Eternal Supreme

Chapter 779

"Well, it smells so good..."

Ye Qianran kissed Qiao Xiaodi's lips lightly, and then said it with admiration.

Qiao Xiaodi blushed slightly, and finally hesitated and said, "Who is that girl who came with you?"

Hearing Qiao Xiaodi mention Sophie, Ye Qianran also thought of something, and then pulled Qiao Xiaodi and sat on the surrounding flowers and plants, and the surging fragrance of flowers became more intense at this time.

"Xiaodi, I was thinking about talking to you about this!"

Ye Qianran spoke slowly at this moment, then paused at last, and narrated all the events.

After hearing this, Qiao Xiaodi immediately understood and said, "Then she is not a good person!"

Ye Qianran shook her head and said, "Feifei has a good heart, otherwise, she would have targeted you long ago, instead of waiting until now!"

Qiao Xiaodi heard it, thought about it for a while, and it was true. He spread his right hand, and the magic whip appeared at this moment. Maybe he was talking with his side at this time, so he also fell silent at this time.

Ye Qianran didn't bother, and waited there quietly. After a long time, Qiao Xiaodi looked up at Ye Qianran and said, "It said that you have the breath of heavenly artifacts and fusion blood on your body, and it also believes what you said. It’s true, so it’s okay for it to follow you!”

"Is it?"

Ye Qianran's expression showed joy after hearing this, which made it even simpler.

"Yeah!" Qiao Xiaodi nodded lightly, the spiritual power in his body was turbulent at this time, and the power of the magic whip was also turbulent at this time, when the spiritual power reached a certain limit, it immediately surged towards the surroundings open.

Presumably, the two of them canceled the contract at the same time, so it was the best result.

At this time, Qiao Xiaodi handed the magic whip to Ye Qianran.

"Little flute!"

Ye Qianran said something at this time, his expression was a little moved at this moment, he didn't expect Qiao Xiaodi to believe him so much, he took a deep breath, took it over, spread his right hand, Xiao Mei It disappeared in a flash, and when the blood was surging, it also landed on the magic whip.

The dazzling light bloomed at this time, and when they were accepted by their side, the two immediately connected.


An extremely juicy and sweet voice sounded in his mind, it was indescribably polite and humble, and judging from the voice, it was also a woman, just like Xiao Mei.

Ye Qianran also responded at this time, and then put away the magic whip, allowing several heavenly artifacts to talk at this time, while his eyes fell on Qiao Xiaodi, and stretched out his hand to hold her directly. Lie on the soft flowers and grass in my arms.

Then he kissed that little face again, and then said: "Then from today on, you can follow me, don't worry, I will treat you well!"

Qiao Xiaodi nodded lightly, and finally leaned on Ye Qianran's body, her expression showing a little satisfaction.

Ye Qianran smiled, it was the last thing on his mind, now he only wanted to go back to Fenglei City, and then went to the other side to explore, his eyes narrowed slightly, his eyes fluttered When I was there, I couldn't help but pondered for a while.

But soon he also came to his senses, now is not the time for them to be alone, after all, Qiao Xiaodi's relatives are still waiting on the other side, at that moment, he pulled her to stand up and walked in one direction.

When they got there, a group of people were still there, and they walked up with a smile on their faces.

Sophie glanced at Ye Qianran at this time, and she also felt something at this time, and the strange glow suddenly revealed, it seems that Ye Qianran also received the heavenly artifact on her body during this trip.

But what about Ye Qianran? Is he done now? It still doesn't work, and she herself guessed it a long time ago, but he also has a lot of things on him, and after all, he can go back to do business...

When Qiao Yanqing saw the two of them coming back holding hands, his expression relaxed at this moment, and a smile appeared on his face. At this moment, the two of them were fine, so he, as a father, felt relieved.

"Father-in-law, don't you want to visit the palace? We'll take you there!"

Ye Qianran said with a smile at this time, he and Sophie both know the power of space, so it is very easy to hide, and their doing so can be regarded as their last concern.

Qiao Yanqing laughed out loud when he heard Ye Qianran change his address, and nodded in agreement, while Qiao Xiaodi's face was rosy.

And then, Sophie and Ye Qianran also took Qiao Zongping and others to walk around, because they were hidden and their breath was deliberately restrained, so they were not discovered by anyone, and it lasted until late at night, and it was over. down.

After regrouping in the mountains, Qiao Yanqing looked at Qiao Xiaodi and said, "Xiaodi, follow Qianran well, he is a good man, and it is a blessing that you can follow him!"

Qiao Xiaodi nodded silently, and his expression became reluctant at this moment, because when Qiao Yanqing said these words, he understood that the few people were going to leave.

Ye Qianran also understood something, so he said directly: "Father-in-law, I don't know when we will meet next time. In order to make you feel more at ease, I will marry Xiaodi and I in front of you today. We will marry each other someday. If there is a chance, I will give Xiaodi another beautiful wedding as compensation."

After speaking, he pulled Qiao Xiaodi in a daze and knelt down with Qiao Yanqing's expression on his face.

Qiao Yanqing immediately understood what it meant, and burst out laughing, and the old man who was following the others said, "Then the old man will be your witness!" He spoke up and walked according to the procedure , because Ye Qianran's father was not present, so Ye Qianran and Qiao Xiaodi bowed down to heaven and earth.

However, this is enough for them.

Sophie watched from the side with envy, and finally fell silent again, not knowing what she was thinking at this time.

After the simple ritual worship was successful, Qiao Yanqing laughed twice. Seeing the two of them like this, he was really relieved, looked at Ye Qianran and said, "Qianran, you must treat my daughter well, but Can't let her know what wronged her?"

"Don't worry, father-in-law!" Ye Qianran naturally nodded heavily.

"Then let's go!" Qiao Yanqing smiled again, took another deep look at the two of them, and galloped out.

Qiao Xiaodi's eye circles turned rosy at this time. Although he saw Ye Qianran this time, when is the next time he wants to see his relatives?

Qiao Xiaodi's aunt stayed for a while, and she and Qiao Xiaodi had the deepest relationship. She was also reluctant to part with her, so when she left, she inevitably asked a few words, and finally left.

After all the people left, Qiao Xiaodi finally couldn't help but shed tears. She lay in Ye Qianran's arms and began to cry. It didn't take long before she became a tearful person...

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