Eternal Supreme

Chapter 762

Ye Qianran's pupils contracted, and at this time he also smelled the breath of death. This seemed to be the second time he was so close to death.

He could guess that if this spiritual power penetrated him, he would definitely die.

He really wants to dodge now, but the opponent's speed is too fast, and he wants to block it with the ice sword, but the man made him open it on purpose before. In terms of experience, he is still a little short...

A bitter smile emerged, the gap, I thought his strength was completely acceptable, but compared with Song Wei in front of him, he was really far behind, and the other party gave him the feeling that he could not overcome it.

But just when he decided to die, a dazzling white light surged out at this moment, and at this moment, he felt an extremely pure and incomparable spiritual power floating out of his chest.

Before he could react, the white spiritual power became even more intense, and when it surged, it actually counteracted the tricky and frightening force.

I froze for a while, with a face full of shock and disbelief, what's going on?

When he was stunned, he felt his chest loosen, and then a graceful figure appeared at this moment, standing directly in front of him.


Ye Qianran froze there for an instant, with a face full of disbelief, the woman in front of him gave him a very familiar feeling...

And soon he also recollected it. He had seen it with Li Muyun when he was looking for medicinal herbs, and later when he was in a fierce place...

But... his chest...

Ye Qianran stretched out his hand to touch it, feeling that it was empty, and his expression became dull again, could it be... Could it be that the woman is the little mink on his chest?

And when he was in a daze, Song Wei also retreated, his brows were slightly frowned, his expression was slightly surprised, when his eyes fell on the woman, he couldn't help saying: "The black mink family..."


The woman nodded slightly, with a calm expression on her face. In fact, if she could not come out, she would not want to come out, because after she came out, she might not be able to be as normal as Ye Qianran.

But now that Ye Qianran has endured such danger, how can she look at it like this?

"Have you reached the level of God?"

Songwei felt the abnormal movement on the woman, and the color of admiration inevitably appeared again, and his expression became more focused. Few monsters can reach the god level in cultivation, but if they can reach it, the strength is very amazing, because the god level is very important to the body. For Warcraft, it is also a boundary division.

After the god level, there are four levels, namely, transforming a god into a saint, transforming a saint into a venerable, transforming a venerable into an emperor, and transforming an emperor into a sage, that is, sage, venerable, emperor, and hon.

The dragon clan is born with a divine body, and it is easy to break through the front boundaries, but the latter four will also be very difficult.

God level? It has already reached a certain height, but men are also at the level of reincarnation in the realm of gods, and they are at the same level as women.

The appearance of the woman is to make him feel serious...

Squinting his eyes slightly, Songwei's expression became extremely solemn at this moment. How could a black mink who had reached the god level follow Ye Qianran? When he frowned slightly, he looked at the woman and said, "If you leave now, I will You can pretend that you never showed up, but if you are stubborn, then don't blame me for being rude!"

The woman frowned slightly, her expression was full of indifference, and the white spiritual power on her body surged irregularly, and then said: "If you want to move him, you must pass me first!"

Song Wei also frowned, looked at the woman coldly and said: "Well, since you are so determined, don't blame me for being rude!" The moment the voice fell, the momentum on his body began to soar at this moment .

After Ye Qianran came back to his senses, he felt the huge pressure. The pressure made him a little suffocated, and he felt extremely depressed, as if he couldn't breathe.

Horror emerged, is this man's power so terrifying? So what kind of place is Tongtian Pavilion?

When he was shocked, the aura of the woman also soared, the level of strength was unbelievable.

Ye Qianran's body trembled slightly, and his expression became even more horrified. Perhaps when he saw this, he really understood the gap.

Now I understand how small he is...

Thinking about how self-righteous he was before, but now he finds it so ridiculous...

And just when he was thinking this way, a hot feeling spread from his abdomen.

"Little guy, let me help you kill these two guys, how about letting me out?"

The voice was cold, and when Ye Qianran heard these words, goose bumps appeared on his body.

"Who are you!"

Ye Qianran was startled, and asked at this moment.

"I remember telling you before..." The voice was still so cold.

Ye Qianran was startled suddenly, and suddenly thought of the voice that sounded in his head when he was swallowed by that flower in the fierce place.

I remember that at that time, his mind was completely blank, and when he woke up, all the crises disappeared in an instant. At that time, he remembered to ask Xiao Mei, but Xiao Mei never knew about it.

Putting his right hand on his abdomen, a strange glow emerged, could it be the divine punishment under his seal?

When he thought of this, the voice of the flame knife sounded in his mind: "Don't release the scourge, he will devour your mind!"

"Shut up!" The cold voice was full of evil.

"Get out, you're sealed, you're quite arrogant!" Yan Dao cursed secretly at this time.

"Yes, seal it forever!" A cold voice sounded, and it was Mogou who spoke.

"Brother, don't let it out!" Xiaomei's voice was also full of seriousness.

"Haha, rub your grandma's..." Tian Fu laughed out loud.

"After I go out, you guys don't want to feel better!" The cold voice was silent, and then said again: "Boy, you don't have to let me out, and you can even help you for free, but you have to let the damn Tianzhu leave you Just do it!"

"No, Tianzhu leaves, he breaks through the seal easily, don't be fooled!"

"That's right, fuck his grandma!"

"Yeah, brother, you must not!"

"Just let him seal it in your body..."

"This little guy has a problem. If I die, you will die as well!"

The cold voice was full of anger: "He has a fusion physique. When he dies, the qualitative changes that will occur in his body are not clear to you!"

"Death is better than you coming out!" Yan Dao cursed directly.

"That's right, go on to his grandma's..."

And Ye Qianran was dumbfounded. If he died, would the heavenly weapon also perish? What physical change? Why doesn't he know himself?

"Brother, we are not afraid of death!"

"Yes, I've lived for so long anyway!" Mogou also said indifferently.

"Okay, I'm taking a step back!"

The cold voice was full of anger, and finally took a deep breath and said: "You sink your divine sense into the seal, and let you control me for a short time!"

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