Eternal Supreme

Chapter 784

"Then... that's fine!"

Qiao Xiaodi nodded lightly, agreeing.

Ye Qianran smiled, stretched her waist, hugged Qiao Xiaodi in her arms and said, "Xiao Di, how do you feel now?"

In fact, he said this because he was afraid of wronging Qiao Xiaodi, after all, it was hers. sex. Ge, she also knows a little bit.

Qiao Xiaodi also understood something in her heart, she leaned gently on Ye Qianran's arms and said, "It's fine, I'm very happy, Sister Li and the others are fine!" A smile appeared on his face as he spoke.

At the beginning, she also felt that she would not get used to it, but now, she has adapted to the current life, but thinking that Ye Qianran is about to leave, her heart is full of reluctance, but she also understands Ye Qianran still has to face what he should face.

What she can do now is to support silently, and then look forward to the day when Ye Qianran can return safely, these may be enough for her.

Perhaps she herself never thought that she would have such thoughts in her heart.

"Okay, let's go to bed early!"

Ye Qianran had a brief chat with Qiao Xiaodi at this time, then let go of Qiao Xiaodi and stood up.

"What are you going to do?" Seeing Ye Qianran like this, Qiao Xiaodi couldn't help but said.

"Hey, go take a shower, or will you let me into bed? Or do you want to go together?" Ye Qianran said with a smile.

"Who wants to be with you!" Qiao Xiaodi looked back. color. Immediately, she turned red, turned her head, and stopped looking at Ye Qianran.

Ye Qianran smiled again and walked to another room.

But when he was taking a bath, the figure of the little mink appeared in his mind again, and he really missed her very much, but soon, as long as he went to the other side, his first task was to see her, because She was worried all the time.

Perhaps she would be completely relieved only after she was sure that the little mink was really fine.

After taking a bath, Ye Qianran returned to the room. At this moment, little brother Qiao was already lying on the bed with his back to her. He seemed to have rested, but in his feeling, this girl was not asleep yet. Now also drilled in.

Breathing the heart-warming fragrance, she stretched out her hand and hugged Qiao Xiaodi in her arms.

Qiao Xiaodi twisted her body, then turned her head, a pair of eyes fell on Ye Qianran's face, which was still a little rosy.

"What is this girl thinking?" Ye Qianran's face was full of doubts, but that expression was really charming. When her heart beat faster, she also kissed that soft little mouth.

Kissing is nothing...

Qiao Xiaodi leaned against Ye Qianran's arms and closed her eyes, still responding slightly jerky...

After parting her lips for a long time, Qiao Xiaodi's face was ruddy, and she glared at him and said, "Your hand..."


Ye Qianran smiled dryly, and when he was about to let go and find a comfortable position to hug her and rest, Qiao Xiaodi held his hand.


Ye Qianran's face was full of doubts at this moment, and when his eyes fell on Qiao Xiaodi's face again, he found her face. color. It became even more rosy, and she couldn't help but said: "Xiao Di, are you okay!"


Qiao Xiaodi bit her lower lip tightly, looked at Ye Qianran at last, and said softly 'husband'.

Ye Qianran was stunned. You must know that Qiao Xiaodi has been asking this woman to say something during this period of time, but now she said it on her own initiative, which he really did not expect .

His expression softened a little, because he quickly understood what Qiao Xiaodi meant, and when his eyes were floating, he kissed him proactively again.

When Qiao Xiaodi was about to say something, her mouth was blocked by Ye Qianran again...

When the love was deep, Ye Qianran also hugged Qiao Xiaodi tightly.

When the spiritual power blooms, the moving voice also reverberates at this time...

An hour later, the spiritual power gradually dissipated, and Qiao Xiaodi leaned limply in Ye Qianran's arms, her body didn't want to move at all, her whole body had no strength at this moment, but the strange feeling was It made her extremely comfortable, at least something she had never experienced since she was a child.

"Uh, did this woman fall asleep so quickly?"

Ye Qianran was also silent for a while at this time, but when he was about to drink Qiao Xiaodi and chat for a while, the woman breathed evenly and fell asleep. When she shrugged helplessly, she also hugged Qiao Xiaodi to rest.

Of course, before resting, he also felt it deliberately, and found that the divine sense had once again advanced by leaps and bounds, and the original source seemed to be stronger, and the efficiency was absolutely astonishing.

The next day, Ye Qianran still woke up early, and his eyes fell on Qiao Xiaodi's beautiful face at this time. He was pretty good at first, but after kissing that little mouth , but her heart was involuntarily agitated, and as her heart beat faster, she hugged Qiao Xiaodi again...

And when Qiao Xiaodi was sleeping soundly, he felt a strange touch, and when the unspeakable feeling spread all over his body, the Wu Yuan in his body was also mobilized at this time...

"You scoundrel, you bully me in the morning..."

When Qiao Xiaodi leaned against Ye Qianran's arms weakly again, she couldn't help but whispered something.

"Hey, classmate Qiao Xiaodi is so pretty..." Ye Qianran smiled, and hugged her tenderly for a long time, and then the two got up.

And after the two of them finished dressing, Qiao Xiaodi also took out the sheets and put them away solemnly... Finally packed everything up, and the two left the room this time.

Ye Qianran originally planned to leave after breakfast in the morning, but after breakfast, she was extremely reluctant to give up, and she dragged Bai Bingbing and Sophie away cruelly until noon, and the target Galloped directly towards the Xuanmu Empire.

He still hasn't forgotten the agreement with Anya, at least to visit her before leaving, and his final destination is where Guoguo is.

Because Xuanmu and Kamikaze are also closely adjacent, it took them a week to arrive, and then another four or five days to reach the forest where the elves were.

When he brought Bai Bingbing, Sophie, and the two men to the ancient tree, Ye Qianran didn't know how to get in, and then tried to mobilize the essence of the spirit in his body. When the space fluctuates, the source of elves is more restless at this time.


The surging sound was accompanied by Green. color. Ye Qianran raised his brows, and then said: "Okay, let's go in!" After speaking, he walked in voluntarily.

When he took the lead to walk in, the extremely fresh air spread at this time, just like the scenery of an outdoor peach garden. color. also appeared in front of their eyes.

"It's so beautiful here!"

Sophie couldn't help but say it at this moment, maybe she never thought that the elves lived in such a beautiful place.

The faces of the two men, including Sophie, were also full of surprise.

Ye Qianran and Bai Bingbing looked at each other, with smiles on their faces, but even though they had been here before, they were still amazed when they saw it.

"Who will commit the crime!"

There was a cold low drink, and several figures galloped over in an instant.

Ye Qianran looked up and found that it was Bo Yu who had fought against him.

The strength is very strong, and the Lu Mang summoned at that time is still fresh in his memory at this time...

"Brother Boyu!"

In order to avoid misunderstanding, Ye Qianran also took the initiative to say at this time: "I am Qianran!"

There is no way, because he has changed a lot, so after he finished speaking, he also mobilized the essence of the spirit in his body, and the pure breath was completely turbulent at this time.


After Boyu landed beside Ye Qianran and the others, his face was full of disbelief at first. color. But if Ye Qianran was an outsider, there would be absolutely no elf origin in his body.

In order to prove himself, Ye Qianran also explained quickly. At this time, Boyu finally believed it, because he also saw Bai Bingbing with Ye Qianran. Did he still remember it clearly last time? Because at that time, Ye Qianran was looking for medicinal materials, mainly targeting Bai Bingbing.

"Hehe, where's Anya?" Ye Qianran asked with a smile.

"The princess and the patriarch left a few days ago, but they should be back in the next few days!" Boyu said.

"Leaving? Where did they go?" Ye Qianran was curious after hearing this.

"The Bai family, who has been hidden for a long time, has appeared and threatened many people. I was invited by the emperor of the Xuanmu Empire to see if there is any good countermeasure!" Bo Yu said.


Ye Qianran became even more curious after hearing this, and couldn't understand what was going on at all.

"Is such that……"

Bo Yu paused and said: "The Bai family is a dazzling and well-known poison sect. All the surrounding empires know about its former prestige, but it was hidden before, but now it has popped up. Many people have died inexplicably. The poison pill is under, after investigation, it seems that the Bai family is studying the latest poison pill, let's find an experimenter!"

Speaking of this, Boyu's voice paused again: "Because our elves have a natural physique, and the origin has a restraint effect on poison pills, so the patriarch left with the little princess!"

"Bai Family? Poison Sect?"

Ye Qianran was stunned at this time, with a look of shock on his face, he seemed to have heard this from the mouth of the elder Xing, is it the sect where Bai Bingbing's mother belongs to?

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