Eternal Supreme

Chapter 763

"Temporary control?"

Ye Qianran was stunned, but at this moment, no matter the flame knife, Xiaomei, magic hook or sky axe, they fell silent.

Short-term manipulation is still possible, after all, there is a sky bead suppressing it, so even if it wants to be artificial, it may be very difficult.

But Ye Qianran was a little hesitant at this time. Unlike Yandao and others, Tianzhu knew everything and knew everything. Tianzhu had been sealed in his body since he was a child, and his resentment should have reached a limit. He didn't know what the other party was playing.

But when he thought of what Tianzhu said, he also hesitated, because it seemed that if something happened to him, all the heavenly weapons would be in trouble with him.

When he was tangled, the woman and Songwei also fought at this time, the vast spiritual power really seemed to be overwhelming, and the same was true for Sophie, it seemed that she wanted to tear down the entire Wushuangmen, And he himself set up soy sauce here.

Just when he was at a loss, the battle between the woman and Songwei escalated again, and the violent spiritual impact was even more terrifying. Ye Qianran looked up at this moment, and found that the two sides were in a stalemate at this moment... It is also helpless to anyone.

At this time, his mind fluctuated, he can completely save the Xingchen family now...

He looked up at the woman and Songwei, but he was not sure how long the woman and Songwei could last?

His brows were slightly frowned, and his expression was slightly hesitant, but this was definitely a good opportunity. His expression fluctuated, and his spiritual power surged. At this moment, he could feel the people of Wushuangmen moving the people of the Xingchen family, and his eyes floated. After looking up again, He took a deep breath and rushed out, as long as he was fast enough, there should be no problem.

In his current state of Bamen Jingmen, his speed can be said to be very fast.

But when he rushed out, Songwei had already felt something. When he resisted the woman, he took a deep breath and dissipated. The cold murderous intent completely enveloped Ye Qianran.

Ye Qianran also felt it when Songwei was moving, but the opponent's speed was too fast, and his aura soared. Under the pressure of that berserk, it was simply not something he could bear.

When he was terrified, the fragrance wafted into his nostrils, and a figure appeared in front of him again.


The terrifying turbulence surged again with the distortion of space, and Ye Qianran felt the body of the woman in his arms tremble.

"Sky Seal!"

Seeing such a scene, Song Wei immediately sneered, and did not let go of such a golden opportunity. He spread out his hands at the same time, and a strange light appeared in them. The piercing voice trembled, and a mysterious seal appeared at this moment. The strong aura fluctuated and was directly imprinted on the woman's body.

Tiangang Seal, a heaven-level skill, is extremely powerful. When suppressed, it can reverse the opponent's Wu Yuan and cause extremely terrifying damage.

Because Songwei knows that the woman is very strong, if the stalemate persists, he may not be able to defeat him, but Ye Qianran's rushing out gave him a very good opportunity, the woman blocked temporarily, but what broke out was being Temporary suppression, even if the Tiangang Seal can also be resisted, it will also cause certain damage.

So his advantage still exists...

Because as long as there is harm, he can defeat the woman...

The woman's face changed slightly, but she couldn't get out of the way now, because Ye Qianran was behind her, so when she desperately resisted, she also completely protected Ye Qianran.


The terrifying sound caused a huge impact, and the space was instantly torn apart, creating an astonishing black hole vortex.

Ye Qianran could feel how much impact the woman had endured, and when her expression changed slightly, she took the woman's body and retreated.

"Are you OK!"

Ye Qianran looked at the woman, and found that the dusty face was pale, and the corners of the mouth overflowed with blood, and he was stunned again. In fact, he knew in his heart that it was because of him. He still underestimated it. He thought he could take advantage of it Taking this opportunity to save all the members of the Xingchen family, but now it seems that it is not that simple.

He really didn't think that Song Wei would react so quickly at a critical moment and use him to restrain the woman...

The woman's expression fluctuated, she glanced at Ye Qianran with her nimble eyes, and shook her head. Just when she was about to speak, her jade hand covered her chest, and a mouthful of blood spurted out at this moment. In an instant, her face looked even brighter. He became pale, and the spiritual power fluctuations in his body became extremely unstable.

Ye Qianran's heart trembled, and his expression became extremely ugly. He clenched his right hand tightly, with a desolate heart, and looked up at the man full of murderous intent at this moment.

The woman is obviously evolved by the little mink beast. Although he has concealed it for such a long time, even he can't accept it, but the fact is the fact. No matter what she is now, no matter how she changes, the little mink beast has always been with him , From his most difficult time, the loneliest time, he came step by step.

So his affection for the little mink is extremely deep, and he never even thought that the little mink would leave him one day, but what about now?

And twice, the two times when he almost died, it was the little mink who saved him? And why didn't he think about it? When he was thinking this way, touching words sounded in his ears: "Young master, hurry up, I will stop him."

The woman looked at Ye Qianran, and her eye circles were moist. After taking a deep breath, she mobilized the spiritual power in front of her. At this moment, she was really willing, she didn't want Ye Qianran suffer any harm.

"Today he must die!"

Ye Qianran gritted his teeth and said it at this time. If he was still a little loose before, he is extremely firm now. He decided to control it for a short time according to what the scourge said, and under the current situation, he would not think about it. So much, thinking about it without consequences, he just wants the guy in front of him to pay the price...

"My son..."

The woman was stunned, then bit her lip and said, "Young Master, you should leave, you are not his match!" She said with a slightly sad expression, she had already decided to die to protect Ye Qianran, but this time maybe she would never They will not be able to accompany Ye Qianran anymore.

"No, I absolutely can't let you get hurt again!" Ye Qianran said firmly, and looked at Song Wei coldly.

"Hehe, is it up to you?"

Songwei looked at the two of them, his expression was full of smiles, now the situation has been finalized, and in his opinion, it cannot be changed at all, but soon his smile became stiff, and his expression gradually revealed unbelievable color...

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