling was, his figure floated out amidst the ripples in the space.

While thinking about it, the phoenix eyes also opened at this time, directly piercing through the past, but with a glance, they found that there was no one lying on the bed. At this moment, doubts surfaced, and he couldn't help but glanced again to confirm that there was no one.

"It's so late, beautiful master, where did you go?"

Ye Qianran's face was full of doubts at this time, and he was about to open up his mental power. When he was thinking about it, a crisp voice also sounded at this moment: "Who are you!"

After the words fell, Ye Qianran was obviously stunned. At this moment, he also turned to look over, and then he saw the direction of the door, a delicate figure stood there, and then a pair of eyes looked at him vigilantly.

Ye Qianran came back to his senses, a smile appeared immediately, and then he blinked and said: "Hey, I heard that the daughter of Jujianmen is very beautiful, so I came here specially to pay a visit, and I saw it at this time. Extraordinary!"

After hearing Ye Qianran's words, Cheng Yuling frowned and said, "What does that have to do with you? Besides, haven't you heard of it? This lady is already married, so you should leave quickly, hum, or my husband will come back , beat you all over the place looking for teeth!"

After hearing this, Ye Qianran burst out laughing and said, "Then your husband is not here!"

After hearing this, Cheng Yuling's expression became more vigilant. She had been resting at the place where Ye Qianran lived at that time, and this time she came back to pick up things, but she did not expect to meet such an inexplicable person.

At first, when she saw Ye Qianran with two swords on her back, she was really happy, but after seeing Ye Qianran's appearance, the feeling of joy disappeared at this time.

First of all, Ye Qianran was not so tall, let alone so handsome, that's why he had the vigilant question at the beginning.

Because Jujianmen came in without any discovery, it made her feel that the other person was a bit mysterious, and now after hearing Ye Qianran's words, she was naturally more vigilant in her heart, and immediately said: " Who said he wasn't there, heh heh, he'll be here in a while, you hurry up, I'll just pretend I didn't see you!"

Ye Qianran burst out laughing immediately after hearing this, for some reason, after thinking of not seeing each other for such a long time, his heart was full of longing, and in the longing, because of his changes, he really wanted to tease Cheng Yuling, his eyes blinked Middle way: "Really? Then I would like to see you, to see how powerful your husband is!"

Cheng Yuling was startled, and frowned. Just when he was about to speak, he saw Ye Qianran walking towards her, and the vigilance on his face became even deeper, and he quickly said, "Don't blame me!" , what are you doing, you are coming here, Miss Ben is rude to you!"

Ye Qianran had a strange expression after hearing this, and he really wanted to see how Cheng Yuling's strength was compared to before, so he couldn't help but take another step when thinking of this.

Cheng Yuling's face changed slightly, and finally he spread out his right hand, and a sword appeared at this moment, stabbing Ye Qianran at this moment when the sharp breath surged.

Ye Qianran felt the surge of spiritual power, and his surprise was clearly revealed. He really didn't expect Cheng Yuling's performance to be so good, and immediately began to dodge.

And Cheng Yuling's purpose is actually quite simple, that is to attract the disciples of Jujian Sect by fighting Ye Qianran, but Ye Qianran has been dodging at this time.

She tried her best to make herself faster, but Ye Qianran could always dodge ahead of time, so his expression became more and more anxious at this time.

In the process of Ye Qianran's dodge, Cheng Yuling suddenly found a very good position, with the fingers of his left hand, Wu Yuan gathered at this moment, and at the moment of the fingers, the fierce breath surged at this moment, and the fierce and fierce confidant eh Chao He pierced through in Ye Qianran's direction.

Ye Qianran's face was suddenly full of surprise, his expression couldn't help admiring at this moment, his eyes floated, but his body quickly moved away in an instant, and taking advantage of this opportunity, he spread his right hand and grabbed Cheng Yuling's sword-holding hand. With a light pull on his wrist, he opened his arms and held Cheng Yuling in his arms.

The fragrance was tangy, and his heart couldn't help being agitated, but when he was about to speak, a feeling of pain came from his hand. It turned out that Cheng Yuling had bitten his breath hard, and he immediately had a wry smile and helplessness on his face. Cheng Yuling was still biting tightly, and finally chose to let go.

After Cheng Yuling broke free, his chest couldn't help heaving up and down at this moment, his face was flushed, and his eyes were full of anger when he looked at Ye Qianran.

She thought that Ye Qianran's strength might be very strong, but she never thought that Ye Qianran's strength would be so strong. For a while, he didn't know what to do. Was he looking forward to his father's arrival? But now this situation is unlikely!

And Ye Qianran looked at the neat imprint on the back of her hand, and suddenly smiled helplessly, this girl is merciless.

Seeing Ye Qianran looking down, Cheng Yuling glared at Ye Qianran again, then took a step back and quickly ran out.

She decided that Ye Qianran was not a good person, and he even hugged her just now, which was obviously aimed at her.

Seeing Cheng Yuling running out, Ye Qianran couldn't help but smile again, a green glow emerged at this moment, engulfing Cheng Yuling's body almost instantly.

Cheng Yuling was also stunned, with a face full of disbelief, but at this moment the power of the vine was generated, and the whole body moved towards Ye Qianran, and extreme panic emerged at this moment.

Ye Qianran smiled, and when Cheng Yuling came over, he hugged Cheng Yuling again, and at this moment, Cheng Yuling finally couldn't help screaming...

Ye Qianran was taken aback for a moment, then blinked her eyes and kissed her at this moment, directly covering her pink lips, her voice also stopped abruptly at this moment...

Cheng Yuling was stunned, but after regaining consciousness, the circles of her eyes turned red immediately, and tears fell down. She struggled in Ye Qianran's arms, finally opened her small mouth, and bit Ye Qianran's lips. down.

After Ye Qianran suffered from the pain, he immediately let go. At this time, he also saw Cheng Yuling's appearance at this time, and knew that he could not continue joking. Gongjue, then he is probably regretting it to death now...

Seeing that Cheng Yuling was still struggling, the corners of his mouth turned up, and finally he said with a smile: "Master beautiful, can't I kiss you..."

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