Eternal Supreme

Chapter 797

“Still so delicious!”

When Ye Qianran tasted the vegetarian dishes, he was full of admiration again. After speaking, he raised his head and blinked at Ansha.

In her previous life, Ansha definitely belonged to the type of virtuous and loving mother, and she was beautiful, and her figure was even better. As she spoke, she glanced at Ansha's chest involuntarily. It was definitely a C-mask, and it was absolutely grooved. Must fire...

Ansha also noticed that Ye Qianran's eyes turned rosy, but after she smiled, she didn't care.

She really thought about it after thinking about it last night.

First, Ye Qianran walked into his elf guard. According to the prophecy left by the elves, that is indeed her husband, and as the patriarch of the elves, she should indeed abide by it. Second, she also agreed to agree to Ye Qianran after she came back. Thirdly, it was also because of Anya. It was because of chatting all day today that she became firm. Fourth, she and Ye Qianran already have an indelible fact, and there is no way to escape it. Fifth, it is also because of Ye Qianran's words, as long as you are happy, why care about the eyes of the world?

It was precisely because of these five points that her mind calmed down.

Then when her complexion returned to normal, her face turned rosy again, because she was next to Ye Qianran, with a big hand on her lap at this time, feeling the strange, beautiful eyes, Can't help but stare at Ye Qianran...

Dying, dying...

Looking at Ansha's reproachful eyes, Ye Qianran's agitation, it took a long time to suppress it before it was suppressed.

After dinner, the few chatted for a long time before leaving. Because she thought she was about to leave, Ye Qianran also came to Anya's place, concentrating on paying Anya a night...

Three days later, Ye Qianran chose to leave with Sophie and Bai Bingbing, because there was not much time, and he had to hurry up, after all, he still needed to meditate.

It is another reluctance to part, but Ye Qianran must be ruthless.

After the three of them left, Ansha's eyes fell on Anya and she said, "Anya, you need to get familiar with your inheritance as soon as possible, and you need to quickly integrate into your origin. Husband!"

Anya bit her lips tightly, and after nodding her head heavily, her expression was full of determination. He must persevere.

And after Ye Qianran left, he still wanted to go and see Yang Yi, but in the end he chose to give up, because it doesn't have to be a certain time, it's better to wait until all the things are resolved, let's talk, at that time He really has time.

A week later, Ye Qianran also came to the mangrove area according to his memory. When he saw the wooden house, he also took the lead in falling down. At this time, their eyes also fell on a man lying in the yard. On the old man.

"Why are you here?"

An old voice sounded, and the eyes of the Feng clan senior lying on the chair fell on a few of them, and when he said this, it was obvious that Ye Qianran could be distinguished through his breath.


Ye Qianran smiled and said: "The first reason I came here is to see Guoguo, and the second is to meditate for a while!" As he spoke, he glanced around, and said with a puzzled face, "Hey, where is Guoguo? Why didn't you see her?"

"Guoguo is also in meditation!"

The old man said with a smile: "It's on the other side of Yinyang Lake, you can see it when you go there!"

Ye Qianran nodded. Although it wasn't long since he left last time, he missed him a lot in his heart. After letting Sophie and Bai Bingbing rest here, he galloped towards Yinyang Lake alone. .

When he came all the way there, he found that the lake was still two-colored. When he fell down, his gaze also fell into the lake. At this time, he also found a figure in the lake, which was Guoguo.

The purple hair floated in the water, Guoguo's whole body was immersed in it, and the purple spiritual power surged, which seemed quite strong.

And Ye Qianran can feel strong now, which is enough to show that Guoguo's current strength is also very strong.

Seeing that Guoguo was still practicing, Ye Qianran didn't bother, but sat on the grass next to the lake and watched.

Looking carefully, I found that Guoguo has also undergone great changes at this time, her growth is more detailed, and she has become a little beauty-level existence in a completely graceful manner.

When he saw Guoguo for the first time, he had such an idea. Looking at it now, he really had the same effect as he thought in his heart.

Time passed little by little, and after about an hour or so, Guoguo suddenly opened his eyes, and in the floating purple eyes, an illusory phoenix shadow emerged, and when it roared sharply, Guoguo's body was also suspended at this time come out.


Ye Qianran's expression was stunned at this moment, and then his face turned rosy. Guoguo was not wearing any clothes and was completely naked. bare. His body is obviously more prominent than the last time he saw it, and he is even taller. His chest is already protruding, and his legs are also beautiful. When they are slightly intertwined, his heartbeat really speeds up.

With the passage of time, the spiritual power in Guoguo's body was restrained at this time, and when the immersion disappeared in his body, those purple eyes also brightened, purple hair surged, and the whole person was like a beautiful girl.

Ye Qianran looked at her with admiration, Guoguo is developing, she is definitely a super beauty.

When he was admiring, Guoguo might have sensed his presence, and a pair of beautiful eyes fell on him, and gradually the delicate little face showed great joy, and at this moment, she said: "Brother Qianran ?”

Ye Qianran was obviously taken aback again after hearing this, was he recognized by this girl?

When he was thinking this way, Guoguo galloped towards Ye Qianran at this moment, and the whole person got into Ye Qianran's arms at this moment, and a pair of arms like lotus root jade hooked Ye Qianran's body Arms, expression is full of joy.


Ye Qianran's eyes widened immediately after seeing it, with astonishment and a wry smile on his face.

The current Guoguo is no better than before. The cute appearance of Guoguo in the past made him like it, but now it has really changed from liking to heartbeat, especially since Guoguo is not wearing clothes yet, it has once again formed a test for him. .

Taking a deep breath to suppress the restlessness, he patted Guoguo on the back and said, "Come down first!"

Guoguo didn't seem to hear it, and still hugged him for a while, then let go of him, but those purple eyes still looked at Ye Qianran, sizing him up.

Ye Qianran smiled, reached out and pinched Guoguo's face, and then asked curiously, "Guoguo, how did you recognize me?"

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