Eternal Supreme

Chapter 788

Ye Qianran glanced at the two of them again, wouldn't she know it after asking?

If he thought about it, the space surged, and when his figure showed a swift attack, first he knocked out one directly, and the other was pinned by Xiaomei's neck.

With a sharp breath, the man broke out in cold sweat, looking at Ye Qianran who appeared inexplicably in front of him, his eyes were full of fear. color. Who is this man?

Ye Qianran naturally also saw the other party's expression, sneered, and asked directly at this moment: "What kind of poison pill are you giving the elves?"


The man hesitated immediately after hearing this.

"I don't want to listen to nonsense, so answer quickly, otherwise there will only be one consequence, death!" Ye Qianran's voice sounded colder at this time, and his murderous intentions were revealed, as if he would really kill the man if he made any movement .

"It's similar..." The man's body trembled, and he said it quickly when his expression was even more frightened.

"Between each other?"

Ye Qianran heard how the name could be so weird, and immediately asked again: "What is similarity?"

"Congeniality is just..."

The man paused and said: "You can graft the woman's essence to the man's side, the effect is very prominent, and it will greatly promote the man's side!"

Ye Qianran raised his brows immediately after hearing this. How could this be similar to the effect of his blood, but what he said was beneficial to both parties, but according to what the man said, only the man's side benefited, so it would be harmful to the woman's side. It hurt a lot.

His brows were slightly frowned, but judging from what the two of them said, they seemed to have nothing to do now, and it seemed that it was because of their physique and origin.

Thinking of this, Ye Qianran said again: "Then do you have an antidote here?"

"There is no antidote for congeniality!"

The man said something tremblingly.

"No antidote? You're lying to me!" Ye Qianran frowned as she spoke.

"There really is no antidote!"

The man shook his head and said: "Women who fall in love with each other will... all die because of the disappearance of essence, but they are elves, so it should be better! But..."

"But what!" Ye Qianran said coldly.

"Medicine that is compatible with each other. Sex. It's very big. They shouldn't last long. If they don't find a man to marry as soon as possible, their lives will be in danger... These are what the patriarch said. I'll tell you everything I should tell you, annoying Pass me!" The man panicked.

Ye Qianran frowned slightly again, then spread out her right hand and knocked directly on the man's neck.

A muffled sound sounded, and the man lay directly on the ground, obviously fainted.

After doing this, Ye Qianran raised his head, his eyes fell on the light ball, but soon shifted to Elder Xing again, the cold light floated, no matter who is the head of the Bai family, he must be wiped out. .

Again falls on green. color. On the light ball, Xiao Hei's spiritual power surged at this moment, and Ye Qianran walked in directly.

When he came inside, his expression was stunned, because Ansha and Anya were both there at this time, with green spiritual power floating on their bodies, but at this moment they were both dumbstruck. bare. At this time, the proud and perfect figure is presented, which looks extremely exciting and attractive.

In addition, Anya has fully grown up to now, and her whole body has lost her immature feeling. She is completely a young woman, extremely beautiful.

And Ansha's mature temperament, proud figure, everything is also so charming.

So Ye Qianran couldn't help staying by Ansha's side for a while at this time, his heart was really agitated, but he also forcibly suppressed the inner agitation. . color. A little ruddy, but nothing else, so I can't help but feel relieved at this moment.

Spreading his right hand, two pieces of clothes emerged at this moment, and under the control of the mind, the clothes also fell on the two of them.

The two of them probably also felt something at this time, they opened their eyes at the same time, and when they landed on Ye Qianran, they froze there at the same time.

Ye Qianran also saw the expressions of the two, and immediately said quickly: "I am Qianran!" After the words fell, Lu. color. The original source surged out of the body, and the pure spiritual power also proved everything at this time.


Anya said something in a low voice, but the original power in her body floated down. color. She looked a little more rosy, and she and Ye Qianran had the same source, so he could feel it clearly, and the familiar feeling made him sure that the one in front of him was Ye Qianran.

His heart was full of happiness, but with his emotional fluctuations, his body heated up at this moment, he bit his lips tightly, and frowned even more.

"Is it toxin?"

Ye Qianran saw the simultaneous changes of the two, and immediately summoned the Bailing Beast.

The Bailing Beast didn't directly bite Ye Qianran's arm this time, but flew over obediently, enveloping the two of them in the surge of spiritual power.


The lark flickered for a while before turning back.

"It's done?" Ye Qianran was full of curiosity, and then looked at the two of them again, and found that their expressions turned redder, what's going on?

When he was puzzled, the Bailing Beast flew to Ye Qianran's side again, and then bit his arm again while he was in a daze.

"What's the situation?" Ye Qianran's face was full of surprise at this moment. Could it be that the lark forgot to bite him, and came back to bite him once, but soon he stopped thinking so, and the lark passed it on to him. A message, the toxin has been cleared...


Anya murmured at this moment, while Ansha sat up cross-legged, the clothes she was wearing slipped off, but at that moment, the green color on her body became more intense and clear.

"What is the situation?"

Ye Qianran seemed to be more stern than before, not what he wanted.

Ye Qianran was really at a loss at this time, and then opened his phoenix eyes and looked directly at the two people's bodies, and found that their blood was circulating very fast at this time, so a little rosy appeared on their bodies at this time , Looking at the valley is full of unspeakable charm.

Anya murmured again at this time, her whole expression seemed even more uncomfortable at this moment, her graceful body was curled up, biting her lips tightly as if she was holding back something.

Ye Qianran swallowed a mouthful of saliva at this time, he was still very rational, so his mind was running at high speed at this time, and then he also considered something.

Congeniality should be able to provoke the existence of people's initial impulse, and it also contains ingredients that can completely surge the spiritual power in the opponent's body.

And the Bailing Beast should be the poison that poisoned the poison pill. sex. The ingredient was eliminated, but the remaining ingredient became more refined, and after being purified, it was difficult to suppress, so their blood circulated faster because of this.

It might have been better if he didn't let the larks do that just now, because the two of them could still be suppressed during the neutralization, but it seems that it is not that simple now...

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