Eternal Supreme

Chapter 805

"Why did you suddenly change your costume?"

Ye Qianran's body fell down, and she looked at the woman with a slightly surprised expression. At this time, she really looked very attractive.


The woman's expression was a little shy, and there was an unspeakable joy in her eyes. At this moment, she said directly: "I tried to use the fortune teller just now, and then I calculated that my future husband is near me. That means I could see him at any time!"


Ye Qianran looked slightly surprised, and then said: "How close is that?"

What he meant was that if he opened up his mental power, he might be able to feel it, and it would save a lot of time, after all, he didn't have much time here.

The woman thought for a while, and then said: "It shouldn't be too far away!" Her voice was slightly hesitant, and she was obviously not sure, but her expression was full of anticipation.

Ye Qianran shrugged and tried to open up his spiritual sense at this time. He belongs to the level of the soul at this time, and the ability of spiritual perception covers a very wide range of nausea. As long as the woman said nothing wrong, he believed that he would be able to feel it. of.

The woman also felt Ye Qianran's huge spiritual power, and her expression inevitably showed extreme surprise again, but at this time, her expression became more expectant.

In Ye Qianran's feelings, he indeed felt three auras. It was three people. He looked in one direction, and his eyes fell on the woman. He said: "There are three people in that direction, let's go and have a look!"


After hearing this, the woman's expression was immediately excited, and she stopped looking at the weather, and rushed out with Ye Qianran.

After galloping for a while, Ye Qianran looked over and found two old men and a young man...

The two old men gave him a strong feeling, and the young man was also good, and he seemed to be equally strong.

If one of these three people is the future husband of the woman, the two old men must not be, that is, the young man. At this time, Ye Qianran took a look at the young man, and found that he was still quite handsome, and his size was not too big. Quite tall, but definitely weak compared to him...

The woman also landed beside him at this time, Ye Qianran couldn't help but asked, "Is that young man your husband?" She said with curiosity on her face.

The woman looked up, frowned slightly and said, "I'm not sure either."

As soon as the words fell, a cold voice sounded: "Who?"

Hearing that voice, Ye Qianran also knew that the two of them had been discovered because of the woman's arrival, so she shrugged helplessly and immediately brought the woman down.

When they came to the bottom, the three of them also stood up at the same time, and their eyes fell on them. When they saw that they were two young people, their expressions were obviously surprised.

At this moment, the young man glanced at them and said, "Who are you?"

Ye Qianran was startled, his eyes fell on the woman, waiting for her answer.

"Who are you?" The woman looked at the young man with a slightly hesitant expression, obviously she was not sure.

The man glanced at the woman, and there was a strange look on his expression, maybe he didn't expect to meet such a beautiful woman here, and then he smiled and said: "I hand over to Yang Zedong, the young suzerain of Amaterasu Sect! "

"Is it?"

The woman frowned slightly, nodded, but did not speak.

Seeing the woman's expression, Ye Qianran knew that the other party might not be her, but she also asked curiously: "What are you three doing in the Forest of Ten Thousand Monsters?"

"Catch the beast!"

The man said something, and the corner of his mouth turned up: "Are you two interested?"

Ye Qianran frowned, and then said: "It seems that the three captures must be very powerful!"


The man smiled and said: "We already have a target!" The corners of his mouth turned up, and he said proudly: "I saw a black mink a while ago, and it was even damaged during our pursuit! But it has already It was left a mark by us, if you want to run, you can't run away!"

"Mysterious mink?"

Ye Qianran was stunned for a moment, and his heart beat involuntarily. When the man mentioned the black mink, the first thing he thought of was the little mink, so he frowned, and then said: "Well, if that's the case, let's Let's go together, I haven't seen Xuan Diao yet, this time I just learned a lot!"

Yang Zedong glanced at the woman, and finally nodded with a smile in agreement.

The woman frowned slightly, obviously not wanting to do so. Now that she was sure that the three people in front of her were not what he wanted, she didn't want to stay, but wanted to keep looking.

Ye Qianran also saw the woman's expression and said immediately: "Don't be too anxious, there are only these three people around, and I will keep an eye on it for you. If I find other people, I will tell you. In addition, since The other party is your future husband, you will meet sooner or later, sometimes you don't need to force too much!"

The woman's eyes fluttered, and finally she nodded slightly, because he had to admit that what Ye Qianran said did have some truth.

Yang Zedong nodded with a smile, "What are the names of those two?"

Ye Qianran said directly: "Ye Qianran!" After speaking, he glanced at the woman, as if he didn't know her name yet.

The woman hesitated for a while and finally said: "Yao Qianyu..."

"Siyu? Good name!"

After hearing this, Yang Zedong immediately exclaimed, "Young girl, what a name."

"Thank you!" Yao Qianyu nodded lightly, and after saying two simple words, she didn't react too much.

Seeing Yao Qianyu like this, Yang Zedong couldn't help but frowned. Tianzhaozong is also a very powerful force in the secret realm, and Yao Qianyu's performance is really disappointing.

For the rest of the time, Yang Zedong automatically ignored Ye Qianran and kept chatting with Yao Qianyu.

However, Yao Qianyu didn't intend to chat, so she stopped after a while, and everything became quiet at this moment.

Ye Qianran was watching from the side, and couldn't help laughing, a gentleman is a good lady, Yang Zedong is good, he can also be called a gentleman, but Yao Qianyu has his own heart, and it is almost difficult to change, and he doesn't look at people when he is a girl , it is really enough...

This fate is doomed to fail...

There was nothing to say all night, and the next day, Ye Qianran followed Yang Zedong and the three of them to eat some fruit, and then went straight on the road. At the same time, the two old men kept measuring the distance, and it didn't take long before they suddenly accelerated .

"Found it?" Ye Qianran's eyes fluttered, and his expression became tense at this moment...

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