Eternal Supreme

Chapter 785

"Bingbing, are you okay?"

Ye Qianran's eyes fell on Bai Bingbing's body at this time, and she also saw her face at this time. color. At this moment, she paled a little, and it was obvious that she herself had guessed something.

"I'm fine!"

After Bai Bingbing heard Ye Qianran's words, she shook her head, but her expression still looked a little sad. color.

Although Ye Qianran heard what Bai Bingbing said, he could see the expression very clearly.

The figure of Elder Xing appeared in his mind, will Elder Xing appear?

After all, Elder Xing and the Bai family also have some grievances.

Looking at Bai Bingbing again, he understood in his heart that she should have some resistance to this kind of thing, but he also knew that if this kind of thing was not resolved early, Bai Bingbing would definitely have this concern all the time.

So after thinking about it for a long time, his eyes fell on Boyu at this moment and said: "In that case, let's go over and have a look!"

Boyu nodded and agreed, but in fact, even if Ye Qianran stayed, he would not say much.

"Then let's go!"

Ye Qianran took Bai Bingbing's hand, looked at Sophie and the others and said, in Lu. color. Ripple left the elves again, and after leaving, they also galloped in the direction of Xuanmu Imperial City.

Although he also wanted to go to the other side earlier, but when things involved Bai Bingbing's side, how anxious he was in his heart had to be suppressed at this time.

All the way to the imperial city, Ye Qianran did not waste too much time and walked directly towards the imperial palace.

When he came there, he also stopped him, and Ye Qianran also guessed it, and directly took out the Danta token and said: "I'm here to find the prince!"

Danta's token is definitely a pass, and after being displayed, they walked in smoothly.

Under the leadership of the guards, he soon also saw Mu Fengyu.

"Who are you?"

When Mu Fengyu saw Ye Qian, his face was full of doubts. He was not a human Ye Qianran, so he wondered why he came to find him.

"I'm your big brother!"

Ye Qianran said something helplessly, and then explained.

Mu Fengyu's eyes widened when he heard this, his face was full of shock and disbelief: "Brother, why did you become like this?"

"It's a long story!" Ye Qianran shrugged helplessly.


Mu Fengyu smiled and said: "By the way, I had to thank you last time, big brother. If it wasn't for big brother, my uncle's matter might not be resolved!" After he paused, he said again: "By the way, big brother Is there something you want to find my little brother?"

"Well, did Anya and Ansha come to your place!" Ye Qianran asked curiously.

"How did the elder brother know?" Mu Fengyu's face was full of curiosity after hearing this.

"Well, I went to the elves!"

Ye Qianran said, "Where are they?"

"I went to Bai's house, but I haven't come back yet!" Mu Fengyu said.

"Is it?"

Ye Qianran's eyes fluttered, and then he said: "What's going on in the Bai family, let's hear it!"

"Did brother come here for this matter?"

Mu Fengyu also understood at this time, and immediately said: "According to the investigation, the Bai family has developed a new poisonous pill, and because of the experiment, it caused many casualties!"

Speaking of this, Mu Fengyu frowned slightly, and finally sighed: "The Bai family has been hidden for many years, and now it suddenly appeared, and its strength is very strong, and as a poison sect, the way it is also unexpected, our royal family Many people were sent out to investigate, but none of them came back, so we invited the elves!"

Ye Qianran suddenly understood: "How long have An Ya and An Sha been gone?"

"It's been two days!"

Mu Fengyu said: "Brother, don't worry too much. Princess Anya and the patriarch will definitely solve it. They have the most natural physique and are resistant to toxins, so don't worry too much. Moreover, this time, I will go with the royal family. Many masters went together, the purpose is to make the Bai family completely disappear, if possible, it is best to destroy the sect!"

Ye Qianran was understandable after hearing this, because there is a Poison Sect, which is also a hidden danger for the empire.

Bai Bingbing listened from the side and couldn't help biting her lower lip. The Bai family actually belonged to her mother's sect. When they heard that the sect was going to be exterminated, they naturally felt a little uncomfortable.

However, the Bai family used outsiders to conduct experiments, which also made her feel extremely uncomfortable. Why did the Bai family become like this?


Mu Fengyu sighed at this time and said: "Actually, the Bai family was not like this before, but it still helped the empire, but I don't know why it has evolved into what it is today!"

Ye Qianran chuckled and said: "People's hearts..."

In fact, his two words represent everything, just like the Xuanmu Empire, if it wasn't for the change of people's hearts, how could Mu Fengyu's uncle seek power? Since Mu Fengyu said that the Bai family was good before, it means that the head of the Bai family has changed, and different people inheriting different positions will have different effects.

A more popular explanation, that is a little bit of the feeling of a wise king and a generation of foolish kings...


At this moment, a person came in at the door, and his eyes fell on Mu Fengyu's body. At this time, his expression seemed to be obviously a little hesitant.

"But it's okay to say!" Mu Fengyu said.

"The emperor asked the prince to go to the main hall! The elders who protect the country and the others are back!" the man said respectfully.

After Mu Fengyu heard this, a smile appeared on his face, his eyes fell on Ye Qianran and he said: "Hehe, brother, I'm right, the matter can definitely be resolved!"


The man hesitated for a while, and finally said: "Every elder who protects the country is injured, and they are heavily poisoned!"

Mu Fengyu's smile froze immediately after hearing this, but Ye Qianran's expression changed slightly at this time, and he quickly asked: "What about Patriarch Ansha and Princess Anya?"

"I haven't seen it!" The man hesitated for a while, and then replied respectfully again.

Although I don't know who Ye Qianran is, since the prince calls him big brother, it is not easy to figure out who Ye Qianran is.

Ye Qianran was stunned after hearing this, and a look of extreme worry appeared on his face, because he was also afraid that something might happen to Anya and Ansha.

Mu Feng's face was raining. color. At this moment, there was a slight change, and then he looked at Ye Qianran, saw the worry on his face, and said directly: "Brother, let's go and have a look!"

Ye Qianran took a deep breath, and when he suppressed his inner anxiety, he also nodded at this time to agree, because he was just thinking about it now, and he would only understand it after he really understood it, so he pulled Bai Bingbing and Sophie to follow Mu Feng Yu walked outside...

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