Eternal Supreme

Chapter 796

"Then tell me!"

Seeing Ye Qianran's seriousness, Ansha couldn't help but be curious.

Ye Qianran nodded slightly, looked at Ansha seriously and said, "Actually... ahem, I want to know if you like me now?"

Ansha was taken aback for a moment, and then her face turned red again, because she really didn't expect that the question that would have a deep impact in Ye Qianran's mouth would be this question.

Ye Qianran also saw Ansha's expression, and knew what she meant, and said immediately: "How should I say, I told you my heart just now, I really like you... I actually ask you like this Because I'm leaving this time and going to the other side, I don't know if I have a chance to come back and see you, so now I know your heart and I'm really content..."

Speaking of the sadness on his face again...

"Are you going to the other side?"

Ansha was dumbfounded after hearing this, it's no wonder that Ye Qianran is such a rogue, in fact, she has never been in a relationship, and she doesn't know if she likes it, but Ye Qianran will appear in her mind, this It was true, and he didn't want to disappoint Ye Qianran, so he nodded slightly.

After Ye Qianran saw it, his face was filled with joy, and he said immediately: "Ansha, I won't force you now, I said that before because I was too anxious this time, so I was also anxious, then..."

Speaking of this, Ye Qianran's voice paused again and said: "How should I put it, I don't know what the result will be when I go to the other side this time, so can you promise me that if I can come back safely, you will agree How am I? This way I also have some motivation..."

Since Ye Qianran knew it couldn't work now, he could only start from another angle.

Ansha heard what Ye Qianran said, and bit her lower lip tightly again. The seniors of the elves also predicted that there would be a catastrophe in the future, and later also predicted that there would be a person who would come to the elves and be able to share with Anya who was conceived by the source. Integrate the origin, and Ye Qianran has done all of these.

It is precisely because she also firmly believes that Ye Qianran is the person who prophesied, so she understands that Ye Qianran's visit this time will definitely be extremely dangerous. If she can really become the driving force for Ye Qianran's support, she should indeed agree Come down, so I raised my head, and my beautiful eyes fell on Ye Qianran's body. After hesitating for a while, she nodded slightly and chose to agree.

Ye Qianran was actually ready to be rejected again. At this time, when he suddenly heard Ansha's agreement, he really revealed an unspeakable surprise in his heart, and nodded immediately: "Thank you, Ansha, it is said that it is for If you agree, I will come back safely!" She said with firmness on her face.

There is a poem from the ancients that says it well, peonies die under the flowers, and being a ghost is also flirtatious. Now, in order to pursue a girl, it is okay for him to set his goal far away.

Seeing Ye Qianran's happiness, Ansha couldn't help but her heart skipped a beat, her face was rosy, she didn't have the majesty that an elf patriarch should have.

Of course, perhaps it was Ansha's occasional gesture that attracted him.

" can let me go!" Ansha's voice was very low at this time, and when she felt her hands were still on her back, she couldn't help thinking of the scene guarded by the elves at that time, and the more so Thinking about it, the strange feeling spread even more violently.

Ye Qianran also got Ansha's indirect consent, and the happiness in his heart is self-evident, but he didn't let go in a hurry, but said: "There must be a proof! "

After hearing this, Ansha raised her head and said involuntarily, "We elves don't lie!"

After hearing this, Ye Qianran shook his head and said, "That also needs to be proved, so that I can really feel at ease!"

"Then...then how do you prove it?" Ansha's face was full of doubts after hearing this.

Ye Qianran looked at Ansha's expression, and the corner of his mouth curled up at this moment, but the next moment, he kissed Ansha's lips directly.

Ansha was stunned, is this the proof Ye Qianran wants?

While Ye Qianran took advantage of Ansha's loss of consciousness, he also sneaked in, and pried open the soft lips. When the sweetness was revealed, Ye Qianran's heartbeat accelerated, and there was an electric shock. It feels like time stands still for an instant...

Ansha came back to her senses, her heartbeat also accelerated slightly, the electric shock-like feeling also made her body tense up, but soon she also shyly closed her beautiful eyes...

The lips were completely released, and Ye Qianran couldn't help but sink into Ansha's jerky response, while the hands on Ansha's back involuntarily scrubbed slightly.

While Ansha was kissing, she couldn't help thinking of the scene of that day in her mind, and the strange feeling became deeper and deeper at this time, and finally her whole body lost strength.

After a long time, when Ye Qianran let go of Ansha, he also noticed Ansha's state at this time, and was obviously stunned for a while. At this moment, he first felt that something was wrong, and then a strange look emerged. Are you sensitive?

Originally, he was just planning to kiss, but seeing Ansha like this, he couldn't help but feel agitated again. After swallowing a mouthful of saliva, he kissed him again. At this time, Ansha didn't refuse but chose to respond. Still with jerky...

An hour later, in the room where Ansha lived, the space surged, and two figures emerged at this time.

Seeing the limp Ansha, Ye Qianran's expression became gentler, and then he put her down carefully, and then pulled the quilt over her body.

He glanced at the rosy Ansha again, lowered his head and kissed her lightly on the forehead, and then disappeared in the surge of space.

And after Ye Qianran disappeared, Ansha opened her eyes, stretched out her hand and put it on her forehead, an unspeakable feeling rippling in her heart, recalling the scene in the water, her face flushed suddenly, but It was pulling the quilt, and the whole person got in.

If someone else sees it, I'm afraid my jaw will drop, because it's hard to imagine that Ansha, as the patriarch, will be like this...

After a night of nothing, the next day, Ye Qianran got up early, saw the sky was cloudless, breathed the fresh air, and was in a good mood. The matter of Ansha was actually settled in his heart... …

After eating in the morning, Ye Qianran originally planned to take Sophie and Bai Bingbing around here. After all, the elves are an absolutely pleasing place, but at this time Anya came to him and even pulled him Came outside alone.

"What's the matter Anya?" Ye Qianran was full of doubts.

"Husband, I want to ask you, yesterday... How was yesterday?" Anya said quickly, and there was still a little worry on her face, but the look of anticipation seemed to be more.

"What happened!"

Ye Qianran did understand what Anya meant, but she still pretended not to understand.

"that is……"

Anya blushed and said, "It's about my mother!"

"Hey, Ansha rejected me!"

Ye Qianran first said something, and after she finished speaking, seeing Anya looked lonely, she couldn't help pulling Anya's hands up and said: "But she has promised me that if I come back safely from the other side, she will agree! "

Although Anya didn't understand what the other side of Ye Qianran's mouth meant, but she heard it clearly behind her, she immediately looked up with a happy face, and raised her head for a long time and said, "Husband, thank you!"

"Thank me?"

Ye Qianran laughed again, stretched out his hand and scratched Anya's nose gently: "Silly girl, thank me for what I did!"

"Mom, because I have worked so hard for so long, Anya doesn't want her to be lonely in the future. Now that she is well, she will be taken care of by her husband in the future. Of course, Anya is happy, so I want to thank my husband." Anya said with a smile on her face.

"What a pure-hearted girl!"

Hearing what Anya said, Ye Qianran's expression was full of strangeness, and the scene of last night inevitably appeared in his mind, and his heart was really agitated again. Hearing what Anya said, he wanted to meet Ansha again at this time Impulsive, because he was very curious, what would happen to Ansha facing him now? Will he still dodge like before?

"Husband, I'm going to find my mother!"

Anya said something quickly at this time, and after she finished speaking, she stood on her tiptoes and kissed Ye Qianran's face, and then quickly ran away.

Ye Qianran looked at the direction Anya was leaving, and could only let go of the idea of ​​going to see Ansha now, because Ansha and Anya also need a space, otherwise Ansha and Anya couldn't go on like this forever, right? In addition, Ansha really needs a space to accept, so he continued to follow the original plan, dragging Sophie and Bai Bingbing to stroll around the elves.

"Hey, I don't know how long I will be delayed in the elves again!"

"Yeah, how could the princess fall in love with this kid!"

After the three of them walked out, the two men following Sophie emerged, their expressions full of melancholy...

One day passed again, and in the evening of that day, Anya happily found Ye Qianran and said, "Husband, mother... Mother asked me to invite you to dinner together!"


Ye Qianran was surprised when he heard this. Ansha took the initiative to invite at this time, and it seemed that he had let go of all his thoughts, so he was very happy in his heart. He agreed and took Sophie and Bai Bingbing to follow Anya towards the Walked past where Ansha was...

When they came to the place where Ansha lived, they found a table in the living room outside, and on that table were plates of fruits and vegetarian dishes he had eaten...

"You guys are here!"

A soft voice sounded, and Ye Qianran's eyes fell on a figure. At this moment, her expression was stunned. Ansha has indeed returned to her usual, mature and noble temperament, and she is still so charming...

And when the two looked at each other, Ansha's face turned rosy, and she looked even more charming because of her beauty...

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