Eternal Supreme

Chapter 798

"Brother's breath!"

Guoguo said four simple words, then blinked her eyes and said, "I still have feelings, so Guoguo will remember what my brother has become!"

Ye Qianran smiled and said: "What about your clothes, put them on first and talk!"

After hearing this, Guoguo looked at a certain place, and when Ye Qianran turned her head to look, she really noticed it too, with a surge of mental power, she pulled all the clothes over.

"Brother, help me put on..."


Twenty minutes later, when Ye Qianran put on the last piece of clothes for Guoguo, he was really relieved. Now Guoguo is definitely not the same as before, and his heartbeat has been speeding up the whole time.

Guoguo pursed her lips and smiled, then got into Ye Qianran's arms again and said, "Brother, will you stay for a while this time?"

Ye Qianran nodded after hearing this: "Yes, let's meditate together in the future!"

"Hmm!" Guoguo's face was filled with joy after hearing this.

Ye Qianran smiled again, and after chatting with Guoguo, he also pulled Guoguo and galloped towards the thatched cottage.

That night, Ye Qianran, Guoguo, Bai Bingbing and Sophie slept on the same bed. When she woke up the next day, Ye Qianran found that Guoguo was sleeping on top of him. , take off your clothes? In addition to wry smile or wry smile.

After breakfast that day, Ye Qianran and Guoguo also came to Yinyang Lake. When he jumped into Yinyang Lake to meditate, he found something: "Guoguo, why are you taking off your clothes!"

"Well, I got my clothes wet!"

As Guoguo said, she also took off all the clothes on her body. When her body was fully displayed, her body was also suspended at this time, and her long hair was fluttering, and she also fell into the water at this time.

After Ye Qianran saw it, he galloped over and dived into the water.

Although there are few water and fire beads in Yinyang Lake, it is a place where the power of heaven and earth gathers, so it is very helpful to his cultivation.

Time passed, and a month later, Ye Qianran also raised Aolong to the ninth floor, Bamen to the eighth floor, Sword God Seal was on the seventh floor, but the next two floors could not be hit.

Even if it succeeds, the power is not as powerful as the explosion of the sixth floor.

Even so, the highest of Aolong and the highest of Bamen are enough to show how hard he has been practicing during this month, and he has almost never stopped.

Sophie and Bai Bingbing also understood something, so during this month, at most they came to see occasionally, except for these, they never took the initiative to bother.

When Guoguo was meditating in the lake that day, Ye Qianran also came to the shore, opened her phoenix eyes, interlaced her hands, and began to attack the ninth layer of the Sword God Seal...

The Seal of the Sword God is indeed strong enough, the more it goes to the back, the more terrifying it can be reflected, it is really shocking.

When the other eight gates were opened, his speed also soared completely. He firmly believed that under the eight gates, even the master level on the other side might be difficult to reach, so his confidence in going to the other side also increased.

The last two seals of Sword God Seal, Sealing Heaven Seal and Anti-Tian Seal, are absolutely super complicated. He tried it a few days ago, and even a slight mistake would fail, so absolute concentration of mental power is required.

At this time, he also concentrated himself, crossed his hands, and surged with sword intent. Although he succeeded, the power was still not great in the end, and he couldn't show the desired effect at all.

At this time, he couldn't help thinking carefully, and soon he thought of something.

He has always ignored one point, that is the sword intent. If the sword intent is improved, he believes that the power of the sword god seal will definitely be raised to another level.

Thinking of this, a little restlessness appeared in my heart.

The first level of sword intent, there is a sword in the hand, but there is no sword in the heart. It is about the concentration of mental power, and there is only the sword in the eyes, nothing else.

The second level of sword intent, without a sword in his hand, has a sword in his heart. Literally, even if he doesn't have a sword in his hand, as long as he has a sword in his heart, he can still kill people.

Moreover, he has seen the seniors of the Giant Sword Sect use it. Even a single leaf can cut off a tree. What level is that?

The third level suggested that there is a sword in the heart without a sword in his hand. This is really difficult to understand, so he has not thought about it now, and now he has to cultivate the second level of sword intent first.

However, although he was practicing, he was not in a hurry at this time, but sat there and thought about it first.

And what he was thinking about was very simple, that is how to have a sword in his heart...

But this question has never been considered clearly, so I took out the ice sword and practiced at this time, but the first sword intent can be easily displayed, but the second layer, the so-called sword in my heart, I can't understand how.

After trying for a long time and still failing, Ye Qianran also lay down on the soft grass, watched Guoguo meditate in the water, and there was no one to chat with, and immediately entered the spiritual space.

And after coming to the spiritual space, Xiao Mei closed her eyes there, but after feeling something, she also opened her eyes.

"elder brother……"

Xiaomei's voice was still sweet, and then she hugged Ye Qianran with her whole body.

Ye Qianran patted on Xiaomei's body, ready to have a brief chat with Xiaomei, but at the next moment, she suddenly thought of something, looked at Xiaomei and said, "Xiaomei, let me ask you a question!"

"Hmm!" Xiao Mei's face was full of doubts after hearing this.

Ye Qianran thought for a while, and said directly: "What does it mean to have a sword in your heart, do you just keep thinking about it?"

Xiao Mei was stunned for a moment after hearing this, then frowned and thought for a while and said, "I can't think about it, at least I have it in my heart!"

Ye Qianran smiled wryly: "But how can I have it in my heart?" He said with a helpless face, and he also considered it, but he couldn't do it at all.

After hearing this, Xiao Mei said: "Well, I thought of it, but if I tell my brother, what reward does Xiao Mei have?"

Ye Qianran was stunned for a moment, surprise emerged, and then thought of Xiaomei's reward, after thinking for a long time, he stretched out his hands and kissed her lips directly.

Kissing with Xiaomei before had a feeling of mental turmoil, and this time was no exception. When the spirit was turbulent, there was an electric shock. After a simple kiss, Ye Qianran looked at Xiaomei with a smile and said: " Is this reward okay?"

"Well, it's not enough!" Xiao Mei blushed after hearing this.

"Isn't that enough?"

Ye Qianran was stunned for a moment, and then noticed Xiaomei's look of anticipation, and immediately understood what it meant. After blinking, she kissed her again the next moment, but when her mind was in turmoil, she also pried open the soft mouth.

The same feeling of softness spread, which really made Ye Qianran's heart beat faster. Under the silence, she also began to guide, while Xiaomei closed her eyes and responded slightly jerky. Judging from the clenched hands, she still A little nervous, but it didn't take long before the whole person relaxed at this time.

After a long time, Ye Qianran let go of Xiaomei, and then smiled and said: "Is it okay?"

Xiao Mei's face turned rosy, and she finally nodded slightly, but she lowered her head first, then raised her head again after a long time and said, "Brother, do you like me?"

When Ye Qianran heard Xiaomei's question, she was stunned again, then nodded slightly in agreement and said, "Of course I like it!"

"Then brother must have me in his heart, right?" Xiao Mei said, looking directly at Ye Qianran with a pair of eyes with anticipation.

"Of course!" Ye Qianran said without hesitation.

"That Xiaomei is a heavenly weapon, and it can be regarded as a special sword. Since my brother has me in his heart, it means he also has a sword in his heart!"

Xiao Mei's face turned rosy as she said that, and then said shyly: "I don't know if I'm right or not!"


Ye Qianran was stunned when he heard it, because of Xiao Mei's words, his mind became completely clear at this time, what Xiao Mei said was not wrong, Xiao Mei is a heavenly weapon, and it can be regarded as an alternative The sword, he has Xiaomei in his heart, so he also has a sword in his heart.

Sometimes, this thing is often just a breakthrough in comprehension. If you can't comprehend, a certain limit cannot be reached at all, so at this time his heart is really excited.

But Xiaomei blinked her eyes and said again: "I remember that the person who created Xiaomei at that time could cut open the world with a sword!"


Ye Qianran froze there immediately after hearing this, with a face full of disbelief.

At this time, Xiaomei continued: "Because she made Xiaomei, she has Xiaomei in her heart, and my brother has me in his heart because he likes me, so brother can do it!"

Ye Qianran understood Xiaomei's meaning better at this time, and immediately kissed Xiaomei's lips again, this girl helped him a lot.

After Ye Qianran let go of Xiao Mei for a long time, he also couldn't wait to choose to leave. After leaving, he didn't raise the sword, but took out the branch, closed his eyes and recalled Xiao Mei's words again, his heart was very peaceful, yes , What Xiaomei said was not wrong at all.

Having a sword in your heart can be said to be a kind of sustenance, a kind of spiritual sustenance, but this kind of sustenance has already reached the reality of existence.

He definitely has Xiaomei in his heart, and he has never used Xiaomei as a tool before. Looking back at the feeling of heartbeat, the branch of Ye Qianran was also waving at this time, and he did not want to go at this time. Dedicated to connecting with the second level of sword intent.

Instead, he immersed himself wholeheartedly, thinking about what Xiaomei said, and gradually his whole body was immersed in it. The scene of meeting Xiaomei for the first time appeared in his mind, and the subsequent contact and development, after such a long time, He is also used to Xiaomei's existence, and he cannot do without it. It is also a habit, and a habit is also a kind of sustenance.


When Ye Qianran was thinking about these things, his mind suddenly cleared up at this moment. It was an unspeakable feeling that his mental power erupted like a volcano. The feeling at that moment was so surging...

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