Eternal Supreme

Chapter 804

"Are you worried about your future husband?"

Seeing the woman's expression like this, Ye Qianran had a strange look on his face.

The woman has never met each other, so she has no feelings at all. He really doesn't understand why the woman is so emotional. sex. Besides, did the husband figure it out? Is it reliable? So when he thought of this, he felt a little helpless.

These days, there really is everyone.

The woman nodded with a reddish face after hearing this, but she did not deny it.

Ye Qianran shrugged helplessly and didn't say anything. He leaned against the tree, closed his eyes and rested.

Seeing that Ye Qianran stopped talking, the woman closed her eyes and rested there, because Ye Qianran didn't have to worry about the rain here, so she fell asleep quickly.

The next day, when the woman woke up, she felt warm and felt very comfortable. She opened her eyes in a daze, looked up, and then froze there, and the next moment, her face flushed red. He got up, screamed, his spiritual power surged, and he kicked Ye Qianran down.

Ye Qianran also woke up instantly after being teased by the woman. When he saw himself falling freely, his face changed slightly, and his mental power surged out at this moment.

Although he didn't do any harm when he fell, but because of the rain, there was quite a lot of mud underneath.

"You are sick!"

After Ye Qianran floated to the side, he couldn't help but glared at the woman, his face full of helplessness.

"You have the disease!"

The woman said angrily: "Why are you hugging me!" After speaking, her chest rose and fell at this moment, and she looked also full of anger.

"Okay I'm sorry!"

Ye Qianran shrugged helplessly, a good man doesn't fight a woman, so ask. sex. He didn't say anything more, but if this woman was a man, he would definitely punch her to death...

The woman gave Ye Qianran a cold look and said, "Don't get too close to me in the future!" After she finished speaking, she turned her head, judging from the degree of chest heaving, her anger seemed to have calmed down.

She really thought that Ye Qianran must have leaned in by herself, and the purpose was to take advantage of her, so it was inevitable to be angry in her heart.


Ye Qianran shrugged helplessly again, he really didn't know now whether it was right or wrong to follow this woman, he had been beaten twice inexplicably.

Because the sky hadn't officially brightened yet, Ye Qianran leaned on another branch to rest for a while, because the raindrops had disappeared, so there was no need to worry about other things...

Half an hour later, the sun rose slowly, and the colorful rays of light poured down, like a golden snake dancing wildly. It looked domineering and amazing, and after the rain, the air was more humid and fresher , Breathing is very comfortable.

Ye Qianran fell from the tree when the sun was getting warmer.

And when he came down, the woman also came down, and after a simple meal, the two galloped out again.

Ye Qianran asked deliberately at this moment: "Is it right to go here? Don't be too far away from your future husband!"

"My feelings have never been missed!" The woman snorted coldly.

Ye Qianran shrugged helplessly here. Under the perception of spiritual power, he could feel that the breath of monsters was stronger than in the previous area. The Forest of Ten Thousand Monsters is so big, if he breaks into a place that shouldn't be, Then there is really something to play.

But seeing that the woman's mind is determined, she can only follow helplessly, there is no way...

At noon, Ye Qianran's expression became more focused, and he galloped all the way. The terrain below had obviously changed, the terrain became more and more dangerous, the mountains were undulating, and the trees were densely packed. They galloped in the air, and they could hear the There were whistling sounds from time to time, and the surge of spiritual power could be felt from time to time. It seemed that they had entered a relatively dangerous place in the Forest of Ten Thousand Monsters.

In the evening, when passing the huge river, the figure of the woman stopped, turned her head to look at Ye Qianran and said, "Let's rest here today!"

Ye Qianran nodded blankly. It was the first time he had seen such a big river, because from a high place, he found that it was very long, extending continuously among the mountains and forests. You can see a very vast waterfall.

Seeing the woman fall, Ye Qianran also followed at this time.

When she came to the bottom, the woman said at this time: "Going forward, you will encounter a natural barrier. After passing there, you will belong to the real core of the Forest of Ten Thousand Monsters. There are many powerful races hidden in it!"

"Is there a dragon family?" Ye Qianran's heart moved, and he asked curiously at this moment.

"Dragon Ball is in Dragon Valley, which is also the core area of ​​the Forest of Ten Thousand Monsters. It is forbidden for people to pass there, unless it is a top-level human force!" the woman said.

"Is it?"

Ye Qianran narrowed his eyes slightly, and a strange look appeared on his expression. He couldn't help but think of Longyuan in his body.

He heard from Long Wushuang that the spiritual power contained in Longyuan was terrifying and powerful. If he could completely absorb or even integrate it into his original source, then his strength would soar wildly.

At that time, Long Wushuang's meaning seemed to be to allow him to completely integrate Longyuan, but how easy is it?

When he was cultivating, he would occasionally reach a low level. At that time, he could feel the thickness and strength of the dragon source, which was not something he could easily set foot on, so he should keep a low profile. If there is no opportunity, he will not Easy to try.

Thinking of this, his eyes fell on the woman and said: "Do you know that there is a battle of Longyuan among the dragon clan?"


The woman nodded and said: "The Battle of Longyuan is a sacred scripture of Dragon Valley. When it opens, the top human forces will be invited to visit!"

"Tianfu? Jiuyou? Secret realm?" Ye Qianran asked.

"Well, there is Tongtian Pavilion!"

The woman paused, frowned slightly, but soon relaxed, turned her head to look at Ye Qianran and said, "Who are you? It looks like you know a lot!"

"Hey, handsome!" Ye Qianran raised the corners of his mouth with a slightly smug expression.

The woman frowned, glanced at Ye Qianran and said, "Not as good as my husband by three points..."

Ye Qianran shrugged helplessly, and was too lazy to talk. This woman has never even seen her before. I really don't know where her confidence comes from. There is Xi Shi in it, even if he knows that the other party is bad, he seems to have to keep a low profile.

"Let's eat grilled fish tonight!"

When Ye Qianran came to the huge river, the surging voice was really loud, and his mental power surged. Suddenly, several fat fish levitated under his control and landed in front of his eyes.

With his right hand spread out, Ye Qianran also started grilling at the same time as the fire surged. It didn't take long before the fragrant and tender smell of fish came out.

His divine sense control is very strong at this time, grilling fish, grilling meat and so on is definitely very easy for him.

After baking, Ye Qianran also threw some to the woman, and then he leaned against a tree and ate...

The sun was setting and the sky was gradually drawing down. When it was completely dark, there was only a bright moon and countless stars shining in the sky, which looked very beautiful.

"Can you go inside to get some?" The woman said slowly, with a slightly hesitant expression.

"Are you going to bathe here?"

Ye Qianran guessed something, frowned slightly and said: "The current here is very fast, it seems a bit inappropriate!"

"This is not something you should care about!" The woman said with a ruddy complexion.

Ye Qianran shrugged helplessly, and immediately galloped out...

After seeing Ye Qianran leave, the woman also walked to the river. At this moment, those eyes suddenly brightened. The next moment, the strange spiritual power began to fluctuate at this moment, and the complicated mysterious seal flickered at this moment. For four weeks, part of the river seemed to be cut off in an instant, gradually slowing down, and finally came to a standstill. At that moment, it seemed that time stood still.

Ye Qianran, who galloped out, also felt the strange spiritual power behind him, and his expression suddenly became a bit surprised. Looking back, the phoenix eyes opened, and his expression was suddenly stunned... Then his mouth opened wide, his throat moved, deep He swallowed deeply... Is this figure the legendary golden ratio?

It was so beautiful, he remembered that Qiao Xiaodi also had such a figure, but the woman in front of him was taller, especially the long legs... well...

Ye Qianran's nose became hot, and he turned his head quickly, but when he turned his head, he found extremely complicated marks floating up and down on the woman's body, which looked full of mystery.

What is she going to do?

Ye Qianran was curious, but she also turned her head at this time...

Then he glanced around, landed on a tree and waited patiently. The woman's figure is indeed good, but he also has a lot of top-quality girls, so he still stops now. He has a mission to come here, so he must I can't provoke my sister anymore...

Besides, the girl in front of me already has her own heart, so he should keep a low profile. In case his future husband finds out, he should have read something that he shouldn't have read. There are really some things that are not good...

While waiting patiently, he soon felt the strange movement of spiritual power again, and a strange color appeared at this time. It seems that this woman, as a member of the Tiansu family, is indeed quite miraculous, and she seems to be quite mysterious...

Time passed, about 20 minutes or so, the woman turned back. At this time, she took off the previous tightly covered clothes, and put on a white long skirt that wrapped her chest. Her long black hair was hanging loose. Although wearing a veil, it feels really different...

It feels like a female man has transformed into a goddess...

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