Eternal Supreme

Chapter 778

"Is he really not coming?"

Qiao Xiaodi waited for a while, looked back, and found that there was no sound or movement, and immediately bit her lips tightly: "This bastard, doesn't he understand his thoughts at all?" bow your head.

Now she is even more convinced that Ye Qianran may have taken a fancy to someone else, and she doesn't like her at all at this time, thinking that the circles of her eyes have turned rosy at this time, and she looks very sad.

And when she thought so, Ye Qianran actually laughed from behind, does this girl still have such thoughts? His eyes flashed at this moment, and the green spiritual power surged out at this moment.

Qiao Xiaodi was still full of anger at this moment, but at this moment, he suddenly breathed an extremely strong fragrance of flowers, his expression froze for a moment, and when he looked down, he found that where he was standing, countless flowers were surging and blooming at this moment , looks very nice.


The surrounding trees also surged at this moment, and the next moment, she found that the surrounding branches were intertwined at this moment, and the next moment, under the interspersed branches, several characters appeared in front of her eyes.

Qiao Xiaodi was dumbfounded, because it said in that font, classmate Qiao Xiaodi, I was wrong, please forgive me...

When she saw these words, there was a slight smile on her face, but soon she snorted again. The changes in the surrounding flowers and trees all meant that Ye Qianran was nearby. Is he still here?

When she thought of this, she clearly saw that the space in front of her was twisting at this moment, and then a blur appeared in front of her eyes, and a figure appeared in front of his eyes, and then her body tightened, and the whole person was hugged by Ye Qianran In my arms.

Qiao Xiaodi was stunned, and when he raised his head and was about to say something, his mouth was instantly blocked, his face turned red, and then he gradually regained his senses, and finally closed his eyes.

And Ye Qianran breathed in Qiao Xiaodi's lavender-like fragrance, pried open the soft mouth, and started to kiss. At this moment, he felt the shy little tongue dodging around, and immediately guided him to ask for it...

Gradually, Qiao Xiaodi also responded jerkyly...

It lasted for a long time before the lips parted. Ye Qianran glanced at those beautiful eyes, and kissed her lips again. When the softness was sensed again, he also stretched out his right hand, a bunch of Flowers appeared in front of Qiao Xiaodi again.

"Student Xiaodi, don't be angry, I was wrong!"

Ye Qianran said with a face full of remorse: "Oh, I used to miss you every day when I woke up and when I went to sleep. It seems that I can't do this in the future. I want to think about you all the time!"

Qiao Xiaodi looked at what Ye Qianran said before her, hesitated for a while, and finally took it, but quickly turned her head again and said: "Hmph, who knows if what you said is true!"

Ye Qianran felt relieved when she heard what Qiao Xiaodi said. As long as this woman is willing to speak, there must be room for maneuver, and she said immediately: "Oh, the world can learn from you, if I don't think about you all the time, How could it follow you to Kamikaze, and even stop you when you entered the palace!"

Saying that, Ye Qianran said with a sad look again: "Oh, if it wasn't because of some delays, I'm afraid I would have found you a long time ago. Now that I think about it, Xiaodi wouldn't have misunderstood me so much! "

"Is what you said true?" Qiao Xiaodi secretly glanced at Ye Qianran.

"Of course!" Ye Qianran nodded heavily after hearing this: "If I deceive you, it will be struck by thunder!"

In fact, it is true. When they came back, Sophie always felt Qiao Xiaodi's position. After all, she had a heavenly weapon, so it was easy to say. Finally, when she came to Kamikaze, it happened that Qiao Xiaodi was also there. here.

When Qiao Xiaodi heard what Ye Qianran said, she believed it a little bit. Thinking of the scene of being kissed by Ye Qianran just now, her face turned rosy, and finally she whispered: "Then I misunderstood you!"

"Oh, it's not a matter of misunderstanding!"

Ye Qianran's 'sadness' looked even deeper at this time, and finally sighed: "I didn't expect you to disbelieve me so much, you know I'm still looking forward to letting you marry me, it seems I'm delusional right now..."

Turning his head away, he sighed cautiously again.

Qiao Xiaodi heard what Ye Qianran said, but at this moment his expression showed an anxious look, and he said quickly: "That's my fault for blaming you! Don't be unhappy, it won't happen in the future."

The corners of Ye Qianran's mouth turned up, it was extremely rare for Qiao Xiaodi to be like this, it is not difficult to see from this, Qiao Xiaodi really cares about him now, otherwise, he probably wouldn't be like this, so he said immediately: "Then are you still willing to marry me?"

"En!" Qiao Xiaodi bit her lip lightly, and finally nodded.

Ye Qianran's eyebrows were beaming when she heard it, and she suppressed the smile on her face and turned her head, looked at Qiao Xiaodi and said, "Well, I'll just give you a kiss, and I'll trust you!"

Qiao Xiaodi was taken aback for a moment, and when his face turned red, he quickly lowered his head...

"Hey, it looks like classmate Xiaodi is trying to make me happy!" When Ye Qianran said this, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly. Could he be making fun of this woman now?

"No, then... then you can kiss me!"

Qiao Xiaodi faltered and said something, raised his head at this time with a rosy face, and finally closed his eyes nervously at this time.

Ye Qianran looked at Qiao Xiaodi's appearance at this time and said: "I want to kiss you for real!"

After hearing this, Qiao Xiaodi opened her eyes, and after finally responding, when her spiritual power fluctuated, her face also changed at this time, and suddenly that small face that was so beautiful appeared at this time.

Although Ye Qianran has seen it many times, but every time he looks at it, he will be dumbfounded, including now. After recovering for a long time, he stretched out his hand and hugged the soft waist again: "Don't pretend to be a boy from now on. I promise you that I will protect you well in the future and will not let you suffer any harm."

After hearing this, Qiao Xiaodi couldn't help but blushed again, and finally nodded in agreement.

Ye Qianran smiled, glanced at those seductive pink lips, and then slowly leaned over.

After Qiao Xiaodi saw it, a pair of jade hands pinched her clothes at this moment. At the beginning, Ye Qianran came out of nowhere, but now it is different from before, so she was extremely nervous, closed her eyes, The eyelashes are trembling slightly at this moment.

Ye Qianran also saw something, but her smile was deeper, because Qiao Xiaodi's appearance was really touching, and she leaned forward again...

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