Eternal Supreme

Chapter 761


Ye Qianran was horrified, but he reacted very quickly, and the cold sword in his hand was also in front of him at this moment.

When the violent spiritual power hit again, Ye Qianran's body trembled, his body rubbed against the ground, and he backed up a few feet in a daze. Although the cold sword didn't suffer any damage, the trembling strength almost made his ice sword shake out.

Is the exercise just a simple finger? With one finger, you have such a powerful existence? It's too scary, right?

"It really is a good weapon!"

Song Wei saw that the ice sword was not damaged at all, and a look of admiration appeared at this moment, and then he glanced at Ye Qianran and said: "The reaction is also very fast, but unfortunately it is still not my opponent. How about, give me the weapon here, and you leave!"

"You are so beautiful!" Ye Qianran frowned slightly, and said in a cold voice.

"Really?" The corners of Songwei's mouth curled up.

"Don't get me wrong, what I'm talking about is the beauty you think!" Ye Qianran sneered.

After hearing this, Song Wei's smile suddenly froze, he glanced at Ye Qianran abruptly and said: "My boy, if that's the case, then don't blame me for being rude!" At this time, it soared infinitely.

Ye Qianran's spiritual cultivation has reached the level of transforming gods, so he felt it very clearly at this time, and his face inevitably changed slightly. He glanced at Sophie and found that the beating was also very intense. I should have known Sophie should also bring another person with her.

Although there were only two people on the other side, it was too tricky, so his heart was full of solemnity at this time. When his eyes were slightly narrowed, Aolong opened it at this time, and jumped from the whole to Ye Qianran. When it is opened at this time, the rotating triangular edge flows rapidly, and when the strange spiritual power fluctuates, the spiritual power also surges.

Disintegration of spiritual power, he activated the unique spiritual power decomposition of Fengyan at this time, and during the disintegration, with a wave of the ice sword, the blue dragon also roared, and it was suddenly seen that two monsters collided.

The light bloomed again, Ye Qianran's body had already stepped back, and his expression became more solemn. He used his spiritual power to disintegrate and the blue dragon's mutual impact to offset it. How terrifying is the opponent's strength?

As expected of someone from the other side, he is indeed strong enough...

"Phoenix eyes?"

The man's body was suspended, and when his eyes fell on Ye Qianran, he was a little surprised, but when he saw it clearly, he found that he didn't look like him, but even if it wasn't, it probably wasn't bad.

When he narrowed his eyes slightly, the murderous intent had already been mobilized. Ye Qianran might be from the Dragon Clan, but he had an extra pair of such mutated eyes. Was it the power of Blood Successor?

But no matter what, it's better for this kind of person to disappear...

At that moment, his eyes were slightly narrowed, and a strange light floated up at this moment, and then a fierce breath surged again. When the murderous intent became stronger, Song Wei looked directly at Ye Qianran, but said coldly: "This Secondary to your life!"

After the words fell, there was a sudden piercing shrill sound, and the figure dissipated in an instant. When the figure reappeared, it was already in front of Ye Qianran, with his left hand spread out, and he grabbed the ice sword directly.

Ye Qianran was under the eyes of the phoenix at this time, but he looked very strong, and his body also retreated rapidly. You must know that his speed is very fast, but at this moment, the man's left hand was slightly closed, and a huge suction appeared at this moment... …


A sneer sounded, the man spread out his right hand, and the ear-piercing sound sounded again. It was unavoidable, even mixed with the strength of death, piercing towards Ye Qianran's body...

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