Eternal Supreme

Chapter 756


When he heard the beautiful master, Cheng Yuling's expression froze there, his face was full of disbelief, and his struggling body also became quiet at this moment.

But how is it possible?

She didn't look like Ye Qianran at all, but at this moment she couldn't help thinking of the same two swords behind Ye Qianran, could it be?

Ye Qianran looked at Cheng Yuling's change and smiled. He had guessed her change a long time ago.

Smiling, Ye Qianran also let go of her at this time, looked directly at Cheng Yuling and said, "Why, did the beautiful master let me kiss you?" After speaking, he leaned over and kissed that little face again.

"Are you really a husband?"

Cheng Yuling's voice was full of disbelief at this moment.

"What do you think!" Ye Qianran smiled, turned around, let Cheng Yuling look at Bingjian behind him and said: "Will Bingjian recognize others!"

"Then...then tell me what happened to you at Jujianmen!" Cheng Yuling said.

Ye Qianran smiled, and began to narrate, for example, the two met for the first time, followed by their apprenticeship, including learning the seal of the sword god, and then getting married in great detail.

And Cheng Yuling listened to what Ye Qianran said, his face was also full of memories at this moment, and then his eyes fell on Ye Qianran's face, and gradually became happy, is it true? Because if it is an outsider, it will not know such details.

In addition, he believed that Ye Qianran would not tell others such details, so he immediately said with joy, "Husband, is it really you?"


After hearing this, Ye Qianran nodded with a smile, and this time she reached out and hugged Cheng Yuling actively in her arms.

Cheng Yuling stretched out her jade hand and held Ye Qianran's clothes tightly at this time. I don't know if it was because of happiness, but tears were already falling down at this moment, and after hugging, she couldn't bear to let go.

After Ye Qianran left, she looked forward to the day when Ye Qianran came back every day. She really didn't expect to see him this time. It was really an absolute surprise for her.

After the two separated for a long time, Cheng Yuling looked at Ye Qianran's face and said, "husband, why did you become like this, I can't even recognize you!"

Ye Qianran smiled and said: "Oh, it's a long story, but I am me, and nothing will change here!" As he spoke, the corners of his mouth curled up, and he held Cheng Yuling's little hand on his chest.

Cheng Yuling's face turned ruddy again, nodded slightly and said, "My husband looks much better than before!"

Ye Qianran's smile deepened, he lowered his head and kissed Cheng Yuling's small face heavily, and said, "What about you, where did you go at night?"


After hearing this, Cheng Yuling lowered her head, her face was full of shyness, but she quickly raised her head and said, "I've been resting at the place where you lived before, and this time I came back to get clothes!"

Ye Qianran was taken aback for a moment, then his expression softened a little, and he didn't say anything more, pulling Cheng Yuling towards the room.

When the two sat by the bed, they chatted for a long time, but Ye Qianran felt quite tired sitting here and chatting, so taking advantage of Cheng Yuling's inattention, he pulled her belt away.

After receiving the inspiration, Cheng Yu couldn't help exclaiming, then his face flushed, he bit his lips tightly, and lowered his head again.

Ye Qianran smiled, put Cheng Yuling's legs on her body, and then took off her shoes, revealing her white and round jade feet.

Feeling restless, he took a deep breath, and when he could barely suppress it, Ye Qianran put the sword bag aside, and came to the bed with Cheng Yuling in his arms.


Ye Qianran stretched out his hand and simply took off Cheng Yuling's clothes, and then the two of them lay under the quilt, feeling the smooth skin, and their heartbeats inevitably accelerated.

But Cheng Yuling was already extremely shy at this time, and didn't dare to look up at Ye Qianran at all.

Ye Qianran originally planned to have a conversation with Cheng Yuling this time, but when his heart accelerated, that thought completely disappeared. When he looked at the pink lips, he kissed them directly, and then began to grope.

Cheng Yuling was still pinching the quilt with both hands at this moment, as if he was a little nervous, but gradually, his whole body relaxed at this moment.

Half an hour later, Cheng Yuling frowned slightly, the pain made her extremely uncomfortable at this moment, but a pair of eyes also opened at this time: "Husband, are you okay now?"

After hearing this, Ye Qianran nodded with a smile and said, "Well, that's fine!" He kissed her again, so his movements were very gentle at this time...

When the light surged with the spiritual power, Cheng Yuling also opened his mouth, and a seductive voice could not help but come out at this time...

When Cheng Yuling regained some strength, she couldn't help but glance at Ye Qianran, her face was full of happiness at this moment.

Ye Qianran smiled and joked at this time: "Beautiful master, do you like that feeling!"

Cheng Yuling gave a soft ah, her face flushed red, and she finally nodded slightly.

Ye Qianran smiled after seeing it, and kissed her on the face, but he didn't speak at this moment, and rested with Cheng Yuling in his arms...

And Cheng Yu felt the residual feeling, and after closing his eyes, he quickly fell asleep...

The next day, the two of them got up early at this time. At this time, Ye Qianran watched Cheng Yuling pull out the bed sheet, and couldn't help but smile.

"Husband, what are you looking at!"

After Cheng Yuling packed up, seeing Ye Qianran looking at her, her heart beat faster, but then she thought of something and said: "Husband, let me take you to see your father, he will be very happy knowing that you are back! "

After hearing this, Ye Qianran agreed with a smile, and what he was thinking of now was to leave with Cheng Yuling?

I went this time to have a good discussion...

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