Eternal Supreme

Chapter 777

"it's here?"

Under Sophie's guidance, Ye Qianran soon arrived near the palace.

"Yeah!" Sophie nodded slightly after hearing this.

"This is going to be over!"

Ye Qianran's face changed slightly, and his mental power surged at this moment, and he quickly searched in a small area. He must find a few people as soon as possible, otherwise something went wrong, and it might be too late to save them.

He quickly sensed the fluctuation of mental power. He glanced at Sophie and pulled him down at the same time. At this time, the space fluctuated, and the two of them hid at the same time.

When they came to the induction area, he also saw a few people very clearly.

Qiao Xiaodi, including his aunt, father and grandfather, a big man, and two other old men, looked at Sophie and asked, "Do you have the ability to take them out of here at the same time?"

Although Sophie was puzzled, she nodded and agreed. The Spirit Blood Clan has an ability, and this ability is to control the space. Unlike Ye Qianran, they are born with it.

"Let's go, then let's go!"

Ye Qianran said something in a low voice at this time, and when the two of them hid in the past, Sophie spread her hands, and a violent spatial twist appeared at this moment.

When the distance got closer, Sophie floated naked, and a mysterious seal emerged at this moment, and when it opened and became larger in an instant, they also fell in front of several people.


When the Xuan Yin floated, it circulated under the feet of several people, and before they could react, a huge distortion had already appeared in the space.

And at the moment of twisting, Ye Qianran raised his brows, and quickly came to Qiao Xiaodi's side, hugged that soft waist, and suddenly the scent of lavender surged out, really charming.

At this time, the space distortion reached a certain limit, and then including Ye Qianran and Su Fei, they disappeared there at the same time.

During this period, Ye Qianran was also really surprised, there was such a strong spatial fluctuation, and when the power of space disappeared, he couldn't help but glance around, and found that he had actually shifted to the forest outside the imperial city at this time.

"So strong!"

Ye Qianran was full of admiration at this time, he also possesses the power of space, but when will he be able to control his power of space to this level? It seems that when you are free, you have to learn from Sophie.

"You let go of me!"

When Ye Qianran was in a daze, an extremely angry voice sounded in his ears, and then a majestic spiritual power surged out at this moment.

Ye Qianran's expression was startled, and he quickly dodged out. When he looked up again, he met those eyes full of murderous intent and anger. When he was about to speak, the old man's slightly surprised voice was also there. At this moment: "Who are you!"

Ye Qianran turned his head to look, and his eyes fell on Qiao Zongping. Seeing that his brows were also slightly frowned, he said respectfully, "Senior, I am Qianran!"


Qiao Zongping was stunned for a moment, he still had a deep impression of Ye Qianran, after all, he was very close to his granddaughter, but now he heard such words from a stranger in front of him, he couldn't believe it.

Ye Qianran had already guessed that this would be the case, and now he glanced at Qiao Xiaodi's direction, and found that the pair of beautiful eyes that were originally full of anger were also stunned, and then his brows were slightly frowned, also with a The look of disbelief.


Ye Qianran smiled, in fact, he wanted to tease Qiao Xiaodi more, but the current appearance is definitely not good enough, and he said immediately: "I am indeed Qianran, hey, it's just that I am more handsome than before! "

After the words fell, Qiao Zongping and others froze at the same time, while Qiao Xiaodi froze for a while. Ye Qianran's smug beauty and demeanor were very familiar. It was indeed Ye Qianran who showed it, but he is now Still not sure if the person in front of him is Ye Qianran.

Seeing that the expressions of several people are still the same, Ye Qianran pointed to the Bingjian and Tianzhu behind him and said: "You should know these two, if not, this one!" When the summoning came out, and the warmth swept across, the group of people was surprised again.

Ye Qianran was afraid that the other party would not know him yet, so he simply rescued Qiao Zongping himself, and Qiao Yanqing narrated everything.

"You really are that bastard!"

Qiao Xiaodi was stunned, then glanced at Sophie, said something full of anger, then turned her head with a cold snort, as if she was a little angry, but then couldn't help turning her head to look at Ye Qianran quickly .

Since the last time we separated, Ye Qianran's figure appeared in Qiao Xiaodi's mind every day. She originally expected Ye Qianran to come to her, but she had never seen Ye Qianran after such a long time, so he also I can only suppress my thoughts in my heart.

With the passage of time, it can be said that her longing became deeper and deeper. At that time, she also understood that she really had Ye Qianran in her heart, otherwise she would not be like this.

But the more this is the case, the more she misses her in her heart, and gradually she has anticipation, looking forward to the day when Ye Qianran can find her, and the reason for coming to Kamikaze this time is also because of Ye Qianran, after all Ye Qianran's hometown is also here, if he comes back, he can also meet by asking...

And when Ye Qianran proved her identity, she was definitely full of surprises in her heart, but she noticed Sophie again, and inexplicable anger appeared.

She thought that Ye Qianran must have taken a fancy to other girls for not coming to her for so long, so Ye Qianran never came to her for so long.

The more he thought about it, the angrier he became in his heart. After snorting again, he glared at Ye Qianran.

Ye Qianran also noticed Qiao Xiaodi's expression, with a wry smile on his face, how did he offend this young lady, could it be because of the hug just now? But after thinking about it, it seems impossible, after all, there were quite a few hugs in the past.

And he still clearly remembered that this girl said she agreed to marry him, thinking of this made her heart agitated.

But he also understands that now is not the time to talk about this, so his eyes fell on Qiao Zongping and said: "Senior, you are going to the palace, are you going to assassinate the Feng family?" got worried.

If they really had such an idea, then he might be able to stop it this time, but it doesn't mean he can still do it next time.

After hearing Ye Qianran's words, Qiao Zongping also came back to his senses, looked at Ye Qianran with a smile and said: "I didn't expect that it's been so long since I've seen you, but your strength has grown so powerful!" After finishing speaking, he paused and replied : "No, we just came back to take a look, after all, this is our former home!"

After finishing speaking, Qiao Zongping's expression showed a little melancholy.

Ye Qianran was taken aback, could it be that he misunderstood?

When he was puzzled, Qiao Yanqing said: "Little brother, although we are hostile to the Feng family, as you said, the current Feng family is not something we can overthrow. When we came to Kamikaze, the first thing we came to see was the family. The second is to find you!"

"Huh?" Ye Qianran was stunned after hearing this, came to him?

Qiao Yanqing smiled and glanced at Qiao Xiaodi, who was still a little angry, and then explained: "Because you said that you are from China, I think you should come back, so we came here!"

"Then what is the uncle looking for me for?" Ye Qianran asked curiously again.


Qiao Yanqing nodded lightly and said: "I entrusted Xiaodi to you. This girl always thinks about you all the way, and we are already like this, but Xiaodi is still young, we can't always take her with me, after all, her future journey It's still long..."


When Qiao Xiaodi heard what her father said, her face flushed immediately, and she said it quickly, her voice still full of anger at this moment.

Qiao Yanqing smiled after seeing it, and then winked at Ye Qianran.

Ye Qianran nodded lightly, and suddenly understood something in his heart. He coughed dryly, spread his right hand, and the green spiritual power surged, and then the flowers grew at this time. When the fragrance of the flowers was fragrant, the spiritual power surged. In his hand, he immediately walked towards Qiao Xiaodi.

Qiao Zongping and the others beside him were shocked, and the nature changed by waving his hands. How did Ye Qianran do it?

When several people were surprised, Ye Qianran also came to Qiao Xiaodi's side, coughed dryly and said, "Is Xiao Di still angry? I'll give you a bouquet of flowers to see if you like it."

Qiao Xiaodi looked at the bouquet of flowers that Ye Qianran handed to him in amazement, and she didn't understand how Ye Qianran did it, but she didn't pick it up, but snorted coldly, and quickly moved towards One side ran out.


Ye Qianran was stunned for a moment, with a wry smile on his face. In fact, he knew why Qiao Xiaodi was angry, so it was easy to say, but now he is completely confused, and has no idea what the reason is.

Qiao Yanqing smiled and said: "Qianran, this girl has been thinking about you and thinking about you all the time, maybe she thinks you don't pay enough attention to her!" After speaking, he glanced in Sophie's direction, although he didn't know that Sophie Who is it, but from the subtle fluctuations, he can see that Sophie is not simple, and her strength should be very terrifying and powerful.

Ye Qianran raised her brows, and understood something at the moment. It turned out that this girl was also jealous. She smiled, her mental strength surged, and her body followed at this time.

Sophie didn't follow at this time, Ye Qianran should need a space to be alone now, and she also hopes that Qiao Xiaodi can give Ye Qianran the magic whip on her body, so that her last wish can be considered understood... …

After Ye Qianran followed, she found that Qiao Xiaodi had stopped in one place, her back was facing him, her eyes were floating, and her body was hidden. Words: "This bastard, why haven't you come here yet, stinky bastard, stinky bastard..."

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