Eternal Supreme

Chapter 816

"Ru Bing is in this stone house!"

When Yan Yichen brought Ye Qianran to a stone house, he stopped in his footsteps, his eyes fell on Ye Qianran again and said: "However, because of the seal of the black mink clan on her body, she cannot be touched now. !"

"It's okay, I'll just take a look!"

Ye Qianran said something softly, and the fluctuation of his voice was a little bigger at this time.

Yan Yichen nodded, waved his right hand, and the majestic white spiritual power surged. When entering the stone gate, the light also surged out at this time, and after more than ten seconds, it also fell silent.

After Ye Qianran glanced at Yan Yichen, and after he nodded, his mental power surged, and the stone door slowly opened at this time, and he also walked in directly at this time.

Yan Yichen and Yao Qianyu did not follow, but chose to wait outside.

When Ye Qianran came inside, he first felt a strong fluctuation of spiritual power, and then found that the surrounding stone walls were full of complicated lines, and the lines were filled with spiritual power at this time, which seemed to give people a very strange feeling. Mysterious feeling.

In the center of the stone house, there is a huge stone bed, which also reveals spiritual power.

At this time, his gaze also fell on a figure on the stone bed, and the surroundings of that figure were also covered by spiritual power.

Ye Qianran walked over slowly, and stopped when he was less than half a meter away from the stone bed.

At this time, Yan Rubing was still in the transformed state, looking at the familiar face, Ye Qianran's expression changed, with a little softness.

From the time when he really embarked on the path of cultivation, she accompanied her and helped him secretly many times. Now that he thinks about it, his expression also shows a blurred look...

Yan Rubing was indeed very beautiful, and upon closer inspection she looked somewhat similar to Yan Ruxue.

From his heart, he really likes beautiful girls, but even if the Yan Rubing in front of him looks ordinary, he would still like it, because what he likes is that kind of feeling, the feeling of being with her...

Xiao Hei's spiritual power surged at this time, Ye Qianran chose to take a step, then walked through the seal, and slowly sat beside Yan Rubing, stretched out his hand to pull a strand of her hair to the side, and then said : "Don't worry, I will definitely save you, and I will also get back the person who injured you at that time!"

Speaking of Ye Qianran's face was slightly cold, Tongtian Pavilion? Maybe a very strong existence, but he doesn't care about it, don't mess with him, especially don't touch his woman...

The firm look flashed away, and then seeing Yan Rubing's face was gentle again, he lowered his head and kissed Yan Rubing's forehead for a long time, then stood up.

He is actually not a person who likes to wait, now he just wants to get rid of the Yanying Clan as soon as possible, and then take Yan Rubing to Tianfu, maybe after Yan Rubing is really cured, he can be completely at ease. .

Only after Yan Rubing recovered completely, would he be able to think about doing other things.


Seeing Ye Qianran walk out so quickly, Yan Yichen was really surprised. He originally thought that Ye Qianran needed to stay inside for a while.


Ye Qianran nodded and said: "It's still early, take me to the Yanying Clan!"

Yan Yichen was startled, and then instantly understood Ye Qianran's meaning. After waving his hands to close the stone door again, he took the lead and walked outside.

Returning to the meeting hall, Yan Yichen finally decided to let the two elders bring Ye Qianran with him, so that if any accident happened, it would be easy to deal with.

What he was thinking about was that although Ye Qianran's true self was a Dragon Clan and had a strong aura, he was facing the entire Flame Shadow Clan, and if things didn't go well, something would happen, so it should be easier to clean up the situation.

"Qian Yu, you should stay in the Xuan Diao Clan first, I will go with the two elders and come back soon!"

Ye Qianran actually knew that there would be certain dangers, so he chose to let Yao Qianyu stay, so that he could feel more at ease.

Yao Qianyu also understood something, nodded and said: "Then be careful!"

Ye Qianran raised his mouth and said, "Don't worry, my catastrophe should not appear here!" After speaking, he turned his head to look at the two old men and said, "Seniors, let's go!"

The two elders of the Xuan mink clan nodded slightly and did not talk nonsense, they took the lead and galloped out.

The Eye Shadow Clan is not far from the Xuan Diao Clan, half a day's journey at normal speed, and Ye Qianran chose to use Xiao Hei to take them there after going out, so he also came to the Yanying Clan in the afternoon.

The Yanying Clan also sat in that mountain range, but the scenery of this mountain range is not as good as Ye Qianran imagined. There are trees here, but they are very scarce, and the temperature is much higher than other places, but even so, But the power of heaven and earth here is even more intense.

When he felt extremely surprised, the voice of the flame knife sounded: "What a domineering sky fire breath, tsk tsk, there is a very strong sky fire breath here!"

"Sky fire?"

Ye Qianran was stunned for a moment, his expression showed surprise, he was indeed domineering enough, it's no wonder there were such scenes around him.

The two elders of the Xuan Diao clan also heard Ye Qianran's surprised words. At this time, one of the elders said: "Sky fire is the birth of heaven and earth, it is the purest and most domineering, so the Yanying clan, who believe in Skyfire is even more named after Yan! And within the Yanying Clan, a group of Skyfire was born."

Ye Qianran narrowed his eyes slightly, and he really had a lot of interest in his heart. If this source is taken away, his strength will probably be stronger.

But would people from the Yanying clan do it? After all, that thing is something that people believe in, and now thinking about it, it can only be played by ear.

Ye Qianran's eyes fell on the mountain range, and Ye Qianran also let Xiao Hei circle around at this time.

"Who will commit the crime!"

A cold voice sounded, an illusory shadow passed by, and a monster with red hair all over suddenly rushed up.

The monster looked extremely fierce, including the red pupils, but when it emerged, it turned into a middle-aged man amidst the surging red light.

With red robes, long red hair, and red eyes, Ye Qianran thought they belonged to the Spirit Blood Clan, after all, Sophie also behaved like this.

"The black mink family?"

The middle-aged man noticed the two elders of the Xuan Diao clan, and his expression suddenly showed a strange light. After he finished speaking, his eyes fell on Ye Qianran and said: "Human?" He frowned slightly as he spoke Get up, don't understand the purpose of the three people coming here.

Ye Qianran naturally also felt the strong aura of the other party, and his strength should be good. Before the middle-aged man asked any more questions, he said directly: "My name is Ye Qianran, and I am here to visit the Yanying Clan."


The middle-aged man glanced at Ye Qianran and said, "Then what's the matter with you coming to our Yanying Clan?"


Ye Qianran nodded lightly and said: "On behalf of the Xuan Diao Clan, I'm here to talk to your Yanying Clan about the marriage between the two parties!"


The middle-aged man smiled lightly after hearing this and said: "Okay, then follow me, I also want to see what kind of idea the black mink clan will have when they let you, a little human, come over!"

After the middle-aged man finished speaking, his body also galloped down.

Ye Qianran naturally also saw the disdain in his expression, but he didn't care about it at the moment. When he got to the bottom, he would impress this guy.

When Xiao Hei was hovering at this time, Ye Qianran also took a look, and found that the Yanying Clan was also in the stone building, and his spiritual power was surging. He deliberately felt the breath of Xia Tianhuo, but found that Tianhuo Not in the valley.

However, he still didn't care. With the flame knife, he didn't have to worry about finding it.

Landing on a small square in the valley, Ye Qianran found a lot of monsters that hadn't transformed yet. Every aura was so strong that when he looked at them, he looked at them with a look of vigilance.

Ye Qianran took a glance and looked away, he really wants to call Qiqi out now, is it more breathless? Just scare all these people to pee, motherfucker...

Of course, he is just thinking about this, there is no need to be so high-profile now, let's keep it low-key...

Skimming the small square, he also followed the man to a stone hall. At this time, the middle-aged man glanced at the three of them and said, "You three wait here. I'll invite our patriarch!" After speaking, he turned and left up.

Ye Qianran looked back at the stone palace, and found that the walls were engraved with pictures of flames, including the shape of the patriarch sitting in the shape of flames, which seemed to be exactly what the two elders of the black mink clan said , the Yanying clan believes in sky fire.

After looking around, Ye Qianran also sat down on the side, then looked at the two elders of the Xuan Diao clan and said: "Seniors, please sit down, you are welcome!"

That tone, it seems that this place is like my own home.

The two elders looked at each other, and finally chose to sit down, but when footsteps sounded outside, they sat up again, while Ye Qianran was still sitting there.

If he had only one way before coming here, then he has two ways now, and he really wants to use the second way now.

But this second method requires a lot of talking. If it works well, they will send it up on their own initiative. If it doesn’t work well, they are using the first one. Anyway, there is a way out, so he is not in a hurry. of.

Now he was just brewing emotions, so even though he heard the sound of footsteps outside, he still didn't intend to stand up...

Soon a few people came in from the outside, besides the middle-aged man they had seen before, there was another person who looked similar to him, but his expression was calmer and full of majesty, The others are five or six elders. Although they seem to be of a certain age, their hair is still red, and they look extremely eye-catching...

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