Eternal Supreme

Chapter 789

"what to do?"

While Ye Qianran was thinking, his mind became completely messed up, and his eyes lingered on the two of them.

To be honest, if Ansha wasn't there, he might not be so scrupulous, but Ansha is here, so he can't do things with Anya in front of Ansha, right? What about Ansha? He also got along with the elves for a while, so he knew that Ansha didn't have a husband-in-law, so now there is no one else at all, so he must come to save him?

And just when he was at a loss, Ansha was better. At this time, Anya's body became more rosy, her body twisted non-stop, and she looked uncomfortable.

What should I do?

Ye Qianran's eyes fluttered, and he couldn't help but think of what the man said, if the stalemate continues, it will have a deep impact on them. His headquarters can watch Anya and Ansha have problems, so after thinking about this, , gritted his teeth, and walked up directly.

And when she first came into contact with Anya, she felt that her body temperature was very high, very hot.

At this moment, Anya frowned slightly, and stretched out her hands to hug Ye Qianran actively.

Ye Qianran's breathing was really rapid at this time, because Anya's body was twisting at this time, and the hazy feeling made him completely agitated, he hesitated, and his eyes fell on the ruddy cherry lips, and finally Kissed him lightly.

Anya's small mouth is also extremely sweet, like nectar, and he can't put it down because of the jerky feeling. He originally planned to take it slowly, but Anya's body twisted very much, and gradually his body followed suit. It became hot, and he could feel the power of the blood in his body agitating very violently at this time.

It didn't take long for his patience to reach its peak, and finally he couldn't bear it anymore. He tore off the clothes on his body and hugged Anya together completely.

At first Anya frowned tightly, with pain on her face, but when the source of the two was mobilized at the same time to wrap them, her expression relaxed, and then a moving voice sounded at this time.

Ansha also knew what happened to the side, she tried her best to keep herself relaxed at this time, and the origin was also suppressed as hard as possible, but the vague voice made her unable to meditate at all...

As time went by, Ye Qianran didn't know how many times it lasted. In short, it was over after the rosiness on Anya's body disappeared.

After it was over, Anya lay there with her eyes closed, completely exhausted.

Ye Qianran exhaled, and it seemed that Anya had calmed down, but at this moment, he heard the voice from the side again, turned his head to look, and was stunned, his throat moved involuntarily.

Because Ansha was lying there at this time, her body was also twisting, her pair of white eyes intertwined, her hazy figure looming in the green light.

Ye Qianran just glanced at it, but his heart became agitated again.

But at this moment, he was still a little hesitant. After all, he was saying that Ansha was also Anya's mother. If he did this, what were the two of them?

So when I thought of this, I really didn't know what to do.

But after thinking for a long time, he still walked over with difficulty. After all, he couldn't let something happen to Ansha, right?

When he came to Ansha's side, he reached out and hugged her in his arms. At that moment, he felt that Ansha's body was obviously tense, but he relaxed quickly, and then he held her with both hands. It was also placed on him at this time.

After Ye Qianran felt it, a strange look appeared on his expression, then he hesitated for a while, and kissed her lightly.

When the two were in contact, Ye Qianran was stunned, because Ansha kissed very bluntly, as if she had never met before, and her expression was full of shyness, like a girl.

The instant change really made him a little unbelievable.

But even though he thought so, he quickly entered the state. When the two hugged each other, Ansha felt like it was the first time for him, and it was also painful. At this time, he deliberately lowered his head and glanced at it. , I actually saw a little bright red...

Ye Qianran stayed there again, what kind of situation is this?

Ansa or the first time? But isn't Anya her daughter?

But his thought didn't last long, because that proud figure and smooth skin really made people covetous.

Along with the mobilization of the source, the mental power is completely addicted.

The two lasted for a long time, and Ansha also continued to tremble many times. It was only when Ansha bit her for the last time that it was over, and Ye Qianran did not resist and chose to explode. , lying there holding Ansha's body.

Two women in a row, and many times, he really wanted to take a rest at this time.

And holding Ansha is very comfortable at this time, at least at this time, I really can't put it down.

Ansha was also leaning against Ye Qianran's arms at this time, her eyes were closed, her body was curled up, and her body was also motionless, but after a long time, she also opened her eyes at this time, when her eyes fell on Ye Qianran When he was on his body, a touch of complexity emerged, and finally he bit his lips tightly.

What he was thinking about was the same question as Ye Qianran.

Although she has never had a husband and son-in-law, Anya is at least her daughter. Now that they have a relationship, it suddenly becomes a little complicated. Finally, after a moment of silence, she sat up from Ye Qianran's arms and looked at Ye Qianran with her eyes. Qian Ran glanced at An Ya again, and finally put the clothes on her body silently.

Ye Qianran also sat up at this time, with a slightly embarrassed look on his face, but soon he also put on his clothes, and finally helped Anya put them on. During this period, Anya also opened her eyes, her complexion was still a little rosy .

Ye Qianran was a little suspicious at this moment, did she wake up before? Just pretending all the time?

Ansha and Anya changed into men's clothes, and it seemed that it was difficult to cover up their beauty, and they still showed so moving.

At this moment, Ye Qianran didn't have the nerve to speak, coughed dryly and said, "I'll take you out!" After the words fell, Xiao Hei's spiritual power surged at this moment, and he led the two of them away from the guard.

After coming outside, Ye Qianran also forced his attention to divert and landed on Elder Xing. He walked over immediately, first looked through the phoenix eyes, and then let the Bailing beast levitate out again. The toxin has been suppressed and eliminated, but it has penetrated deep into the bone marrow, and even the original source has been completely integrated, so it is difficult to solve it.

Elder Xing also came to his senses because of Ye Qianran's behavior. When he saw Ye Qian, he was also puzzled.

Seeing Lao Xing so weak, Ye Qianran also felt a little uncomfortable, because the figure of Lao Xing who was well once appeared in his mind, so he didn't wait for Lao Xing to say anything at this time, and said directly: "Master, I am Qianran!" As soon as the words fell, Xiaomei emerged, and when her sharp edge surged, she also cut off the shackles on Xing Lao's body.


Xing Lao frowned, with a look of disbelief on his face, maybe he never thought that Ye Qianran would become like this, but he didn't think much about it, because outside, who knew that he knew Ye Qianran?

"Let's go, I'll take you out first, Bingbing is here too!"

Ye Qianran said again, while the cold light was floating, the space was also surging at this moment. When he pulled Ansha and Anya to leave, there was a lot of movement outside, and then the door of the stone room opened, An old man walked in.

When he saw Ye Qianran and the others, he was taken aback for a moment, then his expression suddenly became vigilant, and then his eyes fell directly on Ye Qianran's body and said coldly: "Who are you?"

Ye Qianran frowned slightly, but he didn't pay attention to it. During the space distortion, several people also disappeared at this time, and they didn't appear until they were outside.

And after he came out, he had already come outside, and brought many people with him at the same time. Although the source of space was consumed, he didn't feel so tired, and the main reason was because his spiritual cultivation had reached the level of crossing the gods.

In addition, the previous combination with Ansha Anya made his spiritual cultivation a little stronger, at least it has improved by leaps and bounds again. In fact, he can see a lot of things from this. It is not really the first time for Ansha, right?

So when thinking about this, his expression also showed a little weirdness.

However, his attention was quickly drawn away, because above the Bai family, Bai Bingbing, Sophie, and the five elders of the guardian of the country were suspended at the same time, and at this time they were actually fighting fiercely. He also understood in his heart that it seemed to be He was delayed for too long this time. A few people rushed forward because they were worried, right?

But it stands to reason that Sophie and the two people who followed her were absolutely terrifying in strength, so why did they stalemate instead? Is it poisonous?

Thinking of this, Ye Qianran's expression changed slightly, and the dzi bead was suspended at this moment, leading a group of people to rush up.

"Hmph, come back right after leaving, if that's the case, let's stay here, Poison Formation..."

At this time, a leading old man who was confronting Bai Bingbing snorted coldly, spread his right hand, and three purple pills appeared, and the few people who followed him also dispersed at this time, and surrounded them at the same time. That kind of elixir appeared...

When several people's spiritual power surged and intertwined with each other, the mysterious seal floated, and the next moment they threw out the poisonous pill at the same time...

"Bang bang bang..."

There was a crackling sound, but when Xuanyin was in turmoil, it turned into a purple mist that surged and drifted away, enveloping several people in almost a short period of time.

At this time, the eyes of the old man in the lead were a little hot, and the cost of the poison array was actually quite high, because the development of the poison pill consumed a lot of rare medicinal materials, but they did this not only because the opponent was very strong, but also because Bai Bingbing , now that I see it this time, it must be left behind.

The faces of Sophie and the others changed slightly. Their bodies were indeed heavily poisoned. Every time they mobilized, they felt weak all over. This is the first time they have touched such a strange poisonous pill...

Now it seems that the purple poison formation is not easy, but just when they were at a loss, a cold voice sounded: "Isn't it just a small poison formation? Heavenly fire, I burned it..."

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