Eternal Supreme

Chapter 780

"Xiao Di, don't worry, everything is by me!"

Ye Qianran also understood that Qiao Xiaodi needed comfort most at this time, so he took the initiative to hug her in his arms.

At this moment, Sophie glanced at the two of them, and didn't bother them too much. As the space surged, her body dissipated directly...

After a long time, Qiao Xiaodi was tired from crying, so she also raised her head. At this time, she also noticed that Ye Qianran's chest was wet, and she looked at her rosy face and said, "Thank you!"

Ye Qianran smiled, stretched out his hand to wipe off the remaining tears on Qiao Xiaodi's face, and said, "You forgot, just now we worshiped in front of your father, your grandfather, and your aunt. You are my wife now, called Husband!"

Only then did Qiao Xiaodi think of something, her face became more rosy, she finally nodded slightly, but she asked curiously, "What does wife mean? I'm the youngest?" I squeezed my body.

Ye Qianran didn't care about it either, she explained briefly, and finally the corners of her mouth turned even higher, and she said directly: "Call your husband to listen first!"

In fact, he did this to divert Qiao Xiaodi's attention, which also allowed Qiao Xiaodi not to think so much temporarily. After all, although her character was a bit strong, her mind was quite pure.

Just as he thought, after he finished speaking, Qiao Xiaodi bit her lips tightly, her face was full of shyness, she was still a little embarrassed, but seeing Ye Qianran still waiting there, she finally whispered, "husband '.

"Well, I didn't hear it!" Ye Qianran actually heard it clearly, but Qiao Xiaodi's voice was too low.

"Husband!" Qiao Xiaodi's voice was a little louder at this time.

"Hey, I still haven't heard it!" Ye Qianran said.

"If you didn't hear it, you didn't hear it!" Qiao Xiaodi glared at Ye Qianran after hearing this, and turned around.

Ye Qianran knew that she wasn't angry, but probably very shy, so she reached out and hugged Qiao Xiaodi from behind, poked her head into her ear and joked, "Since we're all married, shouldn't it be time for the bridal chamber!"

Qiao Xiaodi felt the heat in his ears, and his body was full of strangeness, but after hearing Ye Qianran's words, his face turned redder, and he broke free from Ye Qianran and said: "Who wants to have a bridal chamber with you? The beauty..." After finishing speaking, he ran out again...

"Ha ha!"

Ye Qianran looked at Qiao Xiaodi's back, and immediately burst out laughing, wanting to see such a cute side of Qiao Xiaodi, but it was very difficult, so he quickly chased after her.

On this day, Ye Qianran did not go back either. After catching up with Qiao Xiaodi, she took her to the inn. There are eight girls in the family now. If she took Qiao Xiaodi back directly, she might not be happy. So he still decided to be lenient when confessing, and strict when resisting, and tell Qiao Xiaodi the truth.

Before speaking, he also hugged Qiao Xiaodi tightly in his arms, in case she left in anger.

Qiao Xiaodi didn't think much about it, and she was even a little nervous at this time. It's not that they haven't rested on the same bed before, but this time it gave him a completely different feeling, but leaning on Ye Qianran's body , is still indescribably stable.

Every time she thinks that she and Ye Qianran have already married, her heartbeat will not involuntarily speed up.

In addition, when she moved in, she had made some preparations. If Ye Qianran wanted it, she would follow Ye Qianran, but it seemed that he didn't have that kind of thought at this time, and she felt relieved in her heart, but Still a little disappointed...

Because she couldn't understand why Ye Qianran didn't do that?

While she was thinking wildly, Ye Qianran also spoke at this time, and said proactively: "Xiaodi, since we have become husband and wife, I should tell you my secret!"

Qiao Xiaodi came back to his senses, and a curious look appeared on his face at this moment, what Ye Qianran wanted to tell him.

"We have to start from the beginning!" Ye Qianran said at this moment, paused and said: "Because it will take a long time, so don't worry!"

After hearing this, Qiao Xiaodi nodded and agreed. When Ye Qianran was narrating, she leaned in Ye Qianran's arms and listened carefully.

And Ye Qianran really started from the beginning at this time, from his affairs in Fenglei City and the Bai family, to how he left to the Shenfeng Empire, including the affairs with Li Muyun and Feng Ruolan in very detail ...

Qiao Xiaodi's face was full of astonishment. Although his heart was full of doubts at this moment, he didn't bother.

As time went by, Ye Qianran skipped it when he narrated the second time he met her, because Qiao Xiaodi knew what happened when the two were together, but he will After briefly describing what happened at Jujianmen, it was actually to let Qiao Xiaodi understand what happened between him and Cheng Yuling.

After a brief narration, he also went to Orr. After the twists and turns and the two separated, he began to narrate the Shenmu Empire... Then he went to Tiantu, and finally Haomiao, including what happened in the land of Xuanya later. come out……

And when he finished his narration, it was basically the next day...

In other words, from the beginning to the end, he narrated for half a night without resting at all, and even when he narrated here, his throat was a little dry.

Qiao Xiaodi also understood a lot at this time, and her expression was full of surprise. It was only later that she realized how much hardship and suffering Ye Qianran had experienced, but after thinking about it again, she snorted coldly and said: : "Is what you mainly said, you have other...other wives..."


Ye Qianran coughed dryly, and Qiao Xiaodi directly grasped all the central ideas in one sentence. It seems that this girl is indeed quite smart, and said immediately: "Hey, I am a very emotional person, I can't do it. To abandon other people's feelings, to hurt others, so it should be mine, I have to bear it, otherwise, am I still a man!"

Ye Qianran spoke righteously at this time, glanced at Qiao Xiaodi and said: "It's like you, you know what happened between us, and I will never let you go, after all, what happened between us at that time There are a lot of misunderstandings..." He said with a sigh: "Xiao Di, you should understand me, right?"

Qiao Xiaodi was stunned after hearing this, and finally fell silent, bit her lower lip lightly and said: "But you are so provocative, who knows if there will be more in the future!"

Ye Qianran heard Qiao Xiaodi say this, knew that she was a little loose, and immediately hugged Qiao Xiaodi tightly and said: "Xiaodi, don't worry, I am really satisfied with you, I promise you, in the future, I will give you as much as possible." There are seven or eight..."

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