Eternal Supreme

Chapter 786

"Is he Mu Fengyu's father?"

When Ye Qianran followed Mu Fengyu to the main hall, he also saw a middle-aged man sitting in the first place. Seeing his majestic appearance, he knew that it was not easy.

But think about it, I am afraid there is no one who can become a monarch of a generation, right?

When he was thinking this way, he followed Mu Fengyu to pay his respects.

"How many are?"

After Mu Yinghao nodded, his eyes fell on Ye Qianran and the others, with doubts showing on his face at this moment. color.

"Father, he is the elder brother I mentioned!"

Mu Fenglin said at this time: "He also rescued the little princess of the elf clan! As for these two ladies, they should be sisters-in-law."

Mu Fenglin didn't forget to mention Bai Bingbing and Sophie while talking. As for the two middle-aged men, they should be followers, so he didn't introduce too much.

Mu Yinghao was surprised when he heard this, and he couldn't help but scrutinize Ye Qianran and said: "Sure enough, a hero is a boy, so I still have to thank you!"

Ye Qianran shook his head slightly after hearing this.

"Please sit down!" Mu Yinghao said.

Ye Qianran was not polite at this time, and sat next to Mu Fengyu. At this time, Mu Fengyu took the initiative to say: "Father, what is going on now!"

Mu Yinghao glanced to the right, where five old men were facing. color. Pale, breath looks very unstable.


It was one of the old men who spoke at this time. His brows were slightly frowned from time to time, as if he was suppressing something, and finally he paused and said: "The Bai family is very powerful, and they have studied a lot of things after being hidden for so long. The poisonous pill, if you don't want to solve it, it will definitely be a huge harm!"

"What about Princess Anya and Patriarch Ansha?" Mu Fengyu asked quickly.

"They helped us resist most of the poison pills, and now they are captured alive by the Bai family. We are in a hurry to come back. The first is to inform the elves, and the second is to think of a solution as soon as possible, otherwise the Ansha patriarch and Princess Anya will also die." It's dangerous!" The old man said quickly at this time, his face was full of worry. color.

Ye Qianran's face at this time. color. It's really changed slightly, Ansha and Anya don't get stuck? Immediately the whole person stood up and said, "Where is the Bai family, take me there now!"

Seeing Ye Qianran's expression, the old man said: "Little brother, don't be impulsive. It's not a matter of urgency to solve it now. If there is no good countermeasure, if you go, you will die in vain!"

Ye Qianran frowned slightly, and without wasting time, he spread his hands, and the mysterious seal appeared at this moment, and then the sound of Gulu sounded, and the Bailing Beast appeared at this moment, flapping a pair of wings, and then opened its mouth He bit Ye Qianran's arm again.

The cute appearance is full of cuteness, and it is still so kawaii.

Ye Qianran was really embarrassed at this time, coughed dryly, and also took down the lark, and then threw it in the direction of the old man when his mind fluctuated.

At this time, the Bailing Beast flew over obediently, and then its spiritual power fluctuated at this time.

Under the flapping of the lark's wings, the light also enveloped the five people.

When the five people felt that the toxins in their bodies were quickly removed, their faces were filled with surprise and disbelief. color.

"Hundred Poisonous Beasts? Giant Sword Gate?"

One of the old men couldn't help but speak out at this moment, his voice full of exclamation.

Ye Qianran nodded slightly, it seems that the old man also recognized it.

When the old man saw Ye Qianran nodding, surprise appeared on his face. color. He has also heard about the Hundred Poison Beast, it is said that it can resist toxins and dissolve toxins, and seeing it now is indeed a well-deserved reputation, if there is a Hundred Poison Beast accompanying it, then everything seems to be easy to say.

Mu Yinghao's face was also full of surprise at this time, and then he looked at Ye Qianran and gave another admiration.

After the Bailing Beast dispelled the toxins in the bodies of the five people, with a grunt, it flapped its wings and came to Ye Qianran's side again, then opened its mouth and bit Ye Qianran's arm again...

Ye Qianran blushed again, her face full of embarrassment, she took it back again amidst the surge of spiritual power, and then her eyes fell on the old man who had spoken before and said: "Senior, can you take me there now?" ?”

That's right, he just mentioned me, because his plan is to let the old man take him there alone, but the purpose is actually very simple, Bai Bingbing has a difficult physique, and after going to Bai's house, he will definitely be coveted by others, and she doesn't I don't want Bai Bingbing to be too sad.

And Sophie stayed to take care of Bai Bingbing, so he could feel relieved, because he was very afraid that Bai Bingbing would follow up again?

"Is it just you and me?"

The old man froze for a moment, and heard Ye Qianran's meaning, so he quickly said: "Although the Bai family has been hidden for a long time, there are also many masters, otherwise we would not become what we are now, so the countermeasure is It needs to be negotiated!"

"Qianran, I will go too!"

Bai Bingbing spoke at this time, with a firm expression on her face, and finally bit her lower lip lightly and said: "The Bai family is also my mother's family, so I have to go and have a look! In addition, you don't have to worry, no matter what the result is, I will All will be accepted!"

Ye Qianran was stunned for a moment, but his expression was slightly hesitant, because he really didn't want Bai Bingbing to take risks with him.

"Is this girl from the Bai family?" Mu Yinghao couldn't help asking immediately.

Ye Qianran raised her head after hearing this, nodded slightly and said: "Well, her mother is from the Bai family, but she married out!"

After hearing this, Mu Yinghao understood, nodded slightly and didn't say anything more.

Ye Qianran's eyes fell on Bai Bingbing's body at this time and said: "Bingbing, you stay here first, I will bring back any news!"


The first time Bai Bingbing disobeyed Ye Qianran, she bit her lips and said, "I want to see it!"

Ye Qianran was stunned for a moment, then fell silent, raised his head after thinking for a long time and said: "Okay then, I can't pass, you must listen to me!"


After hearing this, Bai Bingbing immediately nodded and agreed.

Ye Qianran let out a sigh of relief after looking at it, his eyes fell on the old man who had spoken earlier and said: "Then please take us there, senior!"

"No, just the few of us are too dangerous. I don't care about my age. You are so young, how can you take risks so easily..."

The old man frowned immediately after hearing this, but when he was speaking, his voice suddenly stopped, because he felt an extremely powerful aura falling on him at this moment, and that feeling shocked him instantly.

"Don't worry, I can handle it!" Ye Qianran's cold voice sounded at this moment.

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